
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

ABC News: Gerald Celente Greatest Depression starts in 9 months


  1. gerald celente is a very bright man

  2. lets hope not

    its all fun and games predicting this crap ...
    until some mob wants your coat

  3. We have Super computer so it should be easy the figure out what is coming in our economic future. That is IF we would not listen to sales persons speak.
    Madoff was a great salesman 50 billion sold to the richest and brightest.
    Do the poor and the average person stand a chance I ask you?
    Its like this "figures do not lie and lairs do not figure"

  4. So far Celente has been dead on correct. I hope is is wrong but his track record commands respect. Ignore the Wall Street insiders....they just want to rob you. Be prepared for the worst. So, far everything continues to get worse regardless of the day to day wall street emotional trading.

  5. Bring it on. I, personally cannot wait till it all crashes.

  6. Most are in denial.

  7. I agree with Celente on most aspects. You can't print money out of nothing without devaluing your currency at some point. I do question, however, his final admonishment which is to "save all the money you can". If money becomes nearly worthless, I'd rather have tangible goods. At this point our family has emergency savings, but we're putting the rest into paying down debt, tools, food and food producing, possibly some more land.

  8. I wonder whether they cut out other key points Celente may have made or has pointed out previously, like start stocking food, pulling your money out of the bank, and buy gold and silver. In any event, the people in the know are taking steps now.

  9. We are a poor a family and can't do things like buy gold but we are taking every single penny we have an buying food, seeds, and paying down debt. We are learning finding ways to do with less and less in preperation of what I know will be coming.

    I have been encouraging all my family and friends to do the same. So far only my parents have taken the warning to heed and begun a deent sozed pantry. The others all act as if I am a complete loon.

  10. Celente never fails to ruin my day.

  11. Don't pay down too much in debt at one time considering hyperinflation my ensue or the pillars simply crumble.

  12. To poor families...We are not tycoons here either. If you cannot buy gold or silver, buy food and clothes. When you run out of money, at least you will have food for a couple of months. The last person before me gave an excellent advise, do not pay too much of your debt, if hyperinflation kicks in, you will pay off your debt very quickly.

  13. To Poor family. Yes, buy food and water but Silver is still very inexpensive. ($12.00 oz) Try and buy a little. If this turns into Mad Max you will at least have something to barter with.

  14. To poor families...We are not tycoons here either. If you cannot buy gold or silver, buy food and clothes. When you run out of money, at least you will have food for a couple of months. The last person before me gave an excellent advise, do not pay too much of your debt, if hyperinflation kicks in, you will pay off your debt very quickly.



    Thats decent advise, but, speaking to you "rich folks" neither Gold or Silver/platinum, etc, will do you a bit of good when the SHTF.Think about it this way, when things turn VERY SOUR within the U.S. most likely total anarchy will lead to Martial Law, thus I ask, assuming you live within 50 miles of a major metropolitan area,(which 80% of Americans do) there will be NOTHING IN STORES TO BUY, NOTHING IN MALLS OR GUN STORES, they will have been stripped clean. Therefore those people who are buying/hoarding Gold will be FORCED by the State government and or Military Officials to surrender that ASSET, as it will be a item of "valuable interest" to the presiding authorities, and thats assuming the vast criminal mobs don't go marauding and PILLAGING the upper middle class and wealthy neighborhoods for that and other items of interest. Folks, you need to realize this Country is gonna FALL HARD, you may think that the Police and Military will be there to protect you, I can assure you that won't happen, when there is NOTHING TO LIVE FOR OTHER THAN BASIC SURVIVAL AND FOOD, then the teeming hoardes of hungry people will come looking for you/me, anyone that they think has "items of interest" they will seek. And don't think for a moment that another false flag like 911 won't happen, WW2 come to mind???One thing these "invisible powers" like to do is keep us in perpetual bondage and strife with one another. YES FOLKS, EVIL IS REAL, AND EVIL DESPICABLE PEOPLE WITH ZERO CONSCIOUS EXIST. Its about time your eyes open up to the reality of humankind. WW3, Famine, Plagues, etc, etc..

