
Monday, October 26, 2009

Globe and Mail: North American Monetary Union

The time has come for North American monetary union, Konrad Yakabuski argues in his weekend essay, saying the move is essential for Canadian prosperity.

"If countries as disparate as France, Finland, Italy and Ireland could do it, why couldn't two countries as economically and culturally integrated as Canada and the U.S?" he asks.

Mr. Yakabuski writes that North American monetary union, or NAMU as it was dubbed, has long been a political no-no. Canadian economic nationalists equated common currency with a loss of sovereignty.

"If the past decade has taught us anything, though, it is that Canada enjoys all the inconveniences of a floating exchange rate and independent monetary policy, with precious few of the benefits," Mr. Yakabuski writes. "The protracted low-dollar period wrought an unprecedented widening of the gap between Canadian and U.S. productivity levels, and has left our economy (outside the resource sector) painfully uncompetitive as our currency nears parity with the U.S. dollar."


Caterpillar reveals huge job cuts
The company has cut about 34,000 full-time and contracted workers globally during the downturn.


  1. I have never in my whole life been bombarded with so many sales calls in my life. Companies are scratching and clawing to sell off that last bit of inventory before going under.

  2. One thing for sure, the dollar will not be around much longer. I have read about the AMERO, the supposed North American Union currency and I have supposedly seen the actual currency on a couple of web sites.

    The controllers may have yet another brilliant plan, when the dollar goes, our new currency, say the AMERO, the exchange rate for the old or former dollar will be, say, 100 to 1. The sheeple will wake up one morning and instead of that $100 they had in their bank account the night before, they will have a 1000 AMERO, the sheeple will think this new currency is fantastic.

    Of course when the sheeple go down to buy a Big Mac, oops, McDonalds will not be around, so when the sheeple go to buy a 24 pack, it will cost $800 AMERO, and the sheeple will be mystified as to how a 24 pack cost so much. Or does it? It won't matter, after 10 or 12 beers from their 24 pack, all that will matter is if the Cowboys can win next week?

    Oh, 12:53, I sell VoIP phone systems, interested? They are selling like Big Mac's in Iceland. Might give you a nice discount.

  3. Well I'll take that 1000 ameros, pay of my 100 dollar debt then and still have 900 left... enough for a 24 pack of FREE beer!
    Anyone see anything wrong with this?

  4. Eh, I don't see the North American Monetary Union becoming real. One simple reason, half of Canadians hate Americans and half of Americans make fun of Canadians. I just don't see how we can form a union...


  5. The "Amero" instead of the US Dollar??? Yeah right, the American people still fight for pennies who are a almost worthless coin and a big hassle to carry around.

    The "Amero" idea is and sounds the way did Obama vist the Caterpillar plant and said the stimulus plan would create lots and lots of jobs for this company.

    Ho,ho,ho it's almost Christmas, maybe S.C. can bring us some "Amore"

  6. The "amero" is just a myth guys.

    The dollar is inter-woven in over

    100 countries and will dominate for

    years to come. Sure it takes some

    hits but isn't going away...

  7. The "amero" is just a myth guys.

    The dollar is inter-woven in over

    100 countries and will dominate for

    years to come. Sure it takes some

    hits but isn't going away...

  8. The "amero" is just a myth guys.

    The dollar is MMMM DONUTS!!!!

  9. Sure it will. That is what all the other countries with failed currencies said. Like Gerald Celente said everyone is trying to get rid of bucks, they just looking for any opportunity to dump it.


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