Monday, February 16, 2009

California at the Brink of disaster! 20,000 Civil servants laid off!

Schwarzenegger To Send Layoff Notices Tuesday
SACRAMENTO -- With budget negotiations stalled, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will begin the process of laying off thousands of state workers.
Schwarzenegger spokesman Aaron McLear said Monday the administration will issue 20,000 notices to employees with the least seniority.
The notices will start going out Tuesday to workers in corrections, health and human services and other agencies that receive money from the general fund.

Administration officials are seeking to eliminate up to 10,000 jobs as part of the governor's order to cut 10 percent from the government payroll.
The governor had delayed releasing the notices Friday when it appeared lawmakers would pass a compromise plan to fill the state's $42 billion shortfall. But a marathon weekend session has so far failed to produce the necessary votes.
The layoffs are projected to save $750 million in the 2009-10 fiscal year.


  1. it's about time we trim this pig...

  2. You are not kidding. You could trim that fat with a chain saw.

  3. Absolutely. This is good news. A tax increase would be suicide.

    I'd suggest changing the title to: "California averts disaster! 20,000 Civil servants laid off."

  4. The problem with these layoffs is that there another 20,000 people unemployed collecting welfare, food stamps, losing their homes, possibly bankrupt. So the family suffers, but give money to the banks thats OK?

  5. "So the family suffers, but give money to the banks thats OK?"

    Give what money to the banks? Banks don't want homes worth less than the mortgage.

  6. Anon where have you been? Through four auctions in December and January, the Fed lent dozens of financial firms $100 billion at rates well below the discount rate, the rate at which distressed lenders formerly had to borrow. THATS OK? The banks should take the mortgages that they lent out and EAT IT.

  7. OK so don't cut the jobs.. did anyone ever think of cutting the billions in support to the illegals.

    the time is now...I am sick to be called a califorian.

  8. Not even government bureaucrats are immune from this collapse. The good news is governments must invariably shrink as the mess deepens. The bad news is that there will be more jobless, more homeless, thus more crime, more disease, and more chaos.


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