Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Will this be 20 Years of Depression and War?

(snippet article by Ralph Fucetola)

...The German economy as a whole was not greatly harmed by the short, intense inflation, but as it reached its peak, the signs of collapse were everywhere. Unemployment was very low in the early stages, but in the last three months it began to skyrocket, reaching nearly half of the working class. It appeared to Graham that the Central Bankers had stopped the inflation just in time.
But, of course, Graham did not anticipate what came next. The economic controls imposed during the inflation — price controls, export controls, mandated producer and seller cartels — all became the basis of Nazi fascist economic policy, mobilizing the German economy for the production of arms and the destruction of Europe.

"But, of course, Graham did not anticipate what came next…"

Professor Graham, while generally free-market oriented, later did get involved with the initial federal "stimulus" interventions under Hoover, which led to the bigger stimulus interventions under Roosevelt — which led to the Great Depression (not unlike the much larger Bush/Obama stimulus interventions we are seeing today).

Certainly, there are lessons here for serious students of history. The consequences of pumping out many trillions of marks (or even just the few trillions of dollars now being created by the Federal Reserve) are simply catastrophic. And such policies lead, as Professors Mises and Rothbard taught us, to collapse, war, destruction, starvation, and death.


[1] has Ludwig von Mises's 1932 review of Graham's book. See "The Great German Inflation." Economica. XII(36):227-234. May 1932.

GOLD BREAKOUT TO $1300 due to the coming INFLATION?


  1. It's Ruski spam linked to spyware sites.

    Hope the admin deletes it.


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