Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Web Bots: How Accurate Are They?

From George Ure and the Web Bot guys: some predictions followed by my thoughts on his accuracy.
His Prediction:
October 26+/- – Another Web Bot Hit Shapes Up
Oh-oh. Here we go again. Calendar watch time. I can’t remember how long ago I told you to put a circle on October 26th (plus or minus a week or so) but that was when Iran would be attacked but oh, my frigging goodness, have you see the “Report: U.S., Allies Put October Deadline on Progress from Iran”?

This is all starting to become almost ‘other-worldly’ too clear to me: Markets will come down over the next couple of weeks to the high seven thousands on the Dow, we get one more pop up to the 9,600 level. The ‘troubles’ socially come to visit France and then the U.K. And then here in the U.S.

Then we get the bombing of Iran by Israel in late October, about which time, the U.S. government will be contemplating use of its ‘continuity of government’ plans due to social unrest brought about by (what else?) economic collapse. And that in turn sets a 4-week temporal ‘timer’ that brings us to the part where South Korea receives a nuke or two from the North. And then things get bad.

Now, whether this all works out precisely doesn’t really matter because the meme – thought virus if you will – is out and about. And that in itself is curious to know about in advance.
Oh, and it means Elaine and I already have our NIOSH P100 full-face masks. The dust going global by early November threatens to cross from the conceptual to the physical layer of life. Like we need it.
His Track Record:


  1. i agree we are in a depression, agree times are tough for many, agree us gov is screwy, but the webbot thing is just a bunch of negative bovine fecal matter. cliff claims he knew about 9/11 or something and all this other stuff. if it is so good why is it closing? i can tellyou why. it doesnt work and isnt accurate. his predictions have come and gone and were not accurate. he predicts death, dismay, economic collapse, wars, nuclear bombs, sickness, etc. about the only thing that he does not predict is how people are good to one another and pull together in times of need. where is the sunshine cliff? nothing is even close to as bad as cliff makes it sound to be.

    eventually he will get one or two of his predictions right, though, as he predicts this stuff to happen every week. i am going to start predicting the cubs win the world series every year. who knows maybe someday i will be known as a profit!

  2. North Korea will never attack. Period. They do what they do to receive $$ period.

    Their number one concern is survival of the regime. They know if they attack, they will do massive damage, but will all die soon afterward.

    North Korea, Venezuela and Iran each do not have a Rothschild central bank, so of course they are a target for the Empire eventually.

    Our Empire is only interested in using North Korea as a propaganda tool for now. Normally as a distraction from the Iraqi occupation and invasion of Afghanistan.

    Israel may initiate a conflict with Iran directly but that is not their M.O. Mossad will probably stage another false flag and then have their lap dog (the USA) do the dirty work.

  3. If one actually studies WEB BOTS, as opposed to reacting emotionally , one would see some amazing accuracy.

    Another site for those who are not getting their information from the actor announcers on their TV, visit:

    This guy analyzes and follows the Web Bot forecast and makes sense of it. His forecast are also worth reviewing.

    However, if you are a dumbed down brain washed idiot sheeple, don’t bother, go back to watching your actor announcers on your TV news.

  4. Well, I have been following the web bot project for about 9 months. I'm skeptical as any sane person should be. But this date has been touted over and over again by Cliff and George. So the proof is fast approaching.

    On another note Cliff seems to have issues with Isreal. Illegal occupation and all that. I can't remember what he said specifically, but something along those lines..maybe a bit more insulting. After hearing that comment I quickly turned off the interview.

  5. 5:59 slow down there buddy.
    You're letting your emotions blank out your mind.
    Here allow me to help
    "Like Fox news towards the current President"

    You know, Israel is not going to pay you to troll the internet with pro Zionist propaganda if you don't do an effective job at it.

  6. 8:10 thats better! now I believe you.Im on your side now friend

  7. 9:27-
    Thank you for the well reasoned comments.

  8. Web bots have been wrong i.e. the summer from hell. Didn't happen. But anyone with half a brain knows that things could get interesting in Oct/Nov/Dec if war happens.
    Israel will, in one form or another--become the burdensome stone. So something WILL happen--we just don't know when. We are deep in debt, no miracle happening for jobs to materialize for those unemployed...also, the guy named Cliff is not a christian so I believe the reason he has NOT been 100% accurate is because of that. I understand the premise behind the webbots...and understand they do have some insight...but don't put my trust in it completely. They were WAY off with the summer from hell. They have egg on their face.

  9. Genocide is policies like Hitler's carried out with a race agenda. The whites exteriminated the Indians and dispossed them of their land. If you are so concerned about individuals having their homelands stolen from them you would be out demonstrating for the Indian Cause. Instead, you are taking the opportunity to turn this depression into a sounding board for your twisted ideology.

  10. The chief objective is to merge the races? That is plain silly. Here is a newsflash for you: the races ARE merged. You are the result of a long lineage of ethnic merging, spanning back to the earliest periods in earth's nomadic history. Your cartoon ideas will never take fruition, not in this reality and not on this planet.

  11. Diversity is a result of breeding with different types and producing new combinations. That seems elementary but I guess I had to point that out for you. Diversity to you no doubt means a white adam and eve living on one side of an ivy covered fence and all the "monkeys" on the otherside, or some other such nonsense. But it's too late. You can't keep the right race "pure". We've all been tainted by reproduction, not to mention the fact that 99.9% don't want anything to do with your silly fantasy anyway.

  12. i was the original poster and it is now october 28th. looks like i am right and cliff is wrong. ocotber 26th was nothing. some people i heard say that obama said it was national flu day or some emergency, but come on... that is just normal government rhetoric. a real man has to admit october 26th came and went and not one thing happened. when is the next date cliff?


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