
Friday, March 27, 2009

Unemployment rates marching toward Depression Levels

Note: Of course these figures are not even close to the real unemployment numbers. Another stat : 40% of the births in 2007 were to unmarried women! (Total 4.317 million births)

Eleven states posted unemployment rates above 10 percent in February, as Georgia is inched toward the double digits, according to seasonally adjusted figures released Friday morning by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Georgia's unemployment rate for February was a record high 9.3 percent. Metro Atlanta's unemployment rate also was 9.3 percent in February.

Michigan registered the nation’s worst rate, with 12 percent of its labor force out of work as of February 2009.

Also in double digits were South Carolina (11 percent), Oregon (10.8 percent), North Carolina (10.7 percent), California (10.5 percent), Rhode Island (10.5 percent), and Nevada (10.1 percent).

All seven of those states experienced rapid rises in unemployment during the past year. North Carolina’s increase was the sharpest in the nation, up 5.5 percentage points from its February 2008 jobless rate of 5.2 percent.


  1. Raivo Pommer

    Der Dresdner Bank Krise

    Die Spitzenmanager der Dresdner Bank haben 2008 trotz Milliardenverlusten weit mehr verdient als jeder andere Bankvorstand in Deutschland. Laut Geschäftsbericht des mittlerweile zur Commerzbank gehörenden Instituts kassierten die zeitweise neun Vorstände gut 58 Millionen Euro und damit mehr als doppelt so viel wie im Vorjahr. Größter Posten waren Abfindungen von mehr als 24 Millionen Euro - keiner der Dresdner-Vorstände wird nach der Integration des Instituts in die Commerzbank weiterbeschäftigt.

    Zum Vergleich: Die Vorstände der Commerzbank verdienten im vergangenen Jahr 4,3 Millionen Euro, die der Deutschen Bank 4,5 Millionen Euro. Weltweit
    ist eine hitzige Debatte über Bonuszahlungen an Banker entbrannt, die für Milliardenverluste verantwortlich sind (siehe auch Boni-Streit: AIG geht in Deckung). In den Vereinigten Staaten wird gar über eine Strafsteuer nachgedacht, um die Gelder bei staatlich gestützten Instituten wieder zurückzuholen.

    The Dresdner Bank Crisis

    The top manager of the Dresdner Bank in 2008, despite billions of losses deserves far more than any other bank executive in Germany. According to the report now to Commerzbank's Institute collects the nine board members occasionally good 58 million euros and more than twice as much as in the previous year. The largest items of severance payments of more than 24 million - none of the directors will Dresden after the integration of the institute in the Commerzbank weiterbeschäftigt.

    For comparison: The boards of Commerz bank earned in last year 4.3 million euro, the Deutsche Bank 4.5 million euros. Worldwide
    is a heated debate over bonus payments to bankers kindled, which is responsible for billions of losses (see also Boni controversy: AIG goes into coverage). In the United States, even on a penalty tax under consideration for the funds in government-backed institutions back again.


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