
Saturday, March 7, 2009

Ohio: 700 people apply for a single job as a JANITOR! Plus check the new TENT CITIES!

Ohio: 700 People Have Applied for a Single Job as a Janitor
March 7th, 2009

(I hope that people are not mentioning their graduate degrees when they’re applying for these jobs.)
Via: CantonRep
Plant closed. Laid off.
How hungry are people for work in today’s sinking economy?
Nearly 700 people have applied for a single job as a school custodian.
Perry Local Schools have an open position — full time with benefits — at Edison Junior High School after its afternoon janitor retired. It pays $15 to $16 an hour.
The job opened last Saturday, and district officials say the stack of applications continues to expand daily.
So much so, the deadline to apply for the position was moved from yesterday to 3:30 p.m. Monday to give potential hires more time.
Many of those who have applied say they lost their previous job due to budget cutbacks by their former employer.

“A lot of people have their stories when they come in. It’s heart-wrenching,” said Superintendent John Richard.
Tent cities springing up:
Tent Cities


  1. Two ways to fix schools: Most of the advances in software automation benefit the school administration: principals, school superintendent, and administrative.

    Teachers in direct contact with students should have the highest salaries, period. All other administrative positions should receive less pay or be turned into positions where the school teachers themselves rotate into and out of the positions in exchange for a reduced teaching load.

    Janitor duties should be shared by parents on a rotating basis and teenagers when possible. Everybody gets a hand.

    Homework should be checked for completion before school children enter the school doors. Content mastery should be the measure. The Montessori system should be evaluated and adopted where possible. Maria Montessori was the first woman to finish medical school in Italy. She developed her education methods by observing, as a physician. She chose children from Italian slums as her first students. They all graduated from university.

  2. Hmmm, is it possible that YOU are a teacher? Think you missed the entire point here! Though not a bit surprised, teachers seem to think that it is their birth right to work 30 hours a week, about 20 paid holidays, and the summer off, non contributory health benefits, great pension benefits,and a 4-5% annual increase in a time when jobs are scarce to say the least. Perhaps the teachers should be mopping the floors!

  3. Good greif, to the first need to get a life if you think those things are going to fix the system.

    Must suck to feel so entitled, not?

  4. you guys are all on crack..

    once the american goverment collapses there wont be any school soo all the kids will go around looting and breaking into homes..

    its the cold hard truth now stop acting like retards and deal with it

  5. Reference first Poster,
    I think you may be on to something. Front line public servants should be compensated. The general public has no idea of the multiple layers of administrators above the public servant rendering services to the public. This drags the system into redundancy and bankruptcy.

    I am a police officer and I am not aware of any of the imagined benefits posted above.


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