
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Karl Denninger: The End Game Approaches

Note: chart is from the 1929 DOW crash showing some of the fake moves in the market toward the bottom.
We're about done here folks.

By "done", I mean done with the government's ability to screw around with markets, game the outcome and hide the sausage, if you will, at least to any sort of positive effect.

Today we heard from The Fed that their threatened program to start buying the long end of the Treasury curve will begin tomorrow.

[This was likely prompted by people selling in the Treasury market while the stock market was also dropping.] That's not supposed to happen, but it did. It denotes selling - on a day when people should have been moving into Treasuries, not out of them. This compelled Ben to stomp on this trend lest he be seen as a toothless tiger, and that just won't do for Sir FedsALot.

Who's selling into Ben's "expectations" and producing this? Good question. I don't know, but Ben does - he has real-time Fedwire information that he doesn't release. I'm willing to bet it is NOT domestic holders, and is likely foreigners - including perhaps, central banks and their minions (Heeeeelllloooo China!)

This "acceleration" is a major problem, as it appears that Ben is losing control - rapidly. If foreigners are selling into the market we are literally nothing more than market recognition away from Armageddon in the bond market.

Do not for a second believe that the fact that the stock market rallied has defused the underlying problem. It has not.

The underlying problem is not the stock market. It is the credit (bond) market - that is, the underlying reality that there is too much debt out there in relationship to GDP, it cannot all be serviced, and as the economy contracts it feeds a vicious spiral where a default produces unemployment which drops both spendable income (and thus income available debt service) AND tax revenues, giving it to the credit market in all orifices. This is "deflationary destruction" and it is inevitable when government pushes off the normal cyclical cleaning out that recessions do, as our government has.

The problem with this is that once he owns all the long-term Treasuries he can't sell them without collapsing the price, and now the solvency of our government rests with the ability to roll over short-end debt. See, that which The Fed buys and Treasury sells is a funding circle-jerk, effectively removed from the float and thus the government's funding base.

Anyone care to take the bet on whether the selling pressure will move down the curve?

If it happens, we're done - and neither Bernanke or Obama has the ability to prevent it.
I further believe the American Public is getting damn close to the breaking point. The tone among people I interact with daily and among what I see online and off is shifting from hope and faith to anger with each passing day, and each revelation of another 10 billion here or there that get funneled through some conduit to an offshore bank just raises the pressure another notch. The people now want blood, and I believe the minimum they will accept are thousands of indictments, prosecutions and prison sentences along with forfeiture of these men and women's fortunes. Madoff didn't satisfy, it further enraged.

The government is running a very real risk, as I have noted in the past, of being declared by the people as "the felon" instead of "the cop," and if that happens I don't want to be anywhere near the angry mob that makes that decision.

So for now, enjoy the general upward to sideways trend in the market, but prepare. While the spring may bring hope and summer one of discontent, I believe there is a very high probability that come fall, the peak of Hurricane Season, a very ill wind will be blowing both in New York and Washington DC.


  1. About all we can do in respect to depending on our government is to hope their are still a few Patriots in Congress who are not or have not sold out themselves. We have no way to know if this is true or not. We are screened from knowing the intentions of our elected officials, and always have been. One thing is that throughout the history of our country, a few have risen to root out evils. If that is still possible, I sure dont know, but hope is all we have.

  2. Yowza. Karl Denninger has the uncanny ability to sink the nail right quick with dead on accuracy.
    I do beleive he is correct.
    The bond market is going to go boom, and the summer of discontent is refered to as 'the summer of hell' by the folks over at urban survival dot com

    Hurricane season in the fall.

    The fall brings the fall..what's in a name indeed.

    Japan down 48 percent, global trade collapsing, no water for the farms in California and elsewhere...petroleum way down because lots of fertilizer is not being made..lots of land is not being planted...troubles.

    Might as well call all of America 'Tupalo Mississippi'

  3. but..but...CNBC said everything was turning around and getting better!?!?!?!

  4. wow ... the hits just keep coming for the obama team. we may have just as well voted in madoff for president. please place all trays and seats into the upright position and prepare for your descent into hell....

    take every available opportunity (minute, second, nickel, and dime) to stock up and prepare for yourselves and your families. we are all running out of time right NOW.

  5. how to overturn a (partially) rotten govt without destroying the entire govt. and our country in the process - that is the question - are there enough of us who understand that this govt has been, in large measure, usurped by the elites? - I think our constitution is a good one and that we need to keep the basic structure of govt in place - but the reps, including the so-called elected pres. must work for the country and not the global elites - I think if enough citizens demand it, these reps will do the will of the people, and act for the good of the country and not for the elites - this is a very precarious time for us - these elites will not give up without a battle royal - they will try for a world war - imho - that must be resisted - they will attempt to disarm us - that must be resisted - they will try to instigate civil unrest and riots - that must be resisted. I hope the citizens are wise enough to understand the tactics that are and will be used against us ,i.e., the war on terror- remember their mottos are: divide and rule; and order from chaos - the order they mean is the new world order - our motto must be we hang together or we will hang separately - b. franklin- the best to all of us - never give up, never despair -this can be a great country - violence will benefit them not us - tell that to all -

  6. Are we watching for our "Iranian Pearl Harbor"? Something to push us into WWIII to heal our economy and make another 60 years of prosperity? A nuke on our soil? The American people fueling up the factories to make war material? A repeat of War two? Well, it worked once----so---hummmm. Rosie the Riviter? Coca Cola and Lucky Strike cigarettes? We will have to coin the "Straight of Hormuz" wall instead of the "Atlantic Wall" for our new D-Day "Great Crusade" and we will need another Eisenhower.

  7. Difference is now your manufacturing has been severely gutted since World War II and sent to China. You don't have the infrastructure to produces anything the size of World War II much less World War III.

  8. The fed will print more money for the war. China knows it, that's why there are calling for a World Currency and rid the US dollar. Faster they do it less chance of a war..

  9. The same people that control China control America. They all belong to the same body so what's the difference if one part speaks of a one world currency while another speaks of something else? Behind the scenes, they all move towards the same point.

    Think of it like a golf swing. Some shoot straight up the middle while others curve it out to the left and to the right. They all end up in the same place at the end.

  10. im glad i bought lots of silver.

  11. Has anybody noted that all the government news releases on the economy distort reality. They claim that New Home Sales are UP, that Retail Sales are UP, that Durable Goods are UP, and that everything is UP, but the reality is that they are all going down. On the way down, they jump a little, so January might be lower than February. but when the indexes so bragged about are actually down 50% or more, it is not right to say they are UP and fool the public. Our present administration is trying to mislead the public. Why?

  12. Joe Neubarth, the government distorts every real statistic. They lie about GDP. They lie about inflation. They lie about market conditions.

    Why? To tell the truth would result in either mass panic and a run on the banks, or blood on the streets. They're desperately trying to paper over this mess until the elite can get their one world currency into place. Then, there will be little they can do to spin reality. Get ready for martial law and chaos.

  13. Too bad we can't do an Austin Powers and go back to the 60s before they had their endgames worked out. Just our luck that we get to live the rest of our lives like John and Sara Connor, or worse.

    That would actually be better, I'd rather by dominated by machines than Oligarchs. It is hard to blame our owners 100% for all of this BS.

    A good chunk of the fault lies in the apathetic sheep that ignore all that has transpired before them and have refused to use any common sense or reason. The ones that believe every word an authority figure tells them for fear of being different, singled out, and mocked. This is by far the 'standard' for the brain dead hive mentality.

  14. I finally see some are waking up to the truth, i congratulate yous all , , anyone from Canada on here ??


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