
Saturday, October 31, 2009

American Protesting Big Banks

The protests at the American Bankers Association Conference in Chicago are over, but the campaign of venting anger and criticism against the nation’s largest banks continues.

Today, protesters in Oregon and Washington are planning to walk into local branches of J.P. Morgan Chase and cancel their personal checking and savings accounts. The act is meant to protest CEO James Dimon’s opposition to the Obama Administration’s proposal to create a new consumer protection agency. [Dimon has said the new agency would create cumbersome, costly restrictions and the banks will likely pass those costs onto the consumers.]

The protest groups urge the public to switch their accounts in big banks to community banks. But the financial crisis has tarred small banks, too. Many are reeling from their own excessively risky lending practices, mostly to commercial real-estate developers. About half of the 106 banks to fail this year are small banks with $250 million or less in assets.

Many Americans are Preparing for the Great Depression:
With Survival Seeds


  1. No bankster cartel is lower than JP Morgan Chase. They trace right back to the very beginnings of the end of America via Jekyll Island.

  2. BANK RUN!

    If this goes viral, they're screwed...

  3. Actually the worst three are Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan & CITI

    Max Kaiser call Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan & CITI what they really are:


  4. Get prepared now. Buy food and store it now. Don't wait until SHTF.

  5. Regards to the 9:52 vid > You need a lot more water than that, get some barrels and some Purodene. Also, take that bag of rice and freeze it for a week. That will kill any weavels. The you can store it for a very long time at room temp. If not its life is about 6m-1yr. All rice has bug eggs in it that are ready to hatch and say hello.

    Black beans are also a good choice. Protein, cheap.

  6. America was supposed to be a nation of LAWS, and not NOBLES or a KING. The repeal of the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act in 1999 permitted few unjust men to commit forgery, fraud, theft and treasonous counterfeiting with two goals in mind: 1) to enrich themselves, 2) to deliver citizens to the breaking point of an economic crisis, thus transforming them from free citizens to indentured subjects under their authority. Americans must "Join or Die" a Second Declaration of Independence, and in so doing must once again hang together, or surely be hung separately. The supreme law of the land, the US Constitution, must be restored with particular emphasis on Article One Section Eight.

  7. Yep - the repeal turned the corp investment banks loose on the public to do everything they wanted. Including buying out the Congress.

  8. 1:10, It's not my food. I wish it was. It's a YT video I came across. I just started to save canned food myself. I hope to have this much stored by end of year. I had no idea about the bugs in rice. I will remember that when I get some, Thanks.

  9. For sheer bulk food at a great price check out Costco's Shelf Reliance freeze dried foods. Probably tastes like cow chips but who cares. It will keep you alive if you store water also.


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