
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Arrogant U.S. Fed hasn't Learned a Thing

The bubbles, toils and troubles that nearly wrecked the financial system should've been obvious to the policymaking numbskulls whose monetary tricks made matters worse.

"Arrogant and incapable of learning."

When a teacher uses those words to describe a student, it's an isolated (if regrettable) situation. But the repercussions are widespread when "arrogant and incapable of learning" fits the Federal Reserve like a glove.

Still clueless after all these bubbles
Frederic Mishkin, a former member of the Fed's board of governors, wrote an article in last Tuesday's Financial Times that displayed that he, and presumably other Fed heads, have learned exactly nothing from the disastrous consequences of their activities in printing money over the past couple of decades.


  1. Misleading. Only because it portrays our owners as people that don't know what they are doing.

    Similar to the whole 9/11 thing. The US government was incompetent. No. Plotters, yes at the control of the Mossad.

    The private Fed owners know exactly what they are doing and have plans that they are executing down to a nat's ass. They are making no mistakes.

    They will crow pick America so clean that all that will remain are carcasses.

    It is humorous to see the lemmings describe the Fed and its owners as stupid or incapable of learning. They own us. Control everything. Talk about arrogance.

  2. The author of this article is a clown. It is not the Fed, it is the author who does not get it. People at the FED are not idiots or stupid. They are doing their job, and doing it very well. It is just that we do not like what they are doing. But it does not mean they are stupid. Most of the thieves of this caliber are not stupid at all. They've been screwing this country since 1913 and the author said they did not learn anything. Of course they learned everything there is to learn. That's why they screwed not only this country, but the entire world.

  3. The Fed wants the dollar to go down. It would make imports expensive and encourage manufacturing at home.

  4. The owners of the Fed want a lot more than the dollar to go down. They need to do an Argentina on us.

    Once the people of the USA are on their knees as beggars our owners will most generously pass out bread crumbs via the Bank of the World.

    Their goal is simple. Consolidation and more power. They want an exact Fiat money system like the Fed but under one currency globally. To control it all via one bank, not hundreds.

    Iran and Venezuela are the next targets simply because they do not have a Rothschild owned central bank. That drives the elites crazy. They are power mad and want their cancer to inflict ever nation and every person.

    It is just a matter of time now since the sheeple are so clueless and (a)pathetic.

    Here the Goldman Sachs puppet gets up and says he wants to give dictatorial powers to the Fed and the sheep not only do not object they applaud him.

    It is simply too late in the game to stop our owners. Now is the time to protect yourself on a personal level, on a survival level. The populace around you is part of the Matrix, clueless and deluded. It is too late for them.

  5. The tools of the Elite are three centers of power.

    London: Banking, tied to Zionist Israel directly. Usury/Banking, fiat money. Controls the vast majority of the globe. See Zeitgeist movie and/or Money as Debt.

    The USA/District of Columbia: Military supremacy; we are the billy club for the elite, we do their bidding. No occupations or invasions we are involved in benefit the USA at all. They hurt us. That is not important. A billy club has a use until it wears out. When we wear out, like any tool, we will be disposed of or reduced to insignificance.

    The Vatican, Religion: The elite's greatest tool. Not just Catholism, but all the fake scripted religions. All there for them to manipulate emotions, create conflicts, guide the deluded the direction they want them to go. Like the previous poster said, war would be impossible without fake religions. God is on our side and all that crap. Scripted mythology all there to contain you in a glass cage and isolate you from the truth that we are all the same. Separation and hate, just like politics.

  6. Yep.


  7. You guys same the same thing every week, the same un-informed clap-trap mixed in a conspiracy soup fed to the choir, every week.

  8. K junior just keep that little head in the sand.

  9. Everybody Print MoneyNovember 17, 2009 at 5:47 AM

    The stupid work like crazy.
    The smart print free money.

  10. Ha, I love the slamming of religion as one of your three poiints. The one true GOD wins in the end, this is the piece of the puzzle many so often fail to realize. Yes, take steps such as silver and gold, food stores, ammo etc but in the end the one tue TRIUNE GOD will reveal himself. The preps, besides your own family of course, will be for those around you suffering that did not have the forsight to see what was going on. The evil banksters and shills, well let's just say they will be dealt with in a most unpleasant fashion for all the world to see.

  11. To which "God" is being referred here???
    The worthless counterfeit, fiat Federal Reserve Dollar notes are inscribed with "In God We Trust". The Islamist warriors exclaim "God Is Great" before they pull the detonator. See any pattern here??? Innocent people end up getting screwed over by those claiming to possess God's authority. Again, which God are they referring to?
    Here is one answer: the God Lucifer (at least by the standards of Luciferianism - the TRUE religion of the banksters, the military, and the churches. Research the topic of Luciferianism, and the hypocritical actions we see around us come clear.
    Let *NO* institution or person come between you and the True God. Seek and you shall find.

