
Friday, April 3, 2009

Lyndon LaRouche: G20 Agreement will start US Riots!

LaRouche: G20 Agreement must be rejected

April 2, 2009 (LPAC)—In response to the release of the official communique today at the conclusion of the G20 summit in London, Lyndon LaRouche stated that "what they are proposing is the equivalent of recommending the use of cyanide for the cure of a headache. It is a permanent cure."

LaRouche was immediately referring to the assumption underlying the entire statement: "We believe that the only sure foundation for sustainable globalization and rising prosperity for all is an open world economy based on market principles, effective regulation, and strong global institutions." The statement further states: We are undertaking an unprecedented and concerted fiscal expansion ... that will, by the end of next year amount to $5 trillion, raise output by 4 percent, and accelerate the transition to a green economy."

LaRouche characterized the above statements as "tantamount to the confessions of an assembly of lunatics."

"This is fascism in its British form of Oswald Mosley. Mosley would be ecstatic, he and H.G. Wells who was backing Mosley back in 1933. At that time the City of London's allies on Wall Street supported Mussolini, as did the great American pragmatist, John Dewey. They also supported Hitler as the German Mussolini.

"This is fascism combined with insanity. It is a case of the criminal mind going insane."

LaRouche stated that he hoped "there will be enough patriotic men and women in the U.S. Congress to prevent the adoption of this agreement. It would be the death of the U.S. and much more besides. It has to be stopped. It must be stamped out now."

Today's Financial Times publishes a column by Andrew Ward entitled "Can Obama make the difference?" In it he makes the point that in his account of the London economic conference in 1933, a conference which FDR boycotted in his opposition to British imperialism, HG Wells wrote that Roosevelt was the "last hope for mankind. There was no other personality visible who even promised to exorcise the spell that lay upon the economic life of the race. It was Roosevelt's conference or nothing."

Unfortunately, contrary to Roosevelt's rejection of HG Wells' fascist Open Conspiracy for world government at that time, President Obama has done just the opposite.

In a press conference after the conclusion of the G20 summit Obama endorsed the entire agenda of Gordon Brown, personally expressing his appreciation for the work of Brown and his entire staff. Moreover, he claimed to have himself played a decisive role in "forging a consensus."

LaRouche pointed out that the British suckered him based precisely on this profile he has of himself as the forger of consensus. As a consequence, LaRouche said, Obama is "on the edge of going down. They didn't have to control him, because he could control himself. This is tragic."

"This agreement cannot be accepted," LaRouche said. "If it were, it could very well lead to riots in the United States, the the breakup of the nation and to terrorism. Therefore, this must be rejected. The U.S. must not sign any treaty agreement with these elements. No patriot will allow this to be confirmed, no matter which side of the aisle he or she is on. To sign this would be to betray the United States.

"This is one ego trip from which the President may return, but the nation may not come back. The price of his ego trip is too high a price to pay. No man has a right to have his ego used in this way. Our country can't be put into jeopardy, humanity can't be put into jeopardy, because he wants to win a popularity contest."


  1. Centralized economic power on a global scale will never be effective or lasting. Many times throughout history, political and economic power has been attempted to consolidate on a grand scale.

    The outcome is always the same. Human suffering on a massive scale because of government mandated programs that are ineffective.

    The best remembered players over the last century were Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, and other socailist and communist political regimes in Asia and Europe.

    What is truly amazing is that the next player believes the outcome will be positive if the system is just applied properly.

    This U.S. president will be in good historical company when he attempts to implement similary disasterous policies and millions of innocents suffer.

  2. You devalue your blog by publishing the ravings of Lunatic LaRouche.

  3. Yes, La Rouche is just flying of the handle. There is no evidence of insane fascism in his words that I read. The end of globalization is here. No wet dreams for the "world elites" and no more nightmares for the conspiracy theorists.

  4. "Peek" everyone has a statement to make on the economy. just because he says what he says, doesn't make him a lunatic anymore than some saying the economy is fixed and back on track..Take it or leave it.

