
Saturday, May 2, 2009

Where to move if the Great Depression Comes?

[Legendary speculator] Doug Casey is greatly underappreciated. He's been expecting the debacle we see unfolding today - a collapsing financial sector, government spending growing out of control, and a public backlash against capitalism - for as long as I've known him, almost 15 years. He calls the scenario "The Greater Depression." And now, he thinks it's going to be even worse than he expected...

At his conference last weekend in Las Vegas, he told the audience what he's doing to protect himself from what he sees coming next: soaring inflation, capital controls around the world, and vast increases to America's already confiscatory tax regime. What is Doug doing? First, he built a very private community in a very safe place about as far away from the centers of government power as you can get. His development is called Estancia Cafayate. Check it out Here It's located in the southern part of Salta province in northwest Argentina. Why in the world would you want to live in a valley of the Andes Mountains in rural Argentina? Well, Uruguay is nearby, a place where you can still bank privately and where you can still arrange for citizenship.

Second, Salta is incredibly rich in natural resources - water, farmland, oil and gas, vineyards, cattle, cultural attractions, etc. All of the things you need to lead a very wealthy, civilized life are in great abundance. And everything is cheap. A first-class steak dinner at a good restaurant on the central square in Cafayate costs about $4 per head, including wine. Finally, you have plenty of opportunities to make money with commodities. Doug has become a large-scale dairy farmer.


  1. Reference : Where to move if the Great Depression Comes?

    You will not be locating anywhere if you are like most Americans, caught up in the midst of a financial depression. You will not have the financial resources to relocate.

    This is a general guideline.

    Most land east of the Rocky mountains is heavily populated and owned privately. Most of the land is fertile with adequate water. That is why it is heavily populated.

    Most of the land west of the Rocky mountains in uninhabited with the exception of metropolitan population centers. The land is publicly owned and there is almost unlimited access. However, water is scarce and the soil does not yield crops. That is why it is unpopulated.

    For example, I reside in the west, at the edge of a designated wilderness area. My home sits at 5000 feet, the mountain peak behind my home is 13000 feet. We receive snow up to the second week of June. Occassional frosts through summer. It begins snowing again in November. On average we receive 48 inches of snow, and 10 inches of rainfall per year. It is impossible to sustain yourself gardening. There is no farming. The lions, coyotes, and feral dogs will eat unprotected small livestock at night.

    My advice would be to hunker down and exploit the resources you have at hand presently. Learn to manipulate your own living enviroment to your benefit and develop cottage industry skills of value to your neighbor.

  2. I was wondering what happened to Doug. Looking for his latest books, couldn't find but the one written in 1982 the same I read and helped me to conserve my assets following his advise in that book. The more I read his book the more
    I find that what is going on with the Economy
    is exactly what he predicted and I think is two
    decades later but real now.Do someone know were
    he will be lecturing after Las Vegas? I would appreciate the information.

  3. This La Estancia de Cafayate looks like a retreat for the rich.

    I certainly dont see anything here about simplifying, scaling back, or working together as a community.

    So I guess the solution is to move away and relocate that exuberant American lifestyle elsewhere, replete with fine dining, golf, and fancy home. Hell, if you can pay someone a dollar a day to maintain your greens for you and pick your grapes, a far away move is worth the investment. After all your money will be safe in Uruguay as well as those bricks of gold Sergio will be polishing for your lazy gringo ass.

  4. To: The Watcher -
    regarding your comment - you need big fences, and build a greenhouse, you'll be good 2 go!

  5. Retreats won't be needed in most of middle America way from big cities. Here in Indiana we have so many small church based communities built up around what remains of the farms, it would be fairly simple to begin small farming operations again with warmer weather crops being grown in greenhouses during the harsh winters. The soil here is good, the people great and the communities tight-knit. We'll be ok.

