
Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Much Much Greater Depression

Unfavorable forecasts in the years to come, deficits set to increase, the devastating impact the inane bailouts, failing production and tanking consumer spending will have on our economy, a toxic asset sale wont fix the world economy
Barack Romulus Augustulus Obama claims that his Administration will end the budget deficits by the end of his first, and hopefully last, term in office. Our peerless leader's projections are based on an average GDP of 2.6%, while Congress disagrees, using an average GDP of 2.2%, in their budget forecasts for what will be the next wildly excruciating four years. Would these be the projections for the US Economy, or are they for Never, Never Land, or for the rabbit hole in Alice in Wonderland? Perhaps Tinker Bell can sprinkle some fairy dust on our economy to make these phantasms come true. What kind of utterly preposterous poppycock will the Illuminati come up with next? It appears that the Puppet Masters, their Wall Street henchmen and their US government flunkies have now added crack-smoking to their usual Satanic rituals and occult New Age meditations as they fire up the Goldilocks Matrix for another round.
After they have impoverished you with hyper-stagflation to save themselves and their criminal institutions, the Illuminati will then tax you to death to pay for the mountain of deficits created by Emperor Romulus Augustulus, who now bosses our business leaders around like the Marxist dictator he really is, to fund all the gargantuan stimulus packages that will have provided little or no stimulation as the Much, Much Greater Depression marches on. Then come the forced labor camps to help depopulate the growing tent cities as the Illuminati attempt to finalize their plans for a corporatist, fascist Big Brother police state. Buy gold, or get reamed.

Accounting for the Rothschild Wealth and Influence:
Morton (1962) noted that the Rothschild wealth was estimated at over $6 billion US in 1850. Not a significant amount in today's dollars; however, consider the potential future value compounded over 147 years!

Taking $6 billion (and assuming no erosion of the wealth base) and compounding that figure at various returns on investment (a conservative range of 4% to 8%) would suggest the following net worth of the Rothschild family enterprise:

$1.9 trillion US (@ 4%)
$7.8 trillion US (@ 5%)
$31.5 trillion US (@ 6%)
$125,189.1 trillion US (@ 7%)
$491,409.0 trillion US (@ 8%)

To give these figures some perspective consider these benchmarks:

A little of $300 billion US buys every ounce of gold in every central bank in the world
U.S. M3 money supply August 1997 was $5.2 trillion
U.S. debt is currently $5.4 trillion.
U.S. GDP (1997; 2nd Q.) is $8.03 trillion.
George Soros' empire is worth an estimated $20 billion.

Martin Armstrong-Economist- taking the Internet by Storm-FROM BEHIND BARS!


  1. Th is the first comment i have read here that boarders on bad.

  2. Thank you very much for the information you provide. To me it is very important to weed out the lies, disinformation, and the lack of real news of the corporate controlled and I think owned mainstream news.

    I started listening to shortwave radio over 2 years ago and I started hearing about the economic situation back 2 years ago.

    Mainstream news is a sad joke.

    Thanks again for providing very important eye opening information.


    Toronto, Ontario, Canada

  3. Rothschilde are the personal bankers to the English Throne, as well as to the Vatican.

    Now you know where the term 'More money than God' comes from.

  4. Silly conspiracy ideas have their place too.

  5. I don't think "net worth" applies to the Rothchilds at this point. They stopped counting a loooooooong time ago. When you've accumalated more wealth than every man, women, child, nation and corporation your goal from that point on is control and power over the lives that that group.

  6. A new great depression is coming, I wonder if our economy will be able to surpass it!

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