
Monday, March 23, 2009

New World Currency discussion at G20 Summit in London

BEIJING, March 23 (RIA Novosti) - China is ready to discuss Russia's proposal of a new global reserve currency as an alternative to the U.S. dollar at the G20 summit in London, a vice governor of the country's Central Bank said on Monday.

Russia earlier submitted a proposal to the G20 summit which could see the IMF examining possibilities for creating a supra-national reserve currency, and also forcing national banks and international financial institutions to diversify their foreign currency reserves.

"We believe it is necessary to consider the IMF's role in this process and also define the possibility and the need to adopt measures allowing for Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) to become an internationally recognized super-reserve currency," Russia's proposal read.

Hu Xiaolian said that China, which holds about $2 trillion in foreign exchange reserves, was prepared to debate the issue as "the dollar's dominance and U.S. economic woes could entail considerable currency fluctuations and affect the world financial situation."

At the same time, she said that discussion into a new global currency could be started but considering the dollar's status as the current primary currency, "we should focus more on enhancing control over the existing system."

The G20 summit, involving advanced and emerging economies and international financial institutions, will be held in London on April 2, aimed at finding ways to overcome the ongoing global financial crisis.

During the G20 summit, Chinese President Hu Jintao will meet Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and U.S. President Barack Obama, Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister He Yafei said.

Yafei also said that Jintao will address the summit outlining measures to stabilize the global financial markets, reform the international financial system and harmonize macroeconomic regulation standards.

World Bank all but declares 2009 the Second Great Depression.

World Bank: 2009 Will Be “Very Dangerous” Year

In other economic news, World Bank President Robert Zoellick warned the entire globe will feel the effects of the economic meltdown this year.

Robert Zoellick: “Well, I think 2009 is going to be a very dangerous year. And just to give you some reference points, the IMF came out with a new global forecast recently, close to decline of about one percent of growth. We at the Bank will be coming out with ours soon, and it will probably be in the range of one to two percent. But to put that number in a context, you haven’t seen a figure like that globally since World War II, which really means since the Great Depression.”

The World Bank also warned over the weekend that a wave of social and political unrest could sweep through the world’s poorest countries if G20 leaders fail to come to their aid. A new report from the Overseas Development Institute said the collapse of the global economy would cost 90 million lives, lead to an increase to nearly a billion in the number of people going hungry, and cost developing countries $750 billion in lost growth.


  1. Lindsey Williams has warned (from his inside sources) that the elite are thinking of bypassing the Amero plans entirely and going straight for a one-world currency. With the awakening taking place and the pace in which things are accelerating, it appears they are putting their foot on the gas and going for broke. If the one-world reserve currency plans can be stopped, we may stand a chance.

  2. What happened to the Micro-Chip?


    Mark of the Beast for you non- Biblical types.


  4. And we are expecting civil unrest in the UK as the depression takes hold-
    As we begin the slide downhill to collapse I predict that one of the casualties will be communication. They know that the global awakening is being driven by the internet.

    They know that they will have to prempt overthrow of governments by the awakened who are hooking-up and organising on an unprecendented scale. They will have to precipitate events that will allow them to shut down the net or at least private use of it.

    But that's hard to do or justify. The most likely will be to force reason for martial law. I know that Alex Jones goes on about this but there are many more reasons than even he can give for martial law being a reality within a few years. 4-5 years back the awakened were voices in the wilderness predcting depression and martial law, now its all happening and probably unstoppable and millions are awakening. How can they stop the revolution other than by martial law?

  5. WHEH, NOT IF, the Marking system/Chip is brought about to be THE method of $$ exchange we will have only about 3 and 1/2 years left until Christ interviens.

    Do not take any mark/chip in your body.

    Revelation chapters 13 and 14. READ IT!!!

  6. First of all,

    You lose your credibility when you cannot spell intervene. Second of all, only the most literal reading of the book of Revelation could be taken to mean a literal 7 year tribulation period. Nobody actually believes that left behind crap. Excuse me, nobody who actually has any viable theology, and has done research on the matter, actually believes that crap. It is a publicity stunt. For all we know, Nero was the antichrist, and the currency used by Rome when they ruled the known world was this global currency. People shy away from Christianity because of extremist talk like that. Give it a rest Messenger.

  7. The G20 Summit just posted their "Global plan for recovery and reform". Paragragh 19 speaks about "urgent ratification of the 4th Amendment" which are the "SDR's or Special Drawing Rights" of the IMF that is a basket of currencies containing the dollar, euro, yen, and pound sterling. This means the eventual end of the US Dollar as the world reserve currency.

  8. check out the book "the great controversy"
    written by Ellen. g. White
    Just a reminder we're not up against flesh & blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spirital wickedness in high places. eph 6:12
    We can only do one thing to survive....look to our maker

  9. wow that is a scary thought to take on board
    interesting stuff though

  10. please, I'm Michael from Ghana, an Adventist Evangelist, can you explain to me vividly when, how, and where does the world currency will take place, and what will be the signs.

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