  6. Kind of sounds like Jone's Town.

  7. For one thing, I'm not sure if I would want to keep my money in a bank in Uruguay. And as bad as the economy may turn out to be in the United States, other countries will fare much worse and especially in Latin American countries where riots, crime, national strikes, military rule, land confiscations, governmental upheavals, monetary devaluations, and anarchy will be the order of the day.

  8. Refernce : "To: The Watcher -
    regarding your comment - you need big fences, and build a greenhouse, you'll be good 2 go!"

    You are correct, it requires about a 7 foot fence to keep out the deer. It also has to be buried below the soil line to keep out skunks. Most folks do not have the financial resources for a greenhouse or barrier fence. We garden inside tires, or other larger containers, using plastic for a cover at night. It's quite labor intensive and only small crops can be grown.

    Thanks for the insight.

  9. Rick , what the F*CK do you know about anything , not much from what i see , Latin America was America's playground , overthrowing the peoples governments and installing Fascist military dictatorships , those days are now over , and peace has become the law of those lands . AMERIKA will descend in a massive state of choas very very soon , When people have lost everything and have noting left to lose , they lose it . Whilst the whole world is feeling the result of the crash and burning U.S , i think the whole world will come out of it ok , when we take out U.S rule, oligarchy and its fascism out of our lives in wich the U.S controls 75% of the worlds ressources and finacial centers , the world will become much more properous and wealthy while U.S will collapse very hard . The world will emerge out of this while you arrogant F*cking Americans cant even comprehend that their is a recession let alone a full blown collapse is occuring and coming very fast . Yes there are National strikes around the world expect for the U.S , becasue you guys are real big pussies and refuse to acknowledge your GOV is robbing you blind, the strike becasue they are sick and fucking tired of being run over and ruled by corupted assholes . The peoples of South America once this is all over (collapse of America) they will be the richest people on earth (natural/mineralresources , arable land , water ! DOOD aan Amerika!!!

  10. Well, Mr. Casey is a few years behind in developing a Galts Gultch in Latin America. This one is completed with over 150 families living a sustainable lifestyle in the most stable country in Central America.

  11. Hey Canada, Your country is a blood sucker like you. If it was not for us you would be in German hands. Get a Life

  12. @Rick
    Exactly what you described in your post is coming here. I am Russian and for the first time in many years I started thinking of going back to Russia. One thing is for sure. They are not building FEMA camps over there. In the old days while being in the Soviet Union I had to listen to Voice of America to find out what was going on. Now, living in America, I have to watch Russia Today to find out the truth. The bankers messed up this country big time. There is no going back to the “American dream”. It has evaporated. For a while the propaganda machine will lure in people from devastated countries like Zimbabwe or Somalia. Sometimes I even regret that I came here. I wasted 18 years of my life and now left on my own devices without a penny. And what did I do wrong? Tried to be a good citizen and work hard. What did I get in return? The bankers f**ked me in the ass and completely destroyed financially. I haven't bought 2 or 3 houses like other people have. On the contrary, tried to pay off mine as soon as I could. Now all the money is locked in the house, and the house prices are falling like a rock. Some economist say that Americans did not save enough. Let me tell you. Those who saved (401K and other nonsense) and tried to pay off their houses are the ones who are going to be devastated the most. So pal, wake up and learn either Spanish or Russian or Chinese.

  13. Trex now that is some HATE.

    Lighten up a little bit, you're being way too hard on America. There are alot of good people here, like you find in the midwest and the south. Real America isn't like what you see on television. There are plenty of people here who work hard, save money, go to church, and do the best they can. These people are the ones that had their freedom and money usurped from them by the corrupt politicians and their banker friends starting many years ago as the leftists began to take over Hollywood, the school systems, the media. The real Americans realized this and did what they can to stop it, but they failed. We did try though. We don't deserve what's coming, but we will do the best we can to get through it, and we don't need the hate from people like you. We will ALL be in this together, for better or for worse. if you think your country will be immune, you are sadly mistaken.