  15. i agree be prepared i would rather look stupid than be hungry and wanting. a good read, though old, to show what human nature is like under pressure is "alas, babylon" by pat frank. cold war armageddon story but it will help you prepare mentally and materialistic. i have never been a end of the world survivalist type but i am now stockpiling as best i can

  16. golden nugget: The world will work as an underground society. You will be able to trade bullion for food all day long. Do you honestly believe the public will walk in their local bank/gov't office and hand in their bullion? Not a chance. You may want to read "WHEN GIANTS FALL" for the real story.

  17. It's difficult for most Americans to believe a massive depression will strike America. But when you look at the huge national debt and the unfunded mandates that cost trillions to fund every year, where is the money going to come from? China, India, Japan, and the likes will not continue funding US debt forever. When the dollar begins to depreciate in earnest, the funding game is over. Already the Fed is buying up treasuries, a sign that the funding end game is already in motion. So, there is really no way for the US to get out of this over burdening credit/debt crisis, certainly not by stimulus plans that add more debt burden to our already crushing debt. The boys in DC are lost, but in reality there is nothing they can do. And besides, what better way for Socialists to usher in Socialism, amid a crisis? It's too late to save this economy.

  18. Get away from the cities, just look at any old footage of people trying to evacuate any populated area during relatively regional catastrophes (hurricanes,floods, earthquakes...etc). During a national catastrophe people will parish trying to get out, it will too late. If you can't buy land go work on a farm, resort, ski hill,...any place to get you established away from the populated areas, there are all kinds of options for rural living. Get to know farmers, learn rural skills and be creative. At the very least you can develop a better quality of life.

  19. Always buy your gold and silver with cash. No tracing you then.

  20. All of this has been predicted for many years, so it isn´t just "modern day doomsday seers". This has been in the works for many years, as all of these videos and books tell us. The question becomes one of reaction and preparation. How will We as a people and as a society react to these impending events, and how can WE as individuals prepare for these events. In this rather extreme situation, I have a great deal of confidence in the American Citizen. For the first time in all of our lives, we shall see the "Real Silent Majority" awakened and active. Gun sales are already through the roof, and preparations have begun. That´s great on an individual level, so next comes the formation of like-minded groups to begin to develop broader, group powered objectives, that is where my fellow libertarians, constitutional conservatives, veterans and active duty members of the US military, active and retired police officers, and defenders of the United States Constitution come in. The masses will look to those of us who have been studying this impending scenario to usher in a new phase of Free America. There is a lot of great advice out there, I encourage you all to learn all that you can, now while it is still easy, possible, and legal. After the collapse, we will ALL be responsible for ourselves first, and our groups second, for without self-sustained members, no group can exist. This will require people from all walks of life bound together with a common vision. Those of you who know of what I speak will understand everything that I am saying. Those of you who do not, should attempt to come-up to speed as quickly as possible. People from either group are encouraged to contact me. Band together where you can, not everyone is a soldier, and not every man is a farmer, but together, we can endure this latest and possibly worst challenge this land has ever see. No matter what, I shall see you on the other side, God bless, and good luck to you all. -MJL

  21. If Celente was the only person predicting these things, I might question (although I am a subscriber to Trends Journal and he has been correct on trends since I began reading it), but others in the economic field also say the same thing.

    If a person does not heed the warnings, then that person will face the consequences. What does one have to lose in preparing? Not a thing, as even if the economy improves (NOT), they will be ahead anyway. Store food first, save cash second, get precious metals third, but overall this, have a sense of what is coming and prepare with others if possible. Hope is not a plan!