  5. Him giving advice to B.O. is comical since Obama makes no decisions, he is the mouthpiece and cardboard standee for the Oligarchs and Bankers. Just like W and every other puppet US President.

  6. Are those Gnomes behind him?

  7. LaRouche is right about his predictions, but the left-wing people like LaRouche and Naomi Wolf hold people back from endorsing them fully because they don't get the big picture. Like, anyone at this point who still doesn't know 9/11 was an inside job and that Presidents have no power are still missing the boat. There are bits and pieces to be taken from these people, but not everything.

  8. LaRouche is dishonest and tries to form a cult following behind him, deluding himself that he can make a replacement for the presidency. The only expert on the economy? The only one to have correctly predicted how things would unfold since 2007? As I recall he stated a year ago it was another situation critical and if we didn't put the interest rate back above 4.0 it was already doomsday for the dollar and therefore America. So he was wrong. The dollar still has yet to tank. Not that it won't. But lots of people have more correctly predicted that, eventually, it will when enough things play out.


  10. What a wicked thing to do!
    To make me dream of you!

    Oh I want to fall in love
    this world is only going to break your heart!

  11. So what? LaRouchies are good editors and revisionists. Let me guess...the solution is to implement all of FDR's policies and stop the British from trying to destroy America and rule the world.

  12. Lyndon is livin in the 30's. I want to have Max Keiser's baby.

  13. This heirarchy seems to be two tiered, but in truth it is not. There are really three tiers; those in control, the middle people being controlled, and those that could care less (to the point of being taken advantage of). Not that the middle person is not taken advantage of, all of his/her values have been sacraficed in the name of money, they may in fact be the most victimized in the system. Life is not what you amass, most peple have been lead to believe this due to advertising, or have been convinced of this fact as a result of allowing our children being exposed to advertising.

    Before you judge my post you should know that I was set up to be second tier, and I would have done the job very well, had it not been for my moral objections. I can analyse and project with the best of them, but there was something morally strongly holding me back. I could have practiced law or medicine, but there was something strongly holding me back. I knew that the competition that I experienced in my cut-throat college prep high school would exist in the world beyond, I knew that those "most likely to succeed" were actually those willing to cut the throat of a friend in order to succeed, and I have always know that I did not want to be apart of it.

    In my life I have become third tier, that's a good place to that I can cultivate, home that is paid off (and let me tell you this is as far from a McMannsion as you can get) but we worked really hard and bought something within our means, and we were helped by our neighbors because my husband can provide a service that is necessary to the community. Essentially, I am out of existance, but my husband remains, (I am just a housekeeper in the middle of nowhere}. Some of the most powerful things can come from nowhere. I have chosen my life, we will grow what we need in the future, come our way or find a way to trade with us.

    Best Wishes.


  14. sounds nice. I was thinking about growing potatoes on PEI and getting off the rat track but its hard to move away from family. You have a great spirit and that's where you live and that will never be out of existance. Thanks CH.

  15. Sorry, I think Mr. LaRouche is right. I feel the same way. Think President Obama should listen to him. So far the advice he has been getting is way off track. Its like throwing good money after bad with all these bailouts and it has not accomplished anything but put the American people in debt. Companies are moving overseas because if they stay their corporate taxes are going up. So now we have lost more jobs. I think it is a bad time to raise corporate taxes or any taxes at this time. The government knows they are in trouble, that is why they are raising taxes on cigaretts, but that is only the beginning, What is next? Soda, tea, coffee, water, how about all your food. Oh, I forgot how about a larger tax on booze.

  16. We're all doomed to a life of debt...

  17. Actually, you werent the only one. Peter Schiff and others said it earlier. We at ABC News were researched "the coming mortgage crisis" extensively back in early 2002 already.

    BTW- Lyndon's constantly predicting the citizens will rise up is just utter foolishness. It should have happened long ago. And his refusal to recognize that the economic collapse is going exactly as planned- NWO WANT to destroy the USA. Please grasp the real, bigger picture.


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