
Monday, June 8, 2009

The American Economy is a Giant Ponzi Scheme ready to Collapse : Peter Schiff

The Reserve Currency Status Corrupted America :

Gold is money and only gold can replace the dollar. If we move to the Euro as a reserve currency , ultimately it is going to corrupt Europe just like the Reserve Currency Status did. There is no way we can pay back our debt , we are going to default no matter what the credit rating agencies are saying. Are we going to be honest and restructure our debt or are we going to keep on solving the problems by printing more money and issuing junk bonds ...we will end up like Argentina ....There's going to be massive inflation Says Peter Schiff This morning on CNBC . He also talked about the massive inflation, the debt that we are sinking in the federal reserve and continuing to print more and more money out of thin air , the GDP is highly inflated with phony numbers , teaser rates , we are like Bernie Madoff running a giant Ponzi scheme ..people bought houses using teaser rates ...we do not know how long this recession will last..and more


  1. Poor Peter. Does he ever do a video where he doesn't have to debate a moron?

  2. Anon #1 no kidding eh ! Thes are the fools that have driven us and continue to drive us towards the cliff !!!! FFS wake UP jesus jumping , anywase good morning folks

  3. Only started following Peter but the more i see the more sense he's making when debating with these various morons.

  4. We're going to go the way of Argentina and print tons of money. This will lead to the intended hyperinflation and destruction of the dollar that is planned in order to usher in the Amero, right on schedule.

  5. We are like ants in an ant farm. In order to go the opposite direction you are going to have to step on others, and be stepped on. If you can think for yourself you are unique in this land of lemmings. I wish the best for all rational thinking people.


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