
Friday, November 27, 2009

The Economic Crisis and What Must be Done

The United States does not control its own destiny. Rather it is controlled by an international financial elite, of which the American branch works out of big New York banks like J.P. Morgan Chase, Wall Street investment firms such as Goldman Sachs, and the Federal Reserve System. They in turn control the White House, Congress, the military, the mass media, the intelligence agencies, both political parties, the universities, etc. No one can rise to the top in any of these institutions without the elite’s stamp of approval.

This elite has been around since the nation began, becoming increasingly dominant as the 19thcentury progressed. A key date was passage of the National Banking Act of 1863, when the system was put into place whereby federal government debt was used to collateralize bank lending. Since then we’ve paid the freight through our taxes for bank control of the economy. The final nails in the coffin came with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

In 1929 the bankers plunged the nation into the Great Depression by constricting the money supply. With Franklin D. Roosevelt as president, the nation struggled through the decade of the 1930s but did not pull out of the Depression until the industrial explosion during World War II.

After the war came the Golden Age of the U.S. economy, when the working man, protected by strong labor unions, became a true partner in the prosperity of the industrial age. That era lasted a full generation. The bankers were largely spectators as Americans led the world in exports, standard of living, science and space exploration, and every measure of health, longevity, and culture.

Roosevelt had kept the bankers subservient to the interests of the economy at large. The Federal Reserve was part of the New Deal team, and interest rates were held at historic lows despite a large federal deficit. One main impact was the huge increase in home ownership. After World War II, the G.I. Bill allowed home ownership to grow further and millions of veterans to attend college. The influx of educated graduates led to productivity growth and the emergence of new high-tech industries.


  1. An excellent article, I recommend reading the entire article before commenting.

  2. Agree but not with the solution which looks good on paper but I wonder if such a solution would really work. A better way is to vote for Ron Paul as the next President on an independent party ticket.

    Good luck America!

  3. Great article. As for Ron Paul, I respect the man, but it is impossible for someone who stands up to the PTB to be elected. They own all the media; Congress is a banker institution, no chance.

    If by some freak occurrance someone like Ron Paul were to be elected, he would be 'JFK'd' or he would be eliminated via a CIA favorite - sudden death from cancer.

    Most of the profits the banksters make are from war. A Ron Paul would not be a profit maker for them.

    We are truly living in a Matrix of lies in which 3% or so of the sheeple have awakened to some basic truths. That is not enough to bring the Matrix down or do any considerable damage.

    At this point in time the war has been effectively lost. It is time to do what you can for yourself and your family and not be overly concerned about world events.

    The game has been rigged. The ignorant far outnumber the enlightened. Time to acknowledge that the fake freedoms we have known are drawing to a close and do what it takes to survive on a one on one basis.

  4. voting is useless at this point in our history; third parties are of no effect and have been for decades as no results are ever seen. Get ready for another civil war which will be far worse than l860!
    All hope is gone for America and freedon...not enough patriots now to matter. In last ten years many I know have died or living in nursing homes. The rest I know are bracing themselves, hoping enough patriots in the military and law enforecement will take this country back. Laura


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