
Friday, March 6, 2009

The Protesting are STARTING! 50,000 Screaming in NY

Taxpayers Tired Of Recession & Furious With Budget Cuts Take Frustration To Streets Of Manhattan

Organizers Say 50,000 On Hand For 'Rally For New York'


A protester holds a sign at a massive rally outside Manhattan's City Hall on March 5, 2009.

A massive protest was held outside City Hall in Manhattan on Thursday afternoon, where it seems people have just about had it with the recession.

Anxiety has turned into frustration, and that frustration has boiled over at City Hall where tens of thousands of people took to the streets to vent to city and state officials.

Organizers estimate that 50,000 people have lined Broadway with a message to Gov. David Paterson that cuts are not the answer to fixing New York's budget problems.

The protesters are made up of a widespread coalition of labor unions, community groups, and even families uniting to have their voices heard. Dubbing it a "Rally for New York," they are rallying against proposed state and city budget cuts to public services, education, health care, along with other programs that impact families and the economy in New York.

"I have not lost the feeling for good education. You can't cut the budget the way it is and still have the quality we're aiming for there's no question about that. So we're fighting for the children first, and then the teachers and the workers after that, and for the city of course," said George Altomare, a retired teacher who was protesting told CBS 2.

CBS 2's Hazel Sanchez says the group is calling for fair share tax reform, and increasing the income tax of new Yorkers earning $250,000 or more, generating $6 billion and they hope to prevent the cuts.

It's a loud and spirited crowd and they are hoping Paterson hears their cries for help.


  1. Why don't we see these protests on the news? Where is the reporting on these in the main stream media? You can only hear and see these types of things on blogs and other privite internet news sources. The, very obviously, is a goverment mandated blackout of these things in an effort not to rile-up the masses!

    This whole mess is utterly SICKENING!! What has happened to this country? What has happened to the government?

  2. So they have a budget shortfall in New York. The lower end income people are protesting budget cuts and want the government to raise taxes on the upper income class instead.

    Mayor Bloomberg has already admitted he does not want to raise taxes on the higher end income earners for fear of driving them out of the city. Out of 7 million people in New York City, the top one percent(40,000 people) pay around 50% of the taxes. These protesters want the rich to pick up more of the tab?

    If they want a true Fair Share tax reform, those lower end income earners are gonna have to pay more tax, not less.

    I would bet the upper tax bracket also uses a lot less city services than they are actually paying for. To me, these protesters are a bunch of whiners. Either you pay more taxes yourself or take the cut in services, but don't go reaching into other peoples pockets!

  3. We have severe economic problems caused mostly by the government spending too much and having too much debt. What is needed are much MORE budget cuts. We finally get a protest and it ends up being a bunch of idiots that want more free lunch. We are sooo screwed.

  4. "The protesters are made up of a widespread coalition of labor unions, community groups, and even families uniting to have their voices heard. Dubbing it a "Rally for New York," they are rallying against proposed state and city budget cuts to public services, education, health care, along with other programs that impact families and the economy in New York"

    These people are all part of the problem they work for the goverNments... we need less goverNment ..I am sorry they are losing their jobs,... but the tax payers CAN'T afford ALL of these governemnt workers


  5. Could not agree more! Perhaps RETIRED, pensioned employees should take a cut!

  6. I live in New York, the last thing that the Govonor should cut from the budget is healthcare and education. The city I live in had three hospitals, last year two were closed. The remaining one is millions in the hole due to the uninsured and underinsured (mainly children and the eldery, although the number of uninsured is growing rapidly). To try to keep within budget the hospital is understaffing, 12 ptients per nurse, one or no techs on the floor. My husband works in the ICU and had on many occasions been the only tech for 36 critically ill patients. The budget cuts will put the hospital another 2 million in the red per year.

    NY needs serious budget cuts but there are many more places were that cutting could start, heck mayfbe Patterson could cut the raises he just gave to his staff.

  7. WOW very good blogs every one. I know what I am going to do. Make and sell cry baby towels. Yhaoo no bail out for me lol

  8. Well this must for people to save their families what ever the situations are at that time. Everyone love to his family.


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