
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Something VERY BAD may happen this weekend according to Analyst

27 February 2007 is not a date that stands out. It is not indelibly imprinted on the minds of millions; it does not carry the pain or notoriety of 9-11; unlike 'Black Wednesday', it has not been nicknamed Nor, like 31 August 1997, The Day Diana Died, did it send a nation into mourning.

Yet the repercussions of this day are, quite simply, enormous. They may be felt for decades, and possibly mark the beginning of the next Great Depression. For this was the day the greatest credit bubble in history peaked and popped.

And one man predicted this turn as far back as the 1970s. He is Martin Armstrong.

What's more, another one of his turn dates is coming this weekend …

Note according to his mathematical summary the actual date is April 23 2009


  1. This is the kind of story that discredits this site. There are plenty of solid articles to print, with facts, and not wild speculation as to a date things turn very bad.

    Prepare and when the Oligarchs pull the plug it can be this weekend or two years from now. It won't matter. They know when to trigger the real fall. Not hard. The slightest incident will scare the hell out of the sheep. Then bank holidays, and POOF. Even Obama puppet doesn't know the day.

  2. I agree with the last poster. It seems any Johnny Come-Lately who accurately predicted something in the past is running to the forefront to announce the next greatest "event" that will transpire. There are a whole bunch of things that could set this collapse off at any moment.

    The only question in my mind with this massive ponzi scheme is, will there be enough awakening to fight back, expose the criminals, and start anew? Or will we kill each other off in mass chaos while the bankers consolidate all the assets and totally enslave us?

  3. I'm confused..

    "Nevertheless, of note to all investors, is that there is another Armstrong turn date coming on 2009.3, or 19-20 April."

    how does 2009.3 conclude to 4/19 or 4/20?


  4. Divide and conquer. Just like the Iraqis. They will split us into sections, put us at war with each other as we struggle to live. Neighbor against neighbor. Black against white. Your life and livelyhood mean nothing to them. You are indeed an ant inside an ant farm.

    Those left will be taken out or submitted by the military. No population has ever been to collectively mind controlled in history.

    When it is done there will be two classes. The crumb-fed shopping cart pushing slaves and the ultra wealthy bankers and those that assisted in their robberies of the middle class.

    Enjoy every day as it may be your last as a 'free man.' As for those who have children, that is the saddest burden of all.

  5. Perhaps that is true, but it also discredits yourself to believe that the oligarchs are creating this problem entirely and will "pull the plug" at any moment. I agree they are criminals and the mess is mostly their fault, but let us also take our due blame, all the mindless consumers of endless products, energy, and resources, cranking out babies and helping to expand, expand, EXPAND this economy on endless credit with a certain arrogant sense of entitlement that still persists going into this here crazy windfall. Let it burn Vern.

  6. Folks, this is not a carefully regulated scheme to destroy the American lifestyle.

    This is a typical economic bubble that occurs regularly every 80 years or so. This occurs all over the world routinely within developed markets. Make no mistake there will be tremendous pain, prolonged suffering, and loss.

    The government at Federal, State, and County levels can't even get out of its own way yet alone orchestrate a worldwide financial event.

    Never confuse conspiracy with outright incompetence.

  7. This is NOT your typical economic bubble. We have never seen such a strong push towards a one world govt, one world financial order and next up a one world religion(new age).

    This isn't some run of the mill every 80 year scheme but it would be nice if it was.

  8. Excellent response about this being a strong
    push towards a one world government and such.
    We are like ants to them. They do not have
    our best interests at heart and never did.
    This isn't some ordinary business cycle we're experiencing...this is to change america and the earth forever.

  9. Very interesting stuff here for people with an open mind. I find it, you decide.
    Martin Armstrong

  10. I agree that this population is mind-controlled. But not everyone is asleep and more are waking up with each day.

    We ourselves have pulled out of the system to a great extent and continue to look for ways to back out of it. I would encourage others to forget about investing in any of it - pay off debt - forget mainstream media and definitely put in food storage - In other ways, do what you can and try to let go of fear - Their control is through fear - I have tried to inform others, but only those beginning to awaken can hear - the others just will not listen - I am always encouraged when a person knows about the criminals of this nwo plan, but most do not know.

    This may be a very long journey for humanity, but truth will prevail. Humans are much more than they realize.

  11. heres a prediction for you...this economy will remain the same until the savers savings are completely looted by low interest rates and higher prices , slowly but surely till no one affords retirements,nor taxes and thus are looted of lands and incomes nor insurances.

    and thus are looted of lands)

  12. Well said Cyclopsys!
    We need a good kick in the pants. We let the 10% control us. Well folks, 10% of 300 million is 30 million. 270 million left.
    Who, do we have to blame? What will it take for us to wake up?


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