
Sunday, May 17, 2009

CRIMINAL: Hedge Fund Managers Bankrupt Companies, SEC allows it.

Comment: This video is a must see. (27 minutes) It shows you the details surrounding the collapse of Bear Sterns and how it was done by Hedge funds through the illegal practices of "Naked Shorts".

Hedge Funds and the Global Economic Meltdown from Judd Bagley on Vimeo.


  1. Stupidest propaganda I ever saw. BSC was going to fail anyway.

    Biggest stock manipulators are longs as they lie cheat and steal to push price up to sell stock to the uninformed.

  2. Biggest stock manipulators are NOT longs. If you look at the weekly charts of many major companies the short positions are huge. If there were so many long positions the retailer people, you and me, would be Multi -MILLIONAIRES! But because of the short positions, including naked shorts, 90% or more of retail buyers are BROKE, they stayed in the LONG POSITION.

  3. anon, you miss the point. even if bear was going to fail why anybody would place the bet at such extreme odds is something entirely different, and perhaps illegal


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