
Sunday, May 24, 2009

Time is running out


The Russians are aware of the imminent threat from the USA and have dumped their U.S. Dollar for Euro as Reserve Currency.

This dumping will increase the USD to spiral downwards at an alarming rate. The more value the USD loses, the higher inflation because it takes more dollars to acquire the same goods or services, more money is also needed just to run the countries program. And America's ability to repay back the National Debt will become an impossible task, therewith, the USA will lose her 'AAA' rating inviting other countries to follow Russia's example in dumping their own US reserve currency for the more stable EURO trickling back into the US and causing evermore inflation. But the most detrimental of all is that this outcome will tip the scales in favor for the oil producing countries (OPEC) to DUMP and replace the US dollar with a currency basket to price crude.
The above will trigger War with the Europeans-Russia proxy Iran this is a foregone conclusion, but before the War the only option let for the US administration is to Crash all American Markets and remove as much disposable capital from the System to achieve two things; (1) buy time by strengthening the Dollar into finding an economic solution to bleed the Europeans and Russians with; (2) impoverish as many Americans as possible in the process to achieve an obedient and dependent civilians that should the worst arise when the Government points finger at the enemy, you will not question!

China has warned a top member of the US Federal Reserve that it is increasingly disturbed by the Fed's direct purchase of US Treasury bonds.



WASHINGTON - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will use his meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday to stress that "time is running out" for stopping Iran's nuclear program, so Obama must not spend more than a few months on his planned dialogue with Tehran unless real progress is achieved. If progress is not achieved within a few months, the United States must move quickly to more aggressive measures against Iran, Netanyahu will say.

Its unfolding before your very eyes, more aggressive measures will be the outcome, Iran will not discontinue to sell their oil in EUROS causing USD to trickle into the US economy causing Dollar devaluation (inflation). The Russians will protect IRAN oil is bloodline of their com-plot, and just as the Russians used the Iranian cloak to arm Iraqi insurgent, the Americans will use the Israelis to masquerade themselves before the World.

Israel to US: We reserve 'right' to bomb Iran.


  1. What should be front page news is of course not mentioned at all in the MSM so the lemmings will continue their march toward the cliff edge.

    Instead today we have more important headline news like gays in the military, the shuttle landing, and the Indy 500.

  2. Why are you posting an aricle about OPEC from 2007. That's a little stale don't you think?

  3. #2 Anon I don't see any article from 2007

  4. Anon #3. Then you aren't paying attention. Second link down.

    OPEC to discuss creation of currency basket to price crude

    Published Date: November 17, 2007

  5. since when have the russians been adept at investing? or adept at anything for that matter? the russians dumping the dollar in favor of the euro is kinda like the japanese buying us real estate in the 80's; tttiiimmmbbbeeerrr... sheesh, get a grip people... ALL currencies are going into the crapper; period. The ruskies have been in perpetual crisis, they are not a role model. imvho.

  6. We are the USSR circa 1988-1989 right now. It is our turn to self destruct. Only a few months away now. Black Xmas coming.

  7. maybe, maybe not, but, the us will come back stronger in the end as we shake the world off our teets.

  8. #7... wrong you mean the world will be stronger when they dump the US


    Does anybody really know what time it is
    Does anybody really care
    If so I can't imagine why Oh-No, No
    We've all got time enough to die
    Everybody's working I don't care
    About time I don't care

  10. No shit. The world will be so much better off without us. The war wongers with the fake economy. The liars. The tools. The false flaggers. The AIPAC dupes. The lemming populace of deluded worshippers. The 'caboose' as Peter Schiff says. So long!

    Love that bumper sticker! Same shit.

  11. It is easy to attempt blame the US when in reality all nations were caught up in the GREED cycle. That's not a fault of the US, that is a fault of Central Banks, the World Bank, the IMF, GREEDY individuals. Too bad, so sad, suck it up like big boys and girls, and move on.

    Technology of any worth has been, and will continue to be, developed in the US. It is what we are great at; no other country has this maverick spirit. We have been dulled by Globalism but that is being remedied as I type. The 'world' should hope we don't retreat too far. imvho.

  12. We are the lazy slob consume and spend Empire.

    It is our turn to fail.

    We got by trading worthless paper for goods for a long time. Time is up. We let our government run amok and ignored every lie for far too long. We took the role of apathetic sheep. We did the exact opposite of what our founding fathers told us to do which is guard our freedom and be watchful of domestic tyranny rising. We slept. They executed their plans. We got punk'd. All because we didn't want to rock the boat and possibly give up our homes and bloated SUV lifestyles. Now it is time for a correction.

  13. Yes, this will test the mettle of the American people. IF we pass this test, and I believe we will, then we will evolve in the process. The funny thing about your post is that EVERYONE wants what we have; do you think that's a bad thing? I don't believe resources are as finite as touted by the mindless media trolls. In fact, I don't believe the majority of what they hype; from swine flu to global warming (LOL) to peak oil. Sure, time for a correction; so what. Our founding fathers would expect us to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and move on; those that can't will be cast aside (our founding fathers would expect nothing less). Oh, and those worried about revolution, or attack, or the bogus Obama Civilian Force (LOL); trust me, that's a road you don't want to travel. imvho.


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