
Monday, April 13, 2009

Pentagon Preparing for Economic Warfare, but are Admitting Defeat

The Pentagon sponsored a first-of-its-kind war game last month focused not on bullets and bombs — but on how hostile nations might seek to cripple the U.S. economy, a scenario made all the more real by the global financial crisis.

The two-day event near Ft. Meade, Maryland, had all the earmarks of a regular war game. Participants sat along a V-shaped set of desks beneath an enormous wall of video monitors displaying economic data, according to the accounts of three participants.

“It felt a little bit like Dr. Strangelove,” one person who was at the previously undisclosed exercise told POLITICO.

But instead of military brass plotting America’s defense, it was hedge-fund managers, professors and executives from at least one investment bank, UBS – all invited by the Pentagon to play out global scenarios that could shift the balance of power between the world’s leading economies.

Their efforts were carefully observed and recorded by uniformed military officers and members of the U.S. intelligence community.

In the end, there was sobering news for the United States – the savviest economic warrior proved to be China, a growing economic power that strengthened its position the most over the course of the war-game.

The United States remained the world’s largest economy but significantly degraded its standing in a series of financial skirmishes with Russia, participants said.



  1. We'll win! How can you defeat the Plunge Protection Team, Government control of the media, and the Goldman Sachs/Government informercial - CNBC!!!

  2. Get Real.... you nut heads, the USA will be standing when the rest of the Bankrupt nations fail. We will fall too, but not next week or next month. Our greed is hard at work and it will take into 2010 before the real depression kicks in big time. Hold on for one fast ride to hell with a one way ticket, unless you fall out of love with the things of this world and cling to Jesus Christ our Savior. DO IT NOW !!!

  3. Give it up with the religion already its getting BORING

  4. I am putting my faith in the tooth fairy and Santa Clause. The TF gave me a dollar, SC gave me a train set. Jesus, the sun of god, only gave me a sunburn. Get over the Horus mythology already lol - so sad.

  5. In God I trust everyone else pays CASH!


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