
Sunday, March 29, 2009

Soros: G20 last chance or its a DEPRESSION!

Billionaire investor Gorge Soros has said the G20 summit will be a "make or break" event for the world's economy.
In a BBC interview, Mr Soros said the international financial system had collapsed because it was flawed and it had to be restructured.
Mr Soros say it may be the last chance to prevent a full-scale depression.
He said the G20 meeting had to come up with concrete solutions to help the developing world in particular, which had been been worst hit.
Mr Soros warned that any attempt to pull economies out of recession had to be done co-operatively.

Soros: G20 is 'make or break'

He said: "The G20 meeting is make or break because unless they do something for developing world there will be serious collapse in that part of the world.
"I'm using phrase depression because unless we take the right measures we're liable to end up there.
"I don't think we'll ever be back to where we came from. It should be recognised that the last 25 years were an aberration and we cannot go back there. We have to reconstruct the financial system from its foundations up."


  1. Soros is an asswipe who would love a one world currency and one world this, and that etc...

  2. Like waiting for the Sopranos' crew to decide if they will pass down enough crumbs so the storefront owner can still stay in business. Will the parasites allow the host to survive or will they let it (us) die completely?

  3. What's with all the conspiracy theorists here

  4. Is this the same George Soros who shorted the British pound Sterling in the 1990s and made $2 billion in profit?
    Maybe there's a way he can money in this crisis!

  5. Incredible that there are those that still believe when trillions of dollars is involved that the Oligarchs care at all about you. George Carlin said it best - Americans keep electing these rich cocksuckers that don't give a shit about you ... they don't ... including the cardboard standee named Obama. The G20, the CFR, the WTO, all there for one purpose - enrich the Oligarchs and fuck you over. Sorry for the language, but direct quote.

  6. So, I guess it's depression, because G-20 is worse than useless-- even worse than the U.S. govt.

    Soros is a Nazi collaborator who sold out his own people and is selling you out, too. But he's also smart, so listen. Be careful, as his advice might also be directed toward supporting his personal agenda of world fascism/socialism and his own profit.

    - Maven

  7. Soros is pure evil. How much money- hard $ and soft $ did he funnel directly, through and countless other entities to the Obama forces to win the US election? When the real story of this period is written who would be surprised to learn that Soros was behind the run on Lehman that brought took us from credit crunch to currency crisis? How much money did he make? How much does he have to gain now from talking down the dollar? The man is pure unadulterated evil.

  8. Why should we give a shit about what this talking head says anyway? Whatever happens, you can bet this bad hairdo, out dated glasses asshole has his covered and will not suffer in the least. They should all be hung from the gallows. I can't wait for the day justice prevails in front of the common man, but probably not in my lifetime.

  9. You narrow minded fools don't get that he has been so right for so long about the mistakes of others. He has made money because arrogant people thought they could continue a lie like supporting the pound or lending money for people to buy houses when they had no jobs. You are only pissed off with him because he is right.


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