
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Businesses are Getting Massacred

Some deep words from David P. Goldman:

As I said on Larry Kudlow’s CNBC show Wednesday night, the big issue in the US economy is the massacre of small business. That’s why the household survey shows that 558,000 Americans “became unemployed” during October, while the establishment survey of payrolls shows a decline of only 190,000 jobs. The establishment data, which are collected from larger businesses, are more reliable; the household survey is based on telephone interviews with randomly-selected households. But the numbers are so large as to make clear that small businesses are shutting down..


Prepare for the Great Depression.
Survival Seeds


  1. Still to this day when I am honest with business owner friends and managers they reply that I am being depressing or whatever. :( This is after they tell me their business volume is dropping off the cliffside.

    How are these type of people preparing? Are they thinking happy thoughts!?

    People should just be smarter than this.

  2. Happy thoughts are just that, thoughts.

    Happy thoughts will not buy you preps like extra food, water, etc...a little silver and gold.
    Happy thoughts will not cut it in the not too distant future

  3. Delusion.

    A false belief that is so thoroughly ingrained that it cannot be influenced with reason or confronted with fact.

    Most Americans simply are deluded. They cannot or will not believe that the US economy is done. That the dollar will fall. That our standard of living is slowly going to decline to third world levels. That bankers are the real enemy.

    However a rational person who is not deluded or obscurred by emotion looks at the facts and knows that it is all coming to a close. Only the very few perhaps many of the readers here will stand a chance. The rest will ride their delusion off into starvation.

  4. Met with a stock broker today. He was almost patronizing when I suggested that perhaps the market might not continue it's upward climb to infinity. He felt I was a doomsayer. Stop losses - he didn't want to do that either. It wasn't my money involved - was just sitting in. Another friend got the same speech about her life savings - so she's going in the market.

    So I'm sitting here, feeling alone, saying, the sales tax revenues are down, stores are closing up, buildings are sitting empty, houses are getting cheaper and cheaper, receivables are very slow and seems like everyone is broke -- but apparently the market and economy are recovering and I just don't see it.

  5. 2:28 The Broker is doing his job. His job is to take as much money as possible, jam it into the market and collect COMMISSION. He could care less what happens after that..NEXT PLEASE.

  6. Oh Look, the Entitlement Society is panicking because their house of cards coming down on top of them..

    It looks like a finger pointing match...

    No way Wall Street can survive without Main Street. It is a replay of 1929. LOOK!

    Preps People Preps!!!

  7. Entitlement Society? That is an insult to my intelligence. We all know it's the devil loving astronauts from outer-space who are hell-bent on destroying the small business owners and destroying America's glorious capitalistic system. Buy gold in order to shield you from their special powers!

  8. Ha-ha, very interesting discussion. Who's right depends on the views. What the FED is doing is right for the country. They borrowed let's say $10000 that bought a car from the stupid Chinese and will return $10000 that buys a box of matches. I think they know what they are doing. Getting free stuff for you, Americans, and you do not even appreciate it. Your pension funds are going down the drain? Not good. But you should have bought gold when it was $300 an ounce. Those poor Chinese back then could not buy gold. You could, but didn't. Who will loose here are the Chinese. Not only they gave you things they produced, they also gave you money to buy these things. Now the Big Borrower is broke and cannot pay back.

  9. Yes, poor mister slant eyes......fact is they will come out smelling like a rose when we will get stuck in the hog shit

  10. I wish I was president of the United States of Hell because I would assemble you all into a gigantic army and rumble you forth to stomp upon and destroy the chinese and the indians and basically everyone because I love to destroy and kill.

    Thank you for your vote.

  11. Perfectly stated @ 2:42pm


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