
Sunday, June 7, 2009

Celente Explains what's going to happen and why

Mr. Celente follows over 300 trends: family, crime, war, education, consumer & business patterns which TRI synthesizes to predict the future.

“The US is becoming a shadow of what it used to be. Take education for example. The OECD group of developed countries ranks quality of life, education, health care of its member nations. The US is now falling down the table as one piece of data after another shows America is in decline. We’re no longer Win, Place or Show in quality of life, education, longevity… all the essentials where we used to be #1. And our economic underpinnings are failing.”

Mr. Celente puts part of the blame squarely on the federal government, and especially FED Chairman Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Geithner, and warns us not to believe a word they say “They’re the same people who didn't see it coming - are now telling us the worst is over, that ‘green shoots are spouting upwards’. But they were wrong before. They’re wrong on this too”.

“When you pump out tons of money manure into this system based on nothing – printing press paper, it’s like giving a patient with a chronic disease a pain killer -- it won’t cure the patient.”

“But let’s go beyond the economics. Our whole Constitution has been abrogated. The president simply writes an Executive Order to do whatever he wants. Nationalize the banks, take over the insurance industry, automobile industry, health care industry…

None of it is constitutional.”

When did the problem begin?

“After Dwight Eisenhower -- our last great president -- the Allied Supreme Commander in WWII – who warned us of the dangers of the military-industrial complex. We've become completely corrupted.”

“We became enmeshed in foreign entanglements. We forgot the lesson of England - and how their global imperial overreach destroyed their empire.”

Of course, the average American doesn’t think that we’re an empire. We’re not like the classical empires of old - raping, pillaging and stealing the wealth of invaded peoples. What does Mr. Celente have to say about this?

More Here


  1. A clandestine empire is still an empire. We invade, kill, occupy just like the barbarian hordes of old. We just have made up cover stories to make us feel better about ourselves. Tall tales of a war on terror and other nonsense. Mix that up with a dumbed down fearful populace and it all goes together nicely.

  2. The truth always hurts. Empires fall, new ones emerge.

  3. We’re not like the classical empires of old - raping, pillaging and stealing the wealth of invaded peoples. What does Mr. Celente have to say about this?

    He'd probably tell you to go read a Noam Chomsky book or do some research on the sort of luxuries that came to the United States simply because the US dollar became the reserve currency and America could pay off its debts by turning its printing press on.

    Thus, the US certainly uses its military and economic might to force resource extraction around the world for our empire.

    Unfortunately, there will be a hangover when we realize that its the next day and we're sloshed.

    We'll ultimately see if the "green economy" continues to feed the appetites which developed during the drinking binge.

  4. The difference between modern empires and the empires of old are superficial. On the one hand they now have more devistating power and reach, and on the other they are able to gloss over their true nature much more easily. Therefore, the difference is a matter of suggestibility and indifference by their populations.

  5. A lot of countries want to pay us back because, at one time or another, we occupied them, bought from them with worthless money, acted dispicably etc.

    This all happened because our "leaders" legislated it to happen for their own enrichment.

    When we lose our power, a lot of bad things could happen to us. It could be much worse than it is now.

    Did you see that reporter is suing WHO, Baxter etc for their crimes? Is she in danger?

  6. I live in canada and have been followinng the economic crisis and have been so worried about America. It breaks my heart when I think about the masses of people in Michigan, even in California and other states who have lost their jobs and their homes, some of whom are living on the streets. The thing that angers me the most is that this has been orchestrated by the power elites who have bought control of congress. There needs to be a house cleaning in the congress.any congressman who voted against the audut the afed bill need to be bootrd from office. God bless America!


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