
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Vigilante Home Owners: Torture and Beat Loan Agents

LOS ANGELES --Five people are charged with torturing and robbing two loan modification agents they thought falsely promised to save their home from foreclosure.

Two men were charged Monday with torture, robbery and false imprisonment.

Another man and two women pleaded not guilty to the same charges Friday.
Prosecutors say Daniel Weston and Mary Ann Parmelee hired two loan modification agents in hopes of keeping their home but believed the men took their money and did nothing.

Prosecutors claim the victims were lured to Glendale on Oct. 20, held for hours, beaten and robbed before one escaped.


  1. How about some details on the loan scam? What exactly did these guys promise them & what did they actually do?

  2. They promised everything and delivered nothing. Loan agents are scumbags.


  4. Hahaha, they disserved it obviously. People dont go thru that much trouble to take revenge against scammers. Hope this happens more in the future. Dont fuck with peoples money or house. People get killed for much less.

  5. GOOD ! its about damn Time !
    Now lets all head for DC !
    a Thief is a Thief ! and no mercy should be shown...give em back what their giving us !
    kick em all off a the tit an outta their houses,that WE pay for !

  6. And one last thing ! give Them the same lame health care that they are trying to stick us with !
    Take that Giant Pickle that THEY wanna slip us, and plant it Firmly where they can really appreciate it..PUNKS IN DC !!!

  7. The homeowners probably locked the doors when the scumbag loan agents arrived. And the really excellent highly reputable LA police dept SWAT teamed the home owners, beat the crap out of them & filed fake charges. This is the MO of the police these days (& has been in LA for many years).

    And what about the scum bag Loan Agents? No investigation on them? They only stole money & lied to desperate families who were paying the scumbag loan agents for help on how to stop forecloses on their homes. NO CRIME THERE!

    Welcome to Freedom!

  8. I am going to look up what happened in the 1883(?) economic downturn. People figured out (thanks to no TV/media) that it was the banks that were screwing them over so they busted in the banks doors and hung the bankers by the street lightpoles.

    Ah, good times.

    Banksters didn't always have a lock on the media. I think the Rothschilds bought out Reuters news in the early 1880s. That was the beginning of the end of media truth.

    I wish they taught real history in schools. That would be great.

  9. Welcome to Freedom ?
    More like Welcome to Naiz Germany.
    Signed;The Prick with a Pair.
    WTF has happened to Amerika ?

  10. The new great society.economic implosion:Banking crisis.Cultural decay:Dancing with the stars and corporate initiated mass murder:Irag and Afganistan.Next stop Iran.The Sheeple are just about done.

  11. Notice now in the media you will see stories about how dangerous Halloween is for kids.

    The message is simple. Distrust/hate your neighbors. Everyone is out to get you. Everyone is out to rob, rape or kill you or your kids.

    Stay inside with your TV and trust the government to protect you from all the looming threats.

  12. we need a boston tea party

  13. At last people are taking out their anger on those who deserve it. In these desperate times, people often take out their feelings on family and friends. Instead they need to vent their anger on the bankers and politicians who are really to blame. Next time you get the urge to smack your spouse, go get some tar and feathers and visit your local broker.

  14. I'm not impressed with taking opinions of others that make comments that cannot even spell or have even the slightest IQ to know what they are talking about.? Its always the bad loan officers and bankers. How about the homeowner that has some responsibility in making their payments on time.? How about taking responsiblity in calling your bank and seeing if you can get on the new program..making home affordable. Come on people, were not in the dark ages.!!! We can actually call our bank, complete financials that are available from the bank on their website and make arrangements to keep our home if we want to. No one deserves to be robbed and held captive for no reason. I don't agree with violence and dealing in a bad behavior to get things done. Desperate times doesn't mean you need to take the law into your own hands and act like your god or the law to get things done. There is always two sides to the story. Stupid people make their own assumtions and act stupid and that is why they are where they are in life..NOWHERE and LOSERS.

  15. We need a Boston Tea Party and a St Valentines Day massacre at the same time.

  16. From one nowhere, loser, what you don't know is there is no way to qualify for the Home Loan Affordable Program. Unemployed since June 2010, the program states the there is help for unemployed but you can't qualify unless you have a job.
    My best day so far after calling to talk to BOA was a call back 4 days later, a woman with a lovely accent was there to assist me. I ask her about her accent and she said she was from India.
    So here is how it all unfolded in my mind, I(we) gave BOA money to get back on their feet and BOA sends their jobs to India, then Obama gives them money to help me(us) and there is no way to qualify for the assistance until I find a job.
    So I paid BOA to send my job oversea, and now I will give them my house.
    That is why people are so crazy, they gave their money to a loan officer that knew there was no way to qualify for assistance but took their money anyway.
    I am not a nobody, or lazy, or stupid. I am 55 years old with no job and soon no home.
    I don't like what they did but to loss everything, to see your family put out on the street because no one rents to someone on unemployment. Can't get food stamp without and address...never talk about someone till you have lived in their shoe. Susan Gould one proud hard working Amrica


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