Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Bribing Consumers to Save the Economy

The US and the UK are both consumption economies. No consumption; no growth. But how do you get people who’ve consumed too much to consume even more? They know they can’t afford to keep spending. And they know that going further into debt just makes the situation worse. What can you do?

You bribe them!

You give them more money, say, in unemployment assistance. Or, you give them a tax credit when they buy a new house. Or, you give companies a big tax break. In the most recent stimulus bill, for example, the feds do all three – including giving Pulte Homes a $450 million tax refund.

Here at The Daily Reckoning we never met a tax cut we didn’t like. But with the deficit at 13% of GDP, we might make an exception. One way or another, someone’s going to have to pay for the feds’ big spending stimulus efforts. Taxpayers. Bondholders. Dollar holders. All of the above.

President Obama told the crowd in Singapore this weekend that he would make sure Ben Bernanke stayed away from his helicopters. The Chinese are the biggest holder of US bonds in the world. The Japanese are next. Between the two of them they fund a big part of America’s current spending. Naturally, America’s president is eager to keep the cash coming his way. So he has had to reassure the nation’s largest creditor that their loans to the US will be repaid in good order…and good currency.


  1. Everybody Print MoneyNovember 17, 2009 at 11:15 AM

    Only sheeple consume.
    The smart print money.

  2. Since the US & UK Govt always does the opposite of what it says...

    We can expect a massive default on all US & UK loans...and the currency is going to go bad....

    Hold on to something folks cause there's a war coming cause we are not paying them back!

  3. there is no way we are going to be able to pay them back...I wonder what they will ask for in exchange; California? The Heartland?

  4. @ 10:50 AM

    They are going to ask for a nation of slaves to service them...

    History proves it.

  5. I know what we should give them.
    We should give them 250 Hydrogen bombs, right on all their major cities, towns and military installations.

  6. One thing for sure, you can be absolutely positively certain the Chinese are NOT buying this BS. The Chinese are no dummies. They know exactly what is going on. And I can assure you they will get their money back, with interest, one way or another....


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