
Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Inevitable Collapse of the "Healthcare" System

Declaring the collapse of the U.S. "healthcare" system to be inevitable is akin to declaring the insolvency of the Federal government to be inevitable: unthinkable. Yet both statements are equally true.

The financial impossibility of increasing "healthcare" costs at 6-7% per year in an economy which grows at best 2% (assuming the GDP numbers have any accuracy at all, which is doubtful) is clear; at some point in the near future, the entire GDP of the nation would have to be devoted to "healthcare."

But the system is completely unstable on non-financial levels as well. The entire "employer pays the costs" model is hopelessly divergent from the realities of global wage/benefit arbitrage--the more costs you dump on employers, the more jobs they cut or move offshore-- and the "sickcare for profit" model is intrinsically at odds with the goal of wellness (wellness is unprofitable, managing chronic illness is highly profitable).

Lastly, both the insured and those receiving free Medicaid are totally detached from the cost of their care, and thus from responsibility and choice--the two key features of an adult understanding and response to complex issues.


  1. Yes, but at least White Women are still abundant in America.and not in China.

  2. The American medical system is what you get when you mix the preposterous with the stupid.

  3. Don't forget the completely fraudulent corrupt FDA.

    A heart med kills 60k people and stays on the shelves. Hydroxycut kills one person who is an idiot and eats them like candy and the product is yanked. Why? Hydroxycut is not a bribing big pharm.

    Not to mention the FDA helps the pharms pimp poisonous anti depressants to the sheeple. FDA also prosecutes people who sell or promote natural cancer cures. Why? To protect you? No! Because they work. Pharms can't let you have that option. Let the chemo and bloodletting begin. Profits must be made.

  4. Just how angry would the sheeple be if they ever knew that cancer was cured in the 50s and the cure was suppressed? Anyone that dies of cancer