
Thursday, November 26, 2009

Faber: War Against an Imaginary Enemy and a Big Financial Bust

Faber (Article Here): There will be another war and it will be against an imaginary enemy
Mish: I certainly agree the next war will be against an imaginary enemy. Nearly every war is against an imaginary enemy and/or of no vital interest of the US. WWI, Korea, Vietnam, and Gulf War II were all needless. WWII was a direct result of WWI. The "War on Terror" is preposterous. Terror is a method. Waging a war on a method against an enemy that has no real country is bound to fail and waste a lot of money in failure. As for where next, given Obama's sabre rattling against Pakistan, that is one place to keep an eye on. Iran is another.

Faber: The S&P 500 and the Dow Jones will go down relative to gold.
Mish: I concur. The question is in what way. The key word in the above sentence is "relative". Gold can easily stay flat, rise, or drop while the bottom falls out of the S&P.

Faber: Eventually there will be a big bust and then the whole credit expansion will come to an end. Before that happens, governments will continue printing money which in time will lead to a very high inflation rate, and the economy will not respond to stimulus.
Mish: The economy is not responding to stimulus right now, at least in any meaningful way. 100% of the GDP growth was directly related to government stimulus. The idea that government spending can start a genuine economic recovery is ridiculous. Nonetheless, government spending can start an artificial boom. The housing bubble is an example of an artificial boom. However, for a boom to start, individuals and businesses have to be willing to go along. That is the way it works in a credit based economy. Right now personal credit is contracting, credit card lending is falling, and businesses simply do not want to expand in the face of tax increases and high unemployment. Unless and until the Fed reignites another credit boom, high inflation is unlikely. The fear now should be more of what Congress does than what the Fed does. Yet it seems Congress is getting a bit leery over these huge deficits. Congress will spend of course, but will it be enough to matter much? I doubt it, at least until we have more purging of consumer and corporate debt via bankruptcy.

Faber: US government will increase its stimulus spending should the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index fall toward 900.
Mish: Agreed but it will not help for reasons stated above.

Faber: The S&P will not drop below 800 or 900, and eventually will go higher in nominal terms, but not necessary in real terms. A correction is coming in the near term.
Mish: I doubt the bottom is in, but it could be. If it is in, then I expect a retest closer to 700 than 900. It is conceivable the S&P drops to 500, which by the way I think is fair value. Japan had two lost decades and I expect the US will have them as well.

Faber: The capitalistic system 'as we know it today' will collapse.


  1. Everybody Print MoneyNovember 26, 2009 at 1:59 AM

    crash baby crash
    smart print cash
    sheep eat trash

  2. Please go away. What do you have against this blog? Having non-approved posting is nice but now I guess you have to ruin that again?

    No one cares about your babblings. At least say something above a 3rd grade reader level. The internet is full of teen chat rooms. Please head over to one of those.

    I mean really my friend, get a life.

  3. Faber is one of the best to follow because he sets aside emotion and sees things the way they are - bad.

  4. The next war will be against an imaginary enemy?

    Perhaps. But most likely a friendly country like Iran will be framed for an event and made into an enemy via lies, propaganda, and/or another 9/11-type false flag.

    Here we are. An Empire that has butchered millions and the only way to continue crusading for the bankster's profits are more lies.

    My guess is the most important thing on the Rothschild's agenda at this point is stirring up trouble in Pakistan, and installing their central banking in Iran and Venezula.

    It is the truth movement and the internet that should be applauded for delaying the murder of millions of Iranians. The elite had to take a couple steps back after botching 9/11. (F97 never made it to Bldg 7, opening up a can of obvious BS).

  5. Just a few questions EA:

    What happened to the derivatives collapse?
    what happened to the commercial real estate collapse?
    What happened to the stock market collapse?
    What happened to martial law?
    where is hyper inflation?
    Are you still hiding in a cave with your millennium bug friends?

  6. Only an idiot would be in the stock market now, except for dividend paying utility co.'s for income ..401k's and IRA's should be in a gov securities acct, or ira savings in a credit union if employer doesn't match it. If the market tanks, you'll still be getting interest. Laura

  7. Terror is an EMOTION. Waging a war on an emotion is foolish. How do you kill the enemy within your own head? This whole "War On Terror" is a rather peculiar application of the Rothchild Formula, which describes the bankster method of using war to generate interest profits by lending money to BOTH SIDES. As long as the emotion of TERROR can be generated in the mind, the people must borrow money to fight the mystical enemy within.

  8. For the distactors on this site (GET A LIFE):
    I really hope you are buying stock in the stock market.
    I really hope you are saving money in your savings account at the bank.
    I really hope you are NOT storing any food.
    I really hope you are NOT buying gold and silver.
    AND I REALLY REALLY hope you are NOT buying guns and ammo.

  9. The Rothschild’s need a war in Iran and it is multifold.

    First, as mentioned Iran is one of a few hold outs from their control. However, this view is only one piece of the puzzle.

    For example, the Illuminati does NOT want Russia/China to be the next super power. That being said with a war in Iran they get two for the price of one.

    On one hand they get to crush Iran and on the other hand they get to drag in Russia/China into the war because they back Iran.

    Essentially Iran will get crushed and China/Russia will get a bad enough black eye where they will be effectively halted in their march towards super power status.

    Of course what I am talking about is the Illuminati's planned WWIII. In this case it will be nuclear and billions of lives will be lost.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. Happy Empire TG to you too 10:06!!

    As for 8:02's comments, yes the deluded will pay a high price for their ignorance. Have no pity for them after the fact. They made their bed.

  11. Illuminati Illuminati Illuminati, bla bla bla...

    That hobbyist internet crap is for people who don't fully understand the world around them. They are too busy getting caught up with the latest fringe gossip. Yes, they are by and large gossip hounds of fringe news-seeking.

    There is always a reason for war, but it usually doesn't have anything to do with the common person except as collateral damage. It can be boiled down to a chess match, and there are more players than one secret little cabal who lay in coffins and admit private stories about themselves and visit elitist retreats, among other things. They have no reason to control us because we are all willing participants in this con-game of a society.

  12. From Proverbs 28: "The wicked man flees though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion."

  13. What the hell does that mean?

  14. I have about $5,000 cash. Everything else has been converted to gold and silver.

    I have enough food stored to keep my family alive for 90 days. I need more and am working on it.

    I have 6,000+ rounds of ammo.

    Looks to me that Iran would be a good choice for our next imaginary enemy. We wont have to move our tanks and canons very far. Obama has buddy-uped with India, so perhaps a False Flag attack on India, from Pakistan is next.

  15. Useless Sheep of America (USA)November 27, 2009 at 12:40 AM

    people buy gold to fill up their houses only to 'suddenly' realize they can't eat gold wakaka

  16. I have enough ammo to fill up the state of Alaska. I need to go shoot some duck and quail just to get into the front door of my house right now. Shit, if anything happens and there is a fire me and my whole neighborhood is instantly toast.

  17. 9:40:

    I can't eat gold, but at nearly $300.00 per gram, it will sure buy several big bags of flour or beans, rice, wheat, cornmeal...

    I'll bet when the SHTF, and you are selling this stuff, your preference will be gold and silver, not worthless dollars.

    A random sampling of Craig's List R&R, tells me that most people are completely clueless and not prepaired to survive. These are the people you may have defend your castle against.

  18. Shut yourself in and may you never again see light. Embrace life and may you shine like a sparkling diamond.


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