
Sunday, November 8, 2009


Regardless of what we hear from the mainstream media, economists and left wing progressives currently in charge of the Legistlative and Executive branches, this is not a failure of capitalism, nor is it the downfall of capitalism. What we are experiencing is what Martin Armstrong referred to as the last throes of socialism in his essay The Collapse of Capitalism or is it Socialism? The government is literally throwing everything it has in the bank at the printing presses at this problem, kind of like they have done with education for the last 30 years. And, what have these billions of dollars spent on education done for us? We’ve been left with a substandard public education system where nearly 40% of American adults are below basic levels of reading proficiency. And, what will the billions trillions of dollars they are throwing at the economy going to do? The results will be similar to that of the education system, but the ramifications will be felt by every single American. This country, and its citizens, will be left totally broke, and we will likely have to default on our foreign debt at some point in the future (or inflate it away).

Chapman continues:

The FDIC is beyond broke. They don’t even have enough to cover but a tiny fraction of potential losses, much less to cover the losses from the failure of half of the banks in the entire system. Either the claims for lost deposits will not be paid, or so much money will be printed to pay those claims that the money received in payment will be virtually worthless, along with any and all remaining dollar-denominated assets. This is going to become a very big problem indeed in the not-too-distant future. The solution: Empty your bank accounts of all but one to three months of necessary household operating expenses, and buy gold and silver related assets with the rest, along with freeze-dried food, a water filter, and the means to defend your family from malefactors, both public and private.

[emphasis added]

If you, like Mr. Chapman, believe that the economic crisis will continue to worsen, then sitting around and waiting for it to hit you like a Tsunami is probably the last thing you should do. Precious metals like gold and silver will be one of the only traditional investment asset classes that will be able to protect your wealth. And while you’re at it, think about the ramifications of a hyper inflationary scenario and what it will mean for food costs, energy costs, and social stability. Though food, ammo, gas and guns are not traditional asset classes you’re used to, they could very welcome become money in the not so distant future if a scenario like the one described in James Rawles’ Patriots ever plays out, even on a limited scale. Are you ready if a real, sustained collapse happens in this country?

Prepare for the Great Depression.
Survival Seeds


  1. 100% correct. Plus why would any rational person want to keep their money in a bank, risking 100% loss, for a 1.5% interest gain.

    Think about the fact that Citibank now charges a 25.5% to 29.95% interest rate on credit cards but their banks will give you 1.5-1.75%.

    Doesn't the thievery and loan sharking piss you off? It should and if it does for shit's sake don't reward the scumbags by leaving money in their banks so they can compound it into more debt.

    Get your money out of these scumbag banks and get REAL THINGS.

  2. Bobby can't see the bigger picture. What we all experience today is a mixture of Capitalism with state-ran beauracratic socialism. Captialism never really has existed without the state because it is an invention of the state and the state exists to enforce its designs, including banks, the pringint of money, transactions, and guarding wealth. Socialism in its purest form is simply "the means of production controlled by the workers" as opposed to having bosses. Whether socialism in any sense is viable, I tend towards wanting the latter sort of definition. But since everyone wants government, including the right and the light, we will always be stuck with some form capitalism or state-ran capital socialism, that is until it fails. And what we are seeing is a failure of both.

  3. Typo: I meant left, not light

  4. I thought "light" hit the nail on the head!

  5. The American Dream is dying, Bobbo. Get with the times.

  6. I was by the mall today and was surprised to see it very busy. I did take the time to notice that every single purchaser I saw was using a credit card.

    I just wonder with great anticipation what the holiday shopping season will be like next month. Will people continue to believe all is ok and spend, spend, spend; or will they act rationally?

    Are their enough unemployed people willing to still charge purchases or extend their debt even future?

    Then in January how many retailers will be closing their doors - ie they hung in there just to sell off their inventory.

  7. 8:26 If the media keep telling the sheeple about the recovery and green shoots. . then the sheep go out using their credits cards as if nothing ever happened, never mind that they are unemployed. Who cares, party like its 1999!

  8. 2010 is going to be a bloody year economically. commercial real estate collapse,alt-a option arm resets,horrid christmas sales etc. its like every six months things get worse. this stock market rally is on its last legs. not to mention the fiscal diaster that is coming our way. these stimulus is like giving a terminally ill person morphine to ease the pain,but the morphine(stimulus) is killing the patient(the weak economy) as fast as the disease(derivatives).Our govt has commited 14 trillion(bigger the our gdp,money they dont have and money they could not have borrowed but printed)and it has done two things fake stock market rally and big banks bonuses while the fundamentals are still a mess. and soon we will hear not state bailouts but state "loans" by the govt. 2010 will be the begiining of the decade of the collapse of the US. Get prepared!

  9. Prediction: It all flies apart by May 2010.

    That's when the filled diaper dangling in front of the fan comes apart and empties its contents on the fan...

    ie: TSHTF!

  10. I'm waiting for this housing crashing even more soon. I need the dollar to purchase with cash. Im not a financial wizard. Im new to this stuff. I thought my cash would still be there.

  11. Purchasing silver or gold is not a one-way proposition. It is just as easy to buy gold, then sell it back as it is to do with stocks.

    When you need to make a CASH purchase you can.

    Just don't hold onto cash if you don't need to, long term.

  12. Emptying my bank account sounds like a great idea, but if you have hundreds of thousands of dollars the bank tells you they have to tell the Feds and give them you address. It just sounds to risky. I want to move it, but I dont want an employee at the bank trying to kill me for my cash either. catch 22.

  13. 345 take it out $9,999 at a time and go and buy physical gold and silver and put it in a safe in cement, and tell no one where you put it and do this week after week til you money is all out of the bank. No reports made for less than$10,000.

  14. I took all of my cash out of the bank and bought 100,000 candy necklaces.

  15. Is it just possible that everything happening is by plan? That Obama and his pals have done everything in their power to bankrupt our country? Every day a new outrage. Yesterday it was the announcement by Eric Holder (One of Obama's "beards") that the 9-11 muslims will be tried in NYC.
    This will cost BILLIONS. It also puts NYC back in the spotlight to be physically destroyed by these 7th-century retards.
    Eric Holder is a total sociopath, just like his former boss, Clinton.


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