
Monday, June 1, 2009

Economic Depression worse than the 30's

Signs of a new financial storm for September coming from Dubai and Saudi Arabia

by Maurizio d'Orlando
Dubai calls on the Rothschild bank for help, perhaps out of desperation. In Saudi Arabia a Saad Group company defaults. US, European and Asian banks are struggling. The end of Ramadan in September might mark the start of an economic depression worse than that of the 1930s.

Milan (AsiaNews) – Rothschild’s Dubai office has been retained by Dubai’s Department of Finance for advice on the US$ 10 billion financial support fund (FSF) the emirate raised on the bond markets.

Nakheel, the property development arm of Dubai World, was the first to benefit, but is likely to be the last of its kind because funds will be handed out on the basis of two criteria: urgency and strategic importance.

In fact government-related corporations deemed essential for the long-term development of Dubai’s economy will be eligible for FSFs. They include firms involved in infrastructure, transportation (ex. the Metro and Maktoum airport projects), aviation, ports, shipping and tourism. Banking might be included and the Rothschild guidelines might be flexible with regard to real estate.

This said Rothschild is not getting directly involved but will act through commercial banks in which it has equity like JP Morgan as well as the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY).

By law the latter plays a key role in the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) and thus has a crucial role in making key decisions about interest rates and the US money supply.

Through the FRBNY Rothschild is in a privileged position to influence US monetary policy and shaping US monetary supply, crucially important since the US dollar remains the main reserve currency in the world.

But the Saudis too are facing their own serious problems. The Saad Group, which is linked to The International Banking Corp (TIBC) and the Ahmad Hamad Algosaibi & Brothers Co, is in difficulty.

Saudi Arabia’s central bank has frozen all the accounts of Saad chairman, Saudi billionaire Maan al-Sanea, who owns 2.97 per cent of the HSBC Holdings Plc, Europe’s largest bank based in London.

Once known by its full name of Hong Kong & Shangai Banking Corp., HSBC Holdings Plc is also one of Asia’s main banks.

The decision by Saudi Arabia’s central bank comes after an Algosaibi-owned company defaulted on a billion dollar debt.



  1. What are the signs you would be looking for to get your family out of Metropolitan areas when things start heading south?

  2. Gas and Food Shortages, Bank Collapse, a big one like B of A.

  3. Seems like that could be happening in the next six to ten months. FDIC took over 25 banks all last year and they are already at 30 after 4 months. The commercial real estate Tsunami seems to be moving closer to shore.

    In the large city that I live in there are for lease signs every ten feet. That seems like the business to be in right now is the production of "For Lease" signs. Very few people are wanting to talk about the blown out bridge down the road.

    How do you think Americans will respond to Zimbabwae-like hyperinflation? More and more cities are cutting their police and fire department positions. Yesterday I was driving with my son and came to an intersection where Fireman were going from car to car with large boots for donations for their station. Not good.

  4. Start thinking outside the box. If your bank accounts, stocks, were wiped out next week ... what could you trade for food and essentials?

    If you own a company, how long can you last if nobody wanted to buy your goods or services at all?

    You must prepare for the collapse now. Anyway you can become less dependent the better.

  5. These headlines have remained the same for months...and months. When is something supposed to happen?

  6. Anonymous said: These headlines have remained the same for months...and months. When is something supposed to happen?

    Its hard to pin it down exactly, I would think it depends on what the (PENTAGON BRASS) Military Industrial Complex in America decides what to do with North Korea and Iran. Think about what a WAR with those nations could do for the economy? I'M not advocating a war with any nation, but, come on folks, if its true these two leaders Ahmadinejad and "Lil Kim" have Nuclear weapons, then I say we STRIKE NOW! BEFORE ITS TOO DAMM LATE! The alternative of letting Iran with a huge CRAZY MUSLIM population with "Da BomB" and North Korea threatening TOTAL WAR with the U.S. is not a good one. And I know that Pakistan has alot of CRAZY MUSLIMS also with "Da BomB" but thats why India is our Checkmate in that area of the world. Think real hard about this question, do you think that FANATICAL MUSLIMS with a hatred toward Western Civilization can be trusted with a Nuclear Arsenal? I would hate to live in ISRAEL right now, they gotta be shitting in there pants at night, what with all those "crazy jihadist" out there. Are any of you familiar with BlackJack 5? take a look at a so-called fictional timeline of NUKES going off in America/Canada/Mexico and the U.K. seems pretty coincidental if you ask me, in that story line June 22nd is the day of reckoning.

