
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Max Keiser- Economy is going into a INFLATIONARY Depression

Note: Starts at the 12 second mark.
Recap: American dollar going to be worth a bunch of bananas. Anyone with dollars get out now. Gold going to $2000 an oz. America going to be a socialist government. India owns' 13,000 tons of GOLD. This is an Inflationary DEPRESSION of the worst magnitude.

Some Humour by David Letterman:


  1. Those clips are 5 months old.

    It's misleading and dishonest for you to present them as reflective of the environment today.

  2. To the comment above, "Yeah because things are so much better today than 5 months ago right? The environment today still sucks."

    Things are getting worse, not better in the banking system. The rally is temporary. Wait and see this fall.

  3. environment today? are you the holy optimist? we are falling faster than ever, buy gold now!!!!

  4. if it gets that bad, that gold is the only money, people will start kill for your gold. So you might want to have a gun . As a x military person, I look forword to that day.

  5. u cannot eat gold but it is an insurance policy against goverments printing paper money. there will allways be rich people and they collect the best, coins are a collectable that go back to 400BC and always been collected, consider this. Note going to hold gold before it goes to $2500+ then hold physical gold not what the banks say is your certificate of deposit. Cash always worth keeping several months supply


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