  14. TREX van Canada-I agree with most of what you said, except NOT all Amerikans are brain dead. I find many of my friends and relatives, some are (or were) very well off, refuse to listen to the truth, and do not want to hear from people like me who knows what is really happening. I blame their idiocy on TV watching. I stopped watching TV years ago and woke up to reality. Most Amerikans lives are controlled by their TV's.

    We are in deep doo doo folks, and we ain't seen nothing yet!

    Good luck to my Canadian friends and family!

  15. TREX van Canada: I have visited Latin America several times before so I am somewhat familiar with the life, economics and customs down there. Yes, I do speak some Spanish and French as well. With the entire world in probable danger of collapsing under the sheer weight of a global Depression, I do know enough not to even consider living in any of those Latin American countries let alone even visiting them now or in the forseeable future. Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and other Latin American countries will not be spared from the upcoming onslaught. They will likely suffer the most from the economic calamity. You can be sure of that. There is certainly no shortage of developers, realtors, or speculators trumpeting resorts and the land of plenty in the Carribeans or elsewhere.

  16. Hate to break it to you folks, but having lived in Central America for four years I can tell you exactly what will happen to Estancia Cafayate. It will be robbed and the owners murdered. SEEN IT DOZENS OF TIMES.

  17. @TREX van Canada.
    Unfortunately, Canadians are not any better. They live in a dreamworld, take Vancouver for example. Here is what I posted on another blog related to Peter Schiff and his assessment of Canadian Dollar.
    >I think Peter is wrong about the Canadian dollar. Here is why. First of all, Canadian dollar is a fiat currency, just like the US dollar. Second of all, here is the link that shows the official gold and currency reserves of Canada:
    Pay attention to how much gold Canada has – it is laughable. The majority of currency reserves are in US dollars. If the US dollar starts devaluating or simply collapses – the entire Canadian reserves will turn into exotic toilet paper. Here is a link that shows the madness of the Canadian government and exposes them for the fools they are and how they managed to f_ck up a fortune of gold:
    It is up to you, people, to decide.< Want more? Canadian government lied to Canadian people that they do not have a problem with sub-prime mortgages. They do have. They said that government is not going to bail out the banks. They did, while the majority of Canadians were asleep. For more info go here:

  18. @Rick
    Nobody says there is no good people in America. What we say is that while those good people were asleep and fooled by the media, the bankers stole your country, exactly as Jefferson said in his famous phrase:"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." That is exactly what the bankers did. First, they pored alcohol without a limit and when when everybody became alcoholic, they cut the supply. Now everybody is in terrible hangover.

  19. Anonymous: I was born and raised in the United States for a good many years so I can assure you that I know not only the people but exactly how the country is run. I along with other Americans are fully aware that rich capitalists around the globe have succeeded in bankrupting the world several times over. As you can see, there are actually some good people in this country who weren't asleep and fooled by the media.

  20. Anonymous(In Russia): From what I could see, the American Dream is just a farce in that it is only reserved for the select few while leaving an overwhelmingly multitude of others to wilt on the vine. This is no American Dream in my book. It looks to me like change in the current system is very much in order here and way overdue. President Obama has uttered similar remarks recently and has alluded to changes to correct this imbalance. As per the 401K plan or any other investment vehicles peddled by the nation's money managers, my best suggestion to you is to avoid these people at all costs. They have conflicts of interests to say the least. For the moment, hold either cash or short term Treasury bills and stay away from the banks or credit unions. I know that you will not earn any interest from the above two options but it's of little concern right now since we are presently in a deflationary spiral. Moreover, you will sleep better at night knowing that your principal is relatively safe and secure and that's all anybody can hope for right now.