  7. You have really consumed a lot of propaganda if you think for a minute Iran is any threat. Please.

  8. Pencildick, I can picture you riding one of those nukes a la Slim Pickins in Dr. Strangelove. We could send you on the first one as a Kiss of Death to christen the Coming Nuclear War.

  9. Hey crumb nugget, stop yapping on at the mouth and start using your brain. This is the kind of mindless chatter that will get you bazooka-ed where you stand. Are you paying attention to current events or do you only read fairy-tales and comic books laden with the Protocols of Zion-speak? I bet you loved to shop at 7 eleven but are still bitter for the "towel heads" taking them over ever since the 1979 Iranian Revolution against American Hegemony.

  10. None of this would be happening if YAHWEH'S laws were obeyed.

    Seed after seed, kind after kind. Everyone needs to stay in the land God gave them and leave each other alone.

    Problem solved.

  11. I knew it. Had to be a deluded religious nut. Mythology pal, all fake. Focus on real things my friend. Good videos for you - Zeitgeist; Peace, Propaganda and the Middle East; the Liberty attack.

    One second thought stay deluded rocketman.

  12. "Seed after seed, kind after kind. Everyone needs to stay in the land God gave them and leave each other alone."

    "God gave us" the whole Earth. He didn't tell us to draw imaginary boundaries and to live within them solitarily. Stop letting the religious drivel control your mind.

  13. Yes, you are controlled. Any free creature that feels innately "commanded" to do anything is under the control of a ridiculous ideology.

    Are you a Jehova's witness?

  14. You just don't want to obey the laws of God which is WHY we are in this predicament.

    Man's law go obey man, I will stick to the Perfect Laws of YAHWEH.

    I am a white western European. There's no such thing as religion. Only Law, race and government.

    Wow, you should be ashamed. You have made such and ass of yourself.

  15. No, as someone reading all the's the Yahweh believer who is mentally ill beyond belief.

    You believe in Santa Claus because some old book told you are mentally ill!

  16. You have once again convicted yourself with your own mouth.
    You see, YAHWEH hates Santa. Santa is anti Christ.

    Your false accusations upon my person and assuming things about me without having no knowledge is evident that you are, not only psychotic but a delusional narcissist...fancying yourself as all knowing.

    How does it feel to be humiliated by your own ignorance?

  17. Your religious creed does not disguise your ignorance, it merely broadcasts it to the world and beyond. Darkness surrounds those that close their eyes and operate solely with their tongue. Think, don't react. If you were an inexpensive robot I would want my money back. Do all of your thoughts come from Santa Claus?

  18. "You have once again convicted yourself with your own mouth.
    You see, YAHWEH hates Santa. Santa is anti Christ. "

    You are the end times

  19. That person denying the Laws of YAHWEH is also denying the US Constitution, as it's laws were lifted straight out of the Bible.

    We have a God Hater and an Enemy of the United States here in this forum.

  20. No they weren't dummy. Time to do some reading up. Go worship the bible somewhere else. Around here we only burn bibles and the US Flag (and commie jews like you).

  21. Your YAHWEH mythical character is laughable. Hating him would be like hating the tooth fairy, not possible. You can't hate a fairy tale.

    Religion - the delusion of the weak minded. All religions can be traced back to their earlier cults that were all made possible by fear and ignorance.

  22. Google video "play him off keyboard cat blasphemy" laughed my ass off.

  23. Race is an entirely different subject junior. Study the works of Jordan Maxwell, watch the Zeitgeist movie and pull your little fearful head out of your butt.

    Jesus is about as real as a talking frog.


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