
Monday, April 6, 2009




  1. Here it is:

  2. Ok! Thanks for the warning, but this financial catastrophe is happening today! I agree to spend your cash on goods and prepare for the big blow-out of Hyperinflated currency in the USA. Now, watch as a witness to the next scheme right before our eyes which spells chaos everywhere, because people will panic during the loss of confidence in the Fed system to solve all our financial woes. Wake up!!! Mankind might be evil and some might not be who cares!! Turn and accept Jesus the Lord!! I guarantee that Jesus has the answer and all the solutions for all of us. Quit wasting time and turn to our Savior Jesus Christ as fast as is humanely possible, and you will fare beautifully well through the next major blow-out phase of hypeinflated disaster, which will lead to world war III, "NOT Armegeddon". All Glory and Honour to the Mighty God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, through Jesus Christ Lord of Lords King of Kings, he is the only one you can trust Now!!!

  3. Sorry this is NOT a religious site

  4. Who says it's not a religious site? Do you own the site? Did the owner delete the comment because of it's religious content? Don't want to read anything religious? Don't read the comment!

  5. Interesting videos, but the fact remains that all of our debts are in our own currency, rather than foreign. So as the dollar devaluates, do do the gravity of our debts.

  6. he is trying to tell us what is coming - but one must have "ears to hear" and ("eyes to see")let's not support the next insane war against whoever - all those nasty terrorists - right. or we will all be toast thanks to the psychocrats.

  7. That's a big 10-4 the person who made the comments on Jesus Christ is trying to help the idiot who is complaining, unfortunately some idiots will not survive because they believe in their govt instead of Our Lord Jesus who will straighten out these shyster greedy Banking elite fellows. All Glory and praise to the eternal Father, through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.

  8. Jesus is sitting in the white house right now maybe we can get him to help the starving, illiterate,war mongers, climate change and the religious WARS that have started since the beginning of time..

  9. As I for one do not believe in the religious stories except this one, when, the only time Jesus showed an act of violence and anger removing the MONEY-CHANGERS from the temple square.
    Well here you have it.....something to believe in.

    However, folks when we are forced to think only about MONEY.
    The MONEY CHANGERS think only about POWER.

  10. Put blind faith in Jesus? You can't trust your family? Or good people? It seems to me the worst thing you could do is to not take responsibility for yourself and put it in the hands of "Jesus."

  11. It was the blind faith by the religious right wing sheep that facilitated the current crises. Their longing for Armageddon and the rapture allows the world elite to contrive disastrous policies to advance their own end game. Religion is the biggest most profitable ponzi scheme throughout history in terms of financial and power concentration. If you have blind religious faith then god help you, your going to need it.

  12. bingo my friend , nailed sqaure on the head. Not to mention all the blood spilled

  13. Come my friends and worhsip the dark lord Satan. Your false prophet Jesus has led you astray. The American ideal of "in God we trust" has betrayed you!

    It is only through a dedication to vituperative cyncism and pleasure in the misfortune of others can you be saved!

    All Hail Baelzebub! All Hail the Depression! All Hail Baelsebub! All Hail the Depression!

    ps. donations now accepted at our Sunday services.

  14. Bub, that is funny. No doubt Sunday service will be standing room only due to the sudden influx of evangelicals. Save a seat for Stockwell and Jason, any destruction is good destruction. Promise total destruction and watch the donations roll in. Dose not matter who pushes the button as long as someone does, this is religion.

  15. No one here wants to hear the Jesus sun-cult fraud crap. Take that somewhere else.

    The christian religion is a parody on the worship of the Sun, in which they put a man whom they call Christ, in the place of the Sun, and pay him the same adoration which was originally paid to the Sun. - Thomas Payne

  16. I believe in Jesus...but I don't shove it in people's faces.

    And to the "Christian" who referred to the nonbeliever as an are not a Christian. In fact, you make being a Christian look pretty unattractive. Who in their right minds would listen to an insulting, potty mouth like you?

  17. No he told him he was Superman

  18. It sounds like you are talking about faith.
    When asked what he had faith in, Henry David Thoreau answered, "I have faith in a seed."

    We must return to the natural world and begin to rebuild local food economies - the system will not last through this transition. Get started TODAY. Go to and get your FREE GARDEN SEEDS and also take advantage of a great organic food gardening class.

  19. It ain't dark yet
    but it's gettin' there - Bob Dylan
    When you think you've hit the bottom
    Don't firgit you can always fall a little more

  20. The guy was talking about Argentina's collapse, not Jesus. Someone mentioned him though, and all else was forgotten...the feathers...they were a flyin! I'm a devout Christian, and Christ told us we would be hated. They killed him...why would we be liked any better? I live my life..non political....God will judge all in the end.

  21. Jesus Saves, but Tesco delivers and their camping/survival gear in the UK is on half price offer at the moment until the 15th of May. Coincidence or what?

  22. Is the world on the verge of another massive global financial collapse?

  23. This video makes people to be aware of this scheme.

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