  21. I can't believe you want to live in Argentina

    - Maximiliano - Rosario, Argentina

  22. welcome friends

  23. Why do you think Kissinger said-"One day UN troops will be cheered in the streets of LA"??? Because the Americans will take eachother out. Why don't Zbigniew and Henry just die already. These f'ckers-evil evil men--They are the NWO's generals. That would set back the NWO 5-10 years. You can't replace these guys easily. Easy targets anyone? Want to make a difference? I have given up on all of the ignorants. As Gerald Celente(Jew?? telling the truth?? a guess not a Zionist) said-" There is enough information out there that people do not have an excuse for learning the truth?" They are going to get whats coming to them. I myself have turned into an illuminati- screw the average person- I am going to make a fortune off of their ignorance- Short the market now--I- I- mean BUY BUY BUY! The market has bottomed everything is great. Sell all of your gold and silver jewelry now to me 1-800-you-dont-have-a-f'n-clue

    I have come full circle and have tried to educate my fellow man for over a year. It is no use. NWO here we come. If you can't beat em-join em. F'k the rest of you.

  24. AMERICANS DON'T HAVE A CLUE. The NWO wants to cause a internal conflict-- they want riots-they want US troops fighting citizens. That has been the blueprint of how to take down a nation for eternity. The US gov will continue to push and push and push and then use something like high gas prices to ignite the riots when they are ready. The US will IMPLODE on itself and the UN will come to the rescue. This really is the calm before the storm. The only chance is the generals.
    Zbigniew, Kissinger, Rahm, any Rothchild, Axelrod, Rubin, Paulson, ECT ECT

  25. "The UN will come to the rescue"...that's when the Illuminati realize their plan will fail, US citizens won't tolerate the UN and the UN doesn't have the manpower or the stones to do anything meaningful that the US citizenry won't be able to shove back in their laps and make them eat.

  26. Why do you think Kissinger said-"One day UN troops will be cheered in the streets of LA"???
    'Because he was right, but this is also misleading. The press, the left, and the celebrities would celebrate such a thing, as well as all the inner city scumbuckets leaching off the rest of America. LA will love the UN, NY will love the UN...and the real Americans in flyover country will have nothing but a hail of bullets for them.

    All it took in Iraq was 1 bomb for the UN to pack up and flee. They wouldn't be able to handle one small midwestern US town, much less an entire county or state.
    UN peacekeeping will be stoking BBQ smokers with their carcasses in places like Texas!

  27. The Oracle of Kypseli said:
    Strangely enough most of you guys are right. But, if you take away the emotions for a minute, you can realize that the forces that brought us to this breaking point, is American extreme marketing which glorifies consumerism. Our society was breeding consumers on an ever younger and younger crowd, which lost sight of the more important things in life.

    The excess consumerism created huge profits which in turn created unprecedented greed of Bankers, Wall Streeters, Politicians and Baby Boomers with 401K plans the size of Texas.

    You guys know the rest.

    Sustainability was/is impossible. Debt must always be forgiven, defaulted or paid down. It is now apparent that the debt can not possibly be paid down, but the politicians have no cojones to force liquidation. Thus, either hyperinflation or extreme deflation and high unemployment will be the result.

    On the subject of Latin America, the agriculturally oriented countries will prosper. Therefore, despite the old image of banana republics, corruption and devaluations, people will be better off there than here, as Americans are unprepared for harsh conditions and the complex system of food distribution to cities will create shortages and riots.

    Places like the fancy one in Argentina are for the well to do. But that does not mean that there are no other places for those who have less. We bought a farm in Peru for small change and have the locals farm it in exchange of maintaining it and the farmhouse until further notice. We visit once a year and enjoy the local fruit the honey and the sunny weather.

    Bear in mind that the motto is “If everything in the US goes to hell.” Then……

  28. trex has America confused with the central bankers....shows what he knows

  29. no i am not confused ! Amerika is filled with many many bible brainwashed dumbshits

  30. What a bunch os bull sh*&! If you are so rich that you are able to move to this place then you would not need to go there because you may live mush better and cheaper in the mountain of PA. in the USA. We need answers not pipe dreams of the rich!

  31. Wow! To bank in "Uruguay"(of all places)! Now I know my money will be safe there!


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