Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Beginnings of a Welfare Nation

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - The Senate moved closer Tuesday to approving an extension of unemployment benefits for an extra 20 weeks.

The Senate agreed on an 87-13 procedural vote to bring the measure to a final vote, killing a Republican filibuster that had delayed action for more than a week.

If the bill is approved by both chambers on Capitol Hill and is signed by the president, those who cannot find work would be eligible for a maximum of 99 weeks of benefits.

The Senate bill would extend benefits for 14 additional weeks in all states, and an additional six weeks in states with unemployment rate above 8.5%. In September, 26 states and the District of Columbia had unemployment rates above 8.5%.

Nationally, the unemployment rate was 9.8% in September, the highest in 26 years. Most analysts expect the unemployment rate to reach 10% soon and to remain above 9% for at least another year, even if the economy continues to recover.


  1. George W Bush and his dimwit US Labor Secretary Elaine Chao missed their monthly jobs creation target for 8 years, proof that Republican tax cuts do not work to create jobs. The labor available in India and China is was too large.

    Put your bills on Elaine Chao's desk by sending them THROUGH her husband, Mitch McConnell (R-Ky). He should be the embarrassment of the US Senate for the amount of mail he receives. Note that the Republicans were the party holding up the UE extension.

  2. @10:27
    WTH are you talking about. Stop this childish nonsense Republican - Democrats. There is elite vs. us. These are the two parties; the rest is just e decoy for clowns who cannot figure it out. On the subject. The Republicans should not be ashamed of blocking this law. If you are broke (husband) and you tell your wife, who is out of touch with reality (Democrats) to stop piling purchases on your family credit card, who’s that shameful? If you are just as delusional as your wife and believe that purchasing more on your common credit card can actually reduce your debt, then it’s OK. Be my guest.

  3. 10:27.... wake the F up...... hows life in that parallel universe you are the queen/king of?....?....? dunce.

  4. If this was a welfare nation, we'd be better off. Instead 45,000 die every year because they can't afford health care. Do you realize we went to war--two of them--over 3500 people being killed by terrorists, but nobody gives a damn about the rest of us? What I'm afraid of is that as we sink into a Depression, the military-industrial complex will start a world war and draft all the jobless people--and we'll be grateful just to get fed and housed.


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