
Sunday, October 18, 2009

Our Monetary System Must Continually Expand, Forever

Within the next twenty years, the most profound changes in all of economic history will sweep the globe. The economic chaos and turbulence we are now experiencing are merely the opening salvos in what will prove to be a long, disruptive period of adjustment. Our choices now are to either evolve a new economic model that is compatible with limited physical resources, or to risk a catastrophic failure of our monetary system, and with it the basis for civilization as we know it today.

In order to understand why, we must start at the beginning. While it was operating well, our monetary system was a great system, one that fostered incredible technological innovation and advances in standards of living, two characteristics that I fervently wish to continue. But every system has its pros and its cons, and our monetary system has a doozy of a flaw.

It is this: Our monetary system must continually expand, forever.

The US/world monetary system was designed and implemented at a time when the earth’s resources seemed limitless, so few gave much critical thought to the implications that every single dollar in circulation was to be loaned into existence by a bank with interest. In fact, most thought it a terribly “modern” concept, and most probably still do.


  1. The sheeple don't care. They are much more concerned with balloon boy.

  2. 1:20 now THATS FUNNY..but so true!

  3. OK. The balloon boy crap is an admitted hoax.

    Here is just how bad the MSM media really is:

    AFTER it is discovered to be a hoax it is still the lead story in giant CAPS on

    Just in case anyone thought our owners don't love feeding us nonsense in the hopes we never have an independent rational thought.

  4. Worlds Greatest ConspiratoraliastOctober 18, 2009 at 5:52 PM

    Understand the hidden meanings behind the balloon boy incident.

    Balloon. Goes up. Comes down.
    Tinfoil. Conspiracy hat.
    Dad symbolizes Uncle Sam.
    Lying about the balloons contents.
    Empty. Child is Citizen.
    Citizen not inside balloon.
    Citizen Safe in Attic in box.


  5. There is one fatal flaw with this article and that it would be impossible for this to happen over 20 years.

    First of all countries are already ditching the dollar meaning they know it is dead. They are taking the necessary steps to totally diversify out of the US dollar within a few years not 20 as we already know.

    The most likely scenario is a new regional currency whether it be an Amero or another form of US currency altogether.

    The article wrongly assumes that the “only” two possibilities are:

    A: a new economic model that is compatible with limited physical resources

    B: risk a catastrophic failure of our monetary system

    The more likely choices are:

    A: risk a catastrophic failure of our monetary system

    B: A new currency and a greater dissolution of our sovereignty.

    C: a new economic model that is compatible with limited physical resources

    D: An initial (On purpose) catastrophic failure of our monetary system which leads to a new currency and a greater dissolution of our sovereignty. With the NOW purposely causing limited resources in order to control the populace.

    D, is the choice for the NWO because it allows 3 things to happen. First, an absolute catastrophic failure will result in all asset classes to collapse and thus allow the Powers that be to finally consolidate total control over all wealth. The logical next move creates a new currency and greater dissolution of our rights which means not only do they have all the assets they have total control which is ultimately what they want. Lastly, by controlling all wealth they control all resources.

    However, by proxy the choice of a new economic model that is compatible with limited physical resources as purported by this article would be apparent but only due to the NOW controlling the resources and purposely causing limited resources to the feeders and breeders (You and I)

    So in essence the choices surmised by this article have merit. But the choices are really not “choices” in the truest sense because we had no say , but rather these will be foisted upon us.

    I don't like this one bit however most of us here understand that they are doing this in plain site because most of the sheeple are too busy watching Michael Jackson tribute concerts or Balloon Boy.

    We on the other hand are the minority and can easily be called kooks and conspiracy theorist.

    Sadly this is what the Illuminati exactly wants.

  6. In my view, the underlying problem is the fact that the current level of debt (by individuals, businesses, and governments) cannot be maintained, unless we have a growing economy. The reason we need a growing economy for the debt system to work is the fact that a person can borrow from tomorrow, only if tomorrow is better than today. (This is especially the case if loans require the payment of interest.) But if tomorrow is worse than today, borrowing from the future doesn't work. Even if tomorrow is the same as today, the system doesn't work, if loans need to be paid back with interest.
    The problem is that the economy cannot grow unless oil production is truly rising. This lack of growth in world oil production since 2005 is what is causing the debt collapse we are now seeing.

    Please urgently check Figure 5 on this site.

  7. I attach the following grafic reg. Peak Oil, mentioned above. It says it all. Print it out and hang it on the wall infront of your desk.


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