  12. Luciferianism is the embodiment of knowledge and power that acknowledges the Principle of Lucifer as the "Light of Consciousness." Be it as a god or as a principle, Lucifer has transcended many cultures as the "Bearer of Light;" the Light which illuminates the consciousness. Luciferianism is the path of Self Mastery, Self-Attainment, and the Illumination of the Higher Self.
    Luciferianism is not Satanic. Lucifer represents Higher Intelligence/ Understanding/ Vision, Higher Self, Reason, (Angel/Lord of) Light, (Divine Light) Pure Energy.
    Luciferians obtain their Light from various sources of science/technology and religion (i.e. finance, genetic engineering, electronic communications, man-made lifeforms)

  13. Lucifer is Satan. There is no difference between the two. They are the two sides of the same coin. In order to join the New Age Movement which is Luciferianism, one has to sell their soul. David Spangler even mentions such in one of his books. David said a person cannot join the New Age unless they have a luciferic initiation which is the selling of one's own soul.

    It's just like witchcraft. Some people claim to work the light side but the dark siders know there is no light's just an illusion of doing good.

    Anyways, I'm sure no one will believe me but whatever. People can continue to believe that Lucifer is good and light and wants to give us self-enlightenment but this is a bold-faced lie and no matter how often it is repeated it still doesn't make it the truth.

    I would suggest reading Constance Cumbey is you wish to know the true origins of Lucifer and the New Age Movement.

  14. How many associated with Wallstreet, FED, World Bank, Trilateral Commission, etc. identify themselves as the children of Abraham? Then consult John 8 to learn they are the children of the devil:

    "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

    Beware of the money changers, and especially of the wolf in SHEPARDS clothing!

  15. 9:37 get your nose out of the bible and read a real book for a change.

  16. You guys are so over the top it's pretty damned amusing.

  17. Holy Crap,
    Give it up already! Everything is a conspiracy theroy ! Yes; things are tough, and Yes; they'll probably get tougher - but like my dear ole granddaddy was fond of saying " what the he** are you going to do about it ! Get of yer asses; get a job and do the work - it's actually good for you! Somebody will allways be "over you" it's the way of the world since the beginning of time - what the hell did you expect ? A stroll down 7th Ave. for free ? The people of this country are alot more resilient than most of you give them credit for and I know more than a few who would get by just fine on 4,000 calories a day they can acquire themselves. How many of you can say you've lived thru hard times? We as a society have it EASY man! Too friggin' easy. You can say what you want & I'll be the first to admit the USA ain't perfect; but I beg to differ with the dumb SOB who doesn't admit --- this is the greatest country man has ever built -- any time; anywhere -- PERIOD !

  18. Hey-ho, get of your high-horse and go.

    Yes the conspiracy theories are being forced down the throat just a little too much but the concept of "this is the greatest country in the world" has long been passe. It's kind of like too big to fail. And growth is infinite. But it aint. And we are in for some changes. No, it doesn't help to complain about how stupid you think your fellow man is. The time is now to network and plan. But don't get carried away with it. No need to sing to the rooftops that the sky is falling (on whatever given date). Get out of those bunkers every now and again and get some fresh air. Soak in the beauty of life once in a while. Smile at your fellow man. It will do you some good.

  19. The mind is not the path to god. The mind is only the servant of the atma, which is of the same substance as God. The only way to God is through the heart. Love is the only way to God.

    Luciferians renounce Love in favor of their various false wisdoms. Luciferians delight in leading others astray like themselves.

    But Love shall judge all, rich and poor, great and small. All come before the Throne of the Creator whose four letter name, the holy tetragrammaton, is L O V E.

    Woe unto you that give up on love, for love shall give up on you.

  20. Very grim news wanderer. There are those that gave up on love long ago and those that continue to spit on love because their veins course black with the thick sludge of grubworms.

    Love does not give up on love. We are love. But we live in darkness' shadows. And there those remain who cling to it like a babe in the woods lost and alone.

  21. Satan is just the mythical enemy of Jesus, just like Horus had Set and the other 15 solar saviors that died and rose after three days all had their counterparts.

    Son/Sun, Satan/Saturn, Amen-RA, Moses/Mises, Virgin Mary/Virgo, John the Baptist/Aquarius, all the cartoon characters of mythology.

    Sin was the original moon god. When people began worshiping the sun/son they were commanded to turn away from sin. The wages of worshiping the old god was death.

    Comedy I tell you. The more you study it the funnier it gets that people are still suckered into these ridiculous stories.

    Mythology and more importantly those who let it guide their lives, amusing.

    I wrote a little diddy for the simpletons here:

  22. Abraham, Moses, King Solomon all mythological figures people. Wake up and smell the coffee! End 2000 years of stupidity.

    King SOLOMON. SOL, OM, ON - the "light" or the "Sun" in three different languages.

    Why is Jesus ALWAYS referred to as the LIGHT. Well, chumly, that is because he is the SUN.

    How many more decades before people wake up and break the chains of this religious ignorance.

    All the 3-day stories in the bible are solar stories rehashed. The whale, the lion.

    Being contained for 3 days.

    Shit, just wake up please.

    Too much serious stuff coming down the line to wait on a mythical man riding a white horsey coming through the clouds.

    Click on the rational part of your brain for an hour or two and think about your delusion and it will fade away.

  23. Apologies. Wrong link above.

    Take some time and really study the REAL truth about the bible and where the stories came from; save yourself from mythology.


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