
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The U.S Economy Cannot Recover: Simple Arithmetics

It has gone from irritating to nauseating listening to media market-pumpers talking about an “U.S. economic recovery” which has supposedly already begun. Indeed, the hype has gone from a debate about whether the “recession” is over, to an inane debate about whether the U.S. is experiencing a “V-shaped recovery” or may suffer a “double-dip recession” or W-shaped “recovery”.

In the real world, however, all that has occurred is that an U.S. economic collapse, which was in a near-vertical drop, has eased to a more moderate rate of decline. The “double-dip” talked about by some semi-realistic analysts is in fact nothing more than the ongoing collapse regaining downward momentum. There is no “debate” here. It is a matter of simple arithmetic that the U.S. economy cannot recover.

First of all, in the “big picture”, the U.S.'s $11-trillion economy (all that remains once statistical “padding” is removed) is much too small to service the more than $57 trillion in existing public and private debt. Even if we pretend the U.S. still has a $14 trillion economy (despite the government's own numbers that this economy has shrunk by more than 10%), it is still much too small to service its debts. Meanwhile, lurking in the near future are roughly $70 trillion in additional “unfunded liabilities”.


  1. Nonsense. If the US has an 11 TR economy, it can easily pay down an 57TR debt. Imagine if you made 11K per year. You could easily pay down a 57K mortgage at fairly low interest rates. Yadayadayada. It's not the end of the world.

  2. The corrupt evil people who caused hate to come from the Babylonians, Egyptians, Romans, Spanish, Russians and Germans have done it again.

    Wake up the Great German Fuhrer......Now we need him

    1. He's living in the White House. 'Might be golfing in your town.


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