
Saturday, March 14, 2009

20/20 and economists all say "No Stimulus"


  1. I live in Toronto, Canada and our country is losing jobs at pace much faster than the USA.

    Our prime minister states if I am correct that our economy is better.

    What is going on.

    The local news may say a recession but I feel
    like we are headed for far worse than the IMF
    stated "Great recession"

    Dana Canada

  2. The Canadian Gov't states otherwise. They lie worse than any wall street criminal. That is why Canada will go into a worse depression than any country. We will not be ready for it because we would have spent every cent... the government tells us to..

  3. Brisbane Kiwi
    I think you will find that mainstream news
    doesn't give you all the information (or don't want to)
    I did hear this morning that unemployment in Australia was 4.8%. Latest figures 5.2% with a longer term outlook to 10%. Younger people are also struggling with very few opportunities.
    I know personally many businesses have shed casual and permenant staff recently

    The Govt here is hoping that throwing money at the situation (stimulus packages) will fix
    all. The race is not a sprint its going to be a marathon.

  4. All Governemtns and the MSM both have their own interests in mind - check for yourself and never rely on government or MSM alone to tell you what is truly happing in your village, town, city, state or country

    The figures you each hear are likely way off and will always be revised later (usually for the worse of course - kinda like a white lie huh?)

  5. Dont trust the Canadian government or mainstream media The books are cooked so to speak.Canadians are going to be in for a real big surprise a year from now when the full fury of this contraction hits the Canadian economy head on.


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