
Friday, April 10, 2009

Move your money out of America and SOON

Things are getting uncomfortable for individuals and corporations looking to deposit their money in tax havens around the world. Just recently, Congress introduced the so-called “Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act,” which is designed to do away with the privacy afforded by doing business or investing outside the U.S. and to eliminate or reduce tax benefits available offshore.

We are patriots. We have proudly served in our country’s military, have extended a helping hand to its public sector, and have plowed our entrepreneurial enterprise into its once fertile soil. We love America, but these days, America does not love us back. It takes without giving and squelches free enterprise. These days, America is no longer the land of the free, especially when it comes to the market.

Just look at the headlines, seemingly ripped from the pages of Atlas Shrugged: Unconscionably large bank bailouts. Punishing regulations and tax requirements. An arctic business climate. Government money bombs. Riots and protests. Slowing trade. Protectionist rhetoric. Demonized corporate executives. Even pirates hijacking cargo ships. One can guess what will happen next.

We predict the next several years will usher in larger, more obtrusive governments, resulting in a decline of personal liberty and financial privacy. The world will become increasingly polarized between two groups: those who consider government intervention a great idea, and the rest of us who happen to be sane.

As such, you can bet your last falling dollar on some absolute certainties: bank nationalization is a given, at least de facto if not de jure; taxes are going up on those of us with any money left; the Fed’s money blitzkriegs will spark a blaze of inflation; and financial privacy will be a thing of the past in the United States.

The obvious and necessary solution is to position one’s finances outside of the United States, and to do so now, while the narrow and finite window of opportunity is still open.

To be clear, evading (or even avoiding) taxes at this point is not a wise move, given the size and scope of the ever-growing IRS. But there are significant advantages to expatriating your capital now:

For starters, you will actually have control of your own money. Yes, in certain instances you’ll be obliged to tell the IRS exactly where it is and what you’re doing with it, but no government agency will have the authority to reach into your overseas pocket and freeze or expropriate (read: steal) on a whim just so Team Obama can give it away to pay for someone else’s McMansion. Plus, when exchange controls are implemented and Americans are forbidden from wiring money overseas, your capital will already be secured in another jurisdiction, where you will be free to do what you want with it.

Secondly, you will no longer have to assume the risk of insolvent banks or go through the hassle of petitioning the government to get your FDIC insurance bailout. Many overseas banks are far better capitalized than those in the United States, and some of them are in jurisdictions with constitutionally protected banking privacy.

Lastly, and probably most importantly, moving money overseas gives you a last chance at diversifying out of the dollar, which, in a very short period of time, will barely be worth the paper on which it’s printed.



  1. The average financial dummy like myself doesn't have a clue how to do the above so I will have to settle for precious metals, food, etc.

  2. Europe will be worse than the USA. The person who wrote this article is living in fear. The only way to survive whats comming is to cling to Jesus Christ. I'ts not about running it is about fighting for your salvation and freedom.

  3. physical assets will keep you liquid..
    gold and silver will help...your best investment is in yourself...stay happy healthy and wise

  4. Whatever you do, please do not be deceived into moving your assets to another nation. If you think keeping your wealth is a challenge in the USA, you will not believe the instability of other nations. When things go sideways elswhere you will have absolutely zero possibility of recovering your losses. If you are that concerned, convert your assets to precious metals and currency and bury your savings in the dark of the night.

  5. Wrong. Sorry, but the dollar will not collapse. I'm making a heap of the markets now while you all are running for the hills. Things are improving.

  6. Things are definitely NOT improving. What we are seeing in the markets is a suckers rally. Once a number of people start to reinvest(which they will, most people are not all that wise) and stocks go up and the elites are happy with the amount of money they will make they will tank it. Just wait and see.

    All that's holding up our entire economy in America is of get the picture.

    Obviously anyone coming in here and posting we are fools for seeing what's really there are most likely change agents gunning for the dumbest people who will invest.

    Anyone who puts in any money in the market will lose it all. But keep in mind, the market may rally until summer but the rally will end and then the real trouble will begin. We haven't seen the beginning of this depression my friends.

  7. I only like articles that report from a factual point of view. They have an air of maturity and sophistication. When a writer starts saying, "We are patriots. We have proudly served in our country’s military, have extended a helping hand to its public sector, and have plowed..." I get annoyed! Stay away from the "We" statements and speak for yourself...I don't like it when someone obviously has designated themselves as the voice of the "We"? I just lost interest in the whole article once this crap started.

  8. Wrong. The world has in the past moved their money to the US dollar for safe haven. That has slowed to a trickle. It is still considered the safest currency, but not if we keep monetizing debt and spending like there's no tomorrow. Your blanket statement does nothing more than scratch the surface of this issue, read up on it more.

  9. "Wrong. Sorry, but the dollar will not collapse. I'm making a heap of the markets now while you all are running for the hills. Things are improving."

    That's a non-sequiter. The stock market, the currency market, and the overall economy are different things. It seems like the most ignorant comments here are coming from people claiming that anything negative is just baseless doom-mongering. That's completely ludicrous. Confidence is great, but 2+2 will always equal 4. We are at the point where you can't beat this recession with more spending and more debt, it simply will not work. People better wake up and realize that.

  10. the fools who invest in this sucker rally deserve to lose it ALL !! buy land , arable land to grow food and veggie , stop investing in PAPER markets wanting to make your money by shaking it from side to side

  11. Behold the man of squalid birth,

    A bastard true of Afric sod

    Who drags our standard through the earth,

    Besmirching all with clump and clod.

    'Twas marvelous to see his rise

    O'er greater men than him by far,

    But now we seek his swift demise:

    "Return to hell, thou demon star."

  12. I think one reason people but their money into dollars is because there's no other place to go. When TSHTF most people go with the reserve currency. The problem is now that the dollar will soon cease to be the world currency which will crush America virtually over night.

    The writing on the wall is so clear, but moving your money to another currency etc is not something that should be written on the wall.

    Food, water, self defense devices and other survival tools is where I would put my money. There will be a barter system at some point in time, sooner rather than later I think. People with good skills will survive, those who rely on the govt will not.

  13. Non-sequiter? - his facts are uncoordinated!

  14. when the shtf I hope you all can still live together and NOT panic! we will need eachother!

  15. Bury a gold bar, and when currency changes, your gold will still be worth good coin!

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