
Friday, November 20, 2009

Congressman Describes Economic Collapse and Tells Tim Geithner To Step Down (Video)

ICE probing spike in dollar index futures
LONDON (MarketWatch) -- The IntercontinentalExchange is probing trades in U.S. dollar index futures that briefly showed a massive 9% jump on Friday morning.
The lead contract surged as high as 82.18, up from a 75.38 close on Thursday.


  1. I hope this guy watches his back. Obviously there are a slight few in Congress that the banksters have not paid off (yet).

  2. The Geitner gang has to keep the lemmings dumbed down a little longer with just gibberish talk about polls and such. They have been coached very well about how to talk and project authority in their speeches.

    All smoke and mirrors, all a con job.

    They are only about 10% into their looting of the Treasury and your future. It will take the better part of 2010 for them to grab the remaining 40-60 Trillion the want, convert it into real assets, then pull the plug completely and watch us go down the drain.

    Blatant robbery right out in the open for all to see is the way to get away with it these days.

    The best way to rob banks is to be a banker.

    Unfortunately the funds are your savings and your kids future. Prepare to be a peasant.

  3. Yes. Follow the video link to YouTube and you will see people commenting on what a good speaker Geitner is; it makes no difference WHAT he is saying or how he is boldly lying. Just like B.O.

    Our owners have only the best speakers and con men at their disposal. Faux News anchors have nothing on these guys.

    It is in our DNA to follow authority figures. It is something one must learn to resist if one wants to think for one's self.

    Independent thought and reason. It doesn't come easy. Especially for the the political or religious types. It is a step that anyone interested in truth must take.

    One day you have to wake up and say you are going to put your prejudices and pretenses aside and think rationally. Think about your delusion and it will slowly disappear into the mist.

  4. The sheep will be out with their credit cards in hand for Black Friday today. Holy crap. Idiots. They didn't get the memo that the banksters are raising CC interest rates to 25-29.9%!!

    Plus if you are one minute late (Citibank) add $39 to that equation.

    The raping of the sheep has started.

    Spend! Spend! Spend!

  5. Junior needs a WII, a PS3, and a 4x4. So what if you have to work 16 hours days forever to pay the debt and interest.

    If someone likes you based on what you buy them for Xmas they aren't worth your time.

    Don't spend one cent you don't have to this year. Now is not the time to be a credit card stooge.

  6. YAWN!!

    This is all just breads and circuses. I have seen it before... Congress would never get rid of their #1 bank robber who keeps them in luxury.

    Timmy the Elf will be left to pillage and plunder a few more years until the sheep pick up their torches..

    All they are doing now is just pacifying the sheep with theater!

    The Collapse is happening.... the Titanic is sinking fast and soon the boilers are going to explode when they hit the water.

    That's all!

  7. Most all the politicians are incompetent and that is why me and others quit voting many years ago; they are crooks and don't care what their constituents want..we mean nothing.. America is trashed for sure. Google in :Fall of the Repulic and watch the video free. We will end up in another civil war sooner or later! Laura Ann

  8. I love it when we see theatrics such as this. Perhaps they even rehearsed this beforehand?

    The elf will keep his job, lest they risk having to groom and coach another crook.

    This is only done to pacify the sheep to make them think something will be done, then forget about it for a few months, then another play, act 2, and so on and so forth, until we have nothing left to even wipe our behinds with.

  9. @ 1:55 PM

    Come to think of it there was just one statement that was said that was the truth. It was a theater special on the menu today.

    They said: The American People Have Lost ALL Confidence in us!"

    I had a Leave it to Beaver moment hearing that and thought to myself: "Boy...and How!!"

    He he!

  10. Timmy is not an Elf, he is from the opposing team in a war that has been going on forever...

  11. The Americans do not understand that the European Central Bankers own Treasury Secretary Geithner, and all other current and former Federal Reserve Chairman and Presidents. The Federal Reserve is a privately owned cartel. Follow this link to learn the true FED owners identities and plans:

    Also, read Griffin's "Creature From Jekyll Island, A Second Look at the Federal Reserve"


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