
Friday, March 20, 2009

Get ready for a BANK RUN your deposits are going to ZERO

Sheila Bair ( Who is she? Click here) came out with some very scary words for depositors everywhere:
“Without additional revenue beyond the regular assessments, current projections indicate that the [depositor investor] fund balance will approach zero,” Bair said.
In the words of Lewis Black, I will repeat that, because it bears repeating:

Without additional revenue beyond the regular assessments, current projections indicate that the fund balance will approach zero."

This is actually one of the most terrifying news I have heard in forever, as it goes to the heart of depositor confidence problem, with a next step being the global bank run that Kanjorski ( Who is he? Click here) was fuming about.

The reason for Bair's statement is to attempt to explain the need for the recently instituted fee increases for TLGP participants.
"Even though this increase comes at a difficult time, I strongly believe that keeping deposit insurance industry-funded will be better for you and your customers when this crisis is over."

“I’m optimistic that Congress will soon act on the borrowing authority increase,” Bair said. “This should give us the breathing room we need to reduce the special assessment, while covering all projected losses, with industry funds.”
Oh yes, let's not forget that Chris Dodd of such recent fame as the AIG bonus scandal, is trying to plough even more taxpayer money into a cause worthy of... saving taxpayer money... Still not too sure I understand how that works. But let the law of unintended consequences strike as it may.

There is a minor light at the end of the tunnel.
Bair said she wants to “end too-big-to-fail” models that have shaped U.S. policy and wants financial firms to reduce systemic risk by “limiting size” and “complexity.” She said regulators “need to impose higher capital requirements” to ensure banks have enough capital to withstand worsening economic scenarios.
In the meantime, Bair is praying that nobody realizes that there is no money left to insure America's deposits, and that everyone absorbs the optimism spewing forth from the lips of CNBC's Steve Liessman like a wet sponge.


  1. I'm Not worried. The FDIC will get a bailout everytime, just look at Fannie Mae and Fredie Mac they get bailed out every quarter by congress. Nothing new here to see.

  2. Blair should not worry about her statement. America is braindead anyway. Nobody will notice. They lost 50-60% in their 401K plans, still don't get it. Canadians are not any better either. Traded all their gold reserves for green toilet paper. Let's see what is going to happen to Canadian Dollar when the US counterpart will collapse. At least our toilet paper will be more colourful.

  3. Anonymous said...
    I'm Not worried. The FDIC will get a bailout everytime, just look at Fannie Mae and Fredie Mac they get bailed out every quarter by congress. Nothing new here to see.

    March 20, 2009 2:43 PM
    Anonymous said...
    Blair should not worry about her statement. America is braindead anyway. Nobody will notice. They lost 50-60% in their 401K plans, still don't get it. Canadians are not any better either. Traded all their gold reserves for green toilet paper. Let's see what is going to happen to Canadian Dollar when the US counterpart will collapse. At least our toilet paper will be more colourful.

    To Anonymous #1: Things are gettin down to the bottom of the barrel, we just don't know when the FDIC will fail. I have reduced my balances a lot, on Monday I will drain the business account and close it, and pare down the personal account again.

    To Anonymous #2: Not all Americans are braindead, just most of us. Those of us who are not braindead will always maintain that you should never use your currency for toiletpaper, as you might get and spread disease.

  4. Chris Dodd you a deceitful self serving M..f..scumbag.Have you no shame.Do the honourable thing resign.Im sure there must be some employment opportunities in the D.C sewer system.You are emblematic of the corruption and greed permeating American Federal politics today.Thankfully there's still some honorable folks in D.C and Im not talking about fancy shamcy Pelosi.

  5. Dodd wont suffer unless he has stepped on his dick with the Elite.
    If he is one of their fair haired children, he will be fine and they will transfer the blame to someone they dont especially support or need. I dont know, but Dodd could be in their inner circle, if so he is safe. As I said, I dont know if he is or not. Watch for another lackey to be blamed. Then you will know where Dodd stands in the Circle.

  6. I agree that they will get a bailout. Even though we are out of money, you know the FED will just keep printing more.

  7. Bank run what a bunch of alarmist crap.The Feds will just monetize any shortfall.

  8. FDIC is not something you should depend on at all.

    1. Banks close for 'holiday'; the dollar collapses, you had $100k in said bank.

    2. Bank actually fails.

    3. You file claim for your $100k with FDIC once you can get the proper forms and approval from the bank that just CLOSED. Let's say somehow you do that ...

    4. FDIC accepts your claim and in 5-6 months you get your check for $100k. (Look it up - that is the best case processing time).

    During this time, due to widespread bank failures, bank runs, panic, inflation, or even hyperinflation ... in six months you can buy a very nice Subway Sandwich meal with your $100k.

    Trust in this system and you will get burned my friends.


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