
Saturday, October 31, 2009

12 Places to Go If The World Turns To Hell

War, oil shortages, global warming, nuclear bombs, and economic collapse... All of it seems unlikely, but don't you want to be prepared?
If you have to jump on a plane (or a boat or a train or a hot air balloon) and head for safety, you want to know where in the world you should go.
We've selected places that we expect will remain fortresses of stability, safety, and prosperity no matter what the world throws at it.
Here's where to go:


Americans are Preparing for the Great Depression are YOU?
Survival Seeds


  1. Of course if the world goes nuclear as the article states then you won't be able to breathe either right?

  2. It's not true about Kansas City. I had to flee from there!

  3. It won't ever go nuclear beyond something small and tactical. Our owners want the Earth and its resources for themselves with us, the herd, thinned way out. There are many ways to do that without nukes.

    Nukes make for a terrific scare tactic though.

  4. LOL @ 12:57pm.

    Kids today didn't grow up under the shadow of atomic fear so they think it won't happen.
    Our generation that grew up in the cold war, we already know it's going to happen and when it does it's going to be the whole kit and kabooble. 20,000 H bombs going off all over the world. Why? Because human beings are idiots. We know this. It's a done deal.
    One day Alice, bang zoom straight to the moon!

  5. @12:29pm
    As if Capetown in South Africa is a safe place? People a running away from there now and they'll flock back when everything collapses. Yeah, right.

  6. New Hampshire.

    Hurry before it's too late for you to move.

  7. If any fellow Americans would like to go live on Tristan da Cunha, population 271, they should first realize they only get one television channel and it is government run. Secondly, they should know that the land is owned communaly (that would exempt 95% of the readership here who believe in strict property boundaries and ownership owing to their conservative roots, also perhaps exluding Sweden as a 2nd choice). Also what little health care there is is public and free. Finally, the whole island set is a volcanically active spot that had to be evactuated to England in the 60's and later returned.

  8. A volcano will be more merciful than the NWO.

  9. Australia is the best place to be, we're riding on the back of China's demand for our resources as it converts itself to a domestic economy. We get the growth without the dictatorship :D

  10. HAARP is highly capable of destroying any region, any land they want at anytime they want. Think Katrina just for one. Most of the homes were generational, handed down. Real Estate transactions, buying & selling were minimal. If so, they were purchased amongst family members or handed down - generational. Greedy Banker Jews couldn't profit from this. Most of the (now destroyed) properties weren't paying high mortgage interest rates b/c the homes were paid off decades ago, and handed down to next of kin or from aging grandparents to their grandkids. There were no mortgages on most these homes for well over 30 years. Some Historic homes were paid off way more than 50 years ago. But now thanks to HAARP, the entire area is now once again becoming a profit-revenue producing for greedy Jews who run the US Banking and World Financial system. For awhile, Katrina-Land was not a 'profit producer' for greedy Jews.

    So, it's risky and difficult to predict where the (future) safest place to go is because HAARP can create major flooding, CAT 5 Hurricanes, Droughts, Earthquakes, whatever, whenever, wherever. One (of many) of HAARP's destructive methods is through the use of HAARP's ChemTrails - CHEMTRAILS that control weather and are capable of causing an Earthquake.

    Since most people either bust out laughing when they hear this OR they're in disbelief and just dismiss it, no one is doing anything about it. Most people don't believe this is true and treat it as an Internet rumor, and so it goes on and on. HAARP is for real. Weather control is real. It's quite powerful .. and it IS true.


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