  22. Store up water. Easy and cheap, can use as barter. Videos on Youtube explain how store water correctly. I completely agree that food/water is most important - more so than gold/silver. If on a tight budget, buy bulk cans of beans, tuna, soups, etc. Then think of all the things you need to survive. Meds. Toilet paper, lighting. Kerosene, lamps, propane, camping tools and cooking equipment. If you are anti-gun, get bear spray, wrist rockets, crossbow .... something. If nothing happens then you eat and cycle thru your stored food, refill water, etc. There is little downside to preparing on some level.

    You will find that even wealthy people will not store up more than a week or twos worth of food. They can afford it obviously. Then why? Easy! That would be mentally accepting that the future may be horrific. Many cannot take that step.

  23. My question is why November? You would think the reporter would ask such a simple question..

  24. I think it is important to pay off debt, at least to a certain point. When hyperinflation begins wages are not going to go match that inflation, not in the begining at least. Do you really want to go through all your stored food at the begining of the crisis? Wouldn't it be better to be able to continue to buy gas and food and supplies for as long as possible. Less debt will allow for more money to buy needed supplies longer.

  25. Dana from Canada

    Thanks for the great videos. I first thought Gerald Celente was a nutbar a year ago when I watched his videos but now I am starting to believe more and more. I am seeing more signs as time progresses that his forecasts are reality as well as what Peter Schiff has been saying over the past year.

    I hope it does not get to the point of total chaos and social unrest.

    I also hope that Canada will not get to that point also.

    Thanks again

  26. Oh you worry warts. It's all going to be fine now that Obama is in there.

    How would ANYBODY like to inherit this kluge?

  27. Does anyone appreciate the irony of calling in the black man to clean the whities kitchen?

  28. In order to see what is happening one must accept that they have been a sheep and that you've been conned. That freedom is an illusion. That media is propaganda. That criminals, robbers and murderers are held up as protectors and heroes and innocents are portrayed as treacherous and evil.

    That every fraud is bombarding you 24/7. Even religious myths. Society, nationalism, patriotism - all there to contain and control your behavior.

    Discard it all and think rationally and protect yourself the best you can. Man up. Shed the BS.

  29. to aLL , learn a valuable trade , ex: plumber , heating tech , nat gas/propane tech , auto mechanics , electrical , anything energy , i am building a hydrogen generator that will run off my windmill , LEARN something of VALUe tayloring clothes will be a good one also , vegetable gardening also , LEARN something other then trying to make money grow by putting it in a box(investements) by shaking it side to side expecting it to grow , those days are over toasted , GOOD lucK to all

  30. i know alot about everything , i am a plumber/pipefitter, heat tech nat gas and propane tech , i know basic electricity and common vehicle maintenance and repair , get an older vebicle if you can find one cause parts are in abundance and easy and cheap to change , the newer ones 1995+ are junk brak all the time and parts not so readily available , also after 95' all are electronically controlled maybe even before that , at least the older vehicles are mechanically controlled and parts can be repaired in your garage or shed with grinders, welders , and whatever mechanical is fixable , electronics need parts new parts , learn how to solder learn anything that wil make your life easier to live when it CRASHES ,

  31. within 9 months -_-

  32. The only invention like the wheel or the fire I can think of would be a superconductor that superconducts at room temperature.
    So far the only superconductors discovered only superconducts at very low temperature.
    Superconductors levitates and if you can levitate things you don't need wheels.
    Still, sometimes I think room temperature superconductors have already been discovered.
    I read things about a farmer in Arizona who found strange stones in his farm and spent millions of dollars having them analysed. He claimed the thing he found there was a superconductor and that it contained metals from the platinum group (Platinum, Rhodium, Ruthenium, Osmium, Gold, etc)Those metals are rare and expensive.
    I searched the files for patented superconductors and the substances I found there did contain precious metals.
    This would be a possibility. I think somebody already has it and may come up as savior of mankind.
    Be very careful. I think some oil oligarchs know more about superconductors than they want to disclose. Don't buy "miracle man".

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