
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Dubai to Default on 80 Billion Dollar Debt?

Note: this has been translated
Debts overwhelm Dubai.

Dated : 25 November 2009 19:19
Last modified: 25 November 2009 20:29

DUBAI - the Arab emirate Dubai is struggling with enormous financial problems. As a result of the construction frenzy in the previous years debts have grown up to the point that the most important investment corporation of the government wants to delay paying down its debts for the time being.

It concerns Dubai World, the parent company of among others the project developer Nakheel.

Nakheel was among others responsible for the construction of the palm islands off the coast of Dubai. This prestigious country extraction project put the emirate in one go on the world card.

At Dubai World the debt burden amounts to at least 59 billion dollar (39 billion euro). The total debt of Dubai amounts to about 80 billion dollar (53 billion euro).

Banking sector

Refinancing is hampered by the worldwide problems in the banking sector. The economy of Dubai is in the doldrums because the property has been caught up in a downward spiral.

Now Dubai World has asked its creditors to accept delaying payments on its debt for at least six months.

This so-called debt moratorium would have apply up to 30 May next year. In the meantime Dubai with aid of consultancy firm Deloitte wants to reorganise the activities of the state investment company.


Financial markets are already anticipating that Dubai World will fall. The costs to insure debt papers of Dubai against non-payment on its obligations has strongly risen on Wednesday. The prices of their bonds went down strongly.

It is unclear how Dubai will live up to its financial obligations in the coming months. The emirate Wednesday also announced that it has secured 5 billion dollar (3.3 billion euro) with the issue of new bonds which have been placed at two banks from Abu Dhabi.

The two banks which have come to the rescue, National Bank or Abu Dhabi and Hilal bank, are already controlled by the government of Abu Dhabi. This emirate, just like Dubai part of the United arab Emirates, has already financially supported before its neighbouring country.


Translated Link HERE

Dubai property prices 'fall 41%'


  1. Everybody Print Bubble EconomyNovember 25, 2009 at 3:13 PM

    Dubai is a classic bubble economy, so this isn't surprising at all.

  2. Most people probably overlooked it but Dubai asked the Rothschilds to step in and save the situation. When Iran called the oil producing nations to abandon the US dollar, the Arabs said “NO”. The only nation that supported the idea was Venezuela. Hm? Here is another thing. Why did the Arabs ask the Jew to help? Both are Semites, may be that’s why? Any fresh ideas out there?

  3. Everybody Print MoneyNovember 25, 2009 at 4:39 PM

    The thing Doobai should do
    Is be like me and fantasize about
    printing money in my moms basement

  4. 1:39 I think the board is sick and tired of your stupid statements about printing money..anything else NEW in that noggin?

  5. Everybody Print Bearer BondsNovember 25, 2009 at 5:26 PM

    Be like me and print bearer bonds
    I've been doing it for years my basement, and its easier to do than printing money, less security features

  6. Nakheel needs to pick up the phone and call Obama up and ask for some money. It's that simple....

  7. stupid sheep don't recognize bearer bonds but they eagerly accept my money printed at my basement.

  8. 1.43, actually we are all yearning for the NEW world minus the Useless Sheep of America (USA) who are thankfully dying or already dead. The world needs to first purge the Useless Sheep of America from existence.

  9. Agree, agree 100%, without USA, the world is a much peaceful place to live in. USA the Useless Sheep of Armageddon must be entirely wiped off from Earth.

    God Blast America!

  10. Sounds like the amadinajad supporters are slithering in.

  11. Well, then whoz gonna buy the all the oil tht gulf countries produce dear... u ppl r too dependent on this so called Useless Sheep ppl!!

  12. Well I guess the recession is still not over yet. I think more problem will start to surface

  13. shame on you will pass the crise and get up more strong....


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