
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

California to lead us into Abyss

California Leads Nation to Bond Default Abyss: Kevin Hassett
Commentary by Kevin Hassett

June 1 (Bloomberg) -- There is an old joke that a borrower dies if everyone stops believing in him. A look at the history of financial crises suggests there is a kernel of truth in this.

That's why the California budget crisis may well lead to a second financial calamity that would be far worse than anything experienced over the past 18 months.

California is, of course, facing a debacle. Voters rejected a series of ballot initiatives designed to restore some sense of sanity to the state's budget. As a result, California is more than $21 billion in the hole.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is struggling to find enough spending reductions to close the gap, but investors are skeptical. According to Fitch Ratings, which in March downgraded California's general obligation bond rating, California has the worst rating of any state.

Even amid economic calamity, the people of California are relatively wealthy, and the state's economy is an impressive engine. If California were a country, it would have the eighth- largest economy on Earth. Given those advantages, the notion that California might default on its government debt might seem farfetched. After all, the reasoning goes, they can always raise taxes to pay off debt. Even a gridlocked legislature might act if California gets too close to the edge.

The problem with that line of thinking is that California's politicians might get little notice that desperate times are at hand. For some borrowers, the first sign of problem is their inability to make an interest payment. For others -- and here lies the nightmare scenario -- the problem first becomes visible when all the lenders disappear.

My reaction: As Kevin Hassett writes, “The California budget crisis may well lead to a second financial calamity that would be far worse than anything experienced over the past 18 months.”

1) California is more than $24.3 billion in the hole.

2) On Monday, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger ordered a halt to funding for state contracts on everything from pencils to office space.

3) California's state controller has warned about the state running out of cash in two weeks (this warning happened last week).

4) The likely scenario (also the nightmare scenario) is that all California’s lenders disappear, and the state is unable to roll over its debt.

5) If the unofficial eighth-largest economy fails on its debt, it will cast doubt on all government debt, especially treasuries.

6) The US government's fiscal situation is in worse shape than California's.

Conclusion: The ‘bad’ phase of the financial crisis is on the verge of beginning. It involves the dollar’s collapse, soaring commodities, and skyrocketing interest rates.

The time frame for everything to really start falling apart is the next two or three months. California budget crisis is one of many factors which sets this time frame (default is likely within three months). A default by California would drag the bond market into the abyss.
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  1. funny..interest rates are at historic lows where I live...

  2. No kidding, they are historic lows EVERYWHERE. Go borrow MORE so we can sink deeper into the abyss. Right now the debt equals $133,000 per person in the US, lets try to get to $150,000-200,000

  3. I'm sure health care being nationalized, increased taxes, and rising oil prices should help things the next few years. Along with several other states going into bankruptcy.
    FASCISM FASCISM FASCISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. "funny..interest rates are at historic lows where I live..."

    hehehe (Peter Griffin laugh).
    Hey Lois, isn't it crazy how many people are still too stupid to realize that low interest rates right now are not such a good thing?


  5. I'm OK with this.
    I'm OK with my nations financial system going into total collapse.
    I'm OK with every Aspect of the American way of life going away over the next couple of years.
    I'm OK with the government declaring 'feat majori' and defaulting on all outstanding debt mainly but not limited to treasury paper.
    I'm OK with the government ceasing to pay social security to 45 million Americans.
    I'm OK with the mass rioting and martial law
    and mass arrests by foreign troops and incarceration in the 400+ fully equipped and waiting FEMA camps.

    Wait a minute. No, I'm not.

  6. when will people start connecting the dots!!! It's amazing how the current administration continues to point to the previous one.

    Corporations are controlled by the government
    Media is controlled by the government [Jeffrey Emult the Head of NBC telling reporters to not be critical of current administration]

    I'm pretty sure this is not what John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and our founding fathers had in mind. I guess is doesn't matter in a post-modern world where if it's old, something I disagree with, and written more than five minutes ago on something other than twitter or Facebook it's irrelevant.

  7. i could not agree more, especially with the last post.

    those who are not awake yet are going to be forced into some very, very difficult situations.

    "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves" ~ Abraham Lincoln

  8. Everyone deserves the destitution that is coming to them.

    They will all be destroyed for their iniquities.

  9. Government controls corporations and corporations control government - a two way street. We have been living in a plutocracy going back to the very early days. Now we are simply coming to a critical point on many different fronts.

  10. Califlornia is broke and $23 Billion in debt. Guess who insists on STILL paying for illegal aliens? You're right!...California. Our State is broke but the government still insists on funding illegals to the tune of $12 Billion per year! What an outrage!

  11. Sadly, I find myself agreeing with #8.
    I am a born again Christian, and I do perceive that the calamities which face my country men are the result of their immorality and reckless selfishness over the years.
    Abortion is murder. That is the chief sin for which God has withdrawn his grace upon us.
    32 million missing people...weird to think ..this world would be different if they where here.

    As Jesus said 'All things must pass' and 'as you see these things happening lift up your heads and be glad, for your salvation draws nigh'

    What if I told other Christians that the rapture had already happened ..all the aborted babies in heaven with Christ..and they all got left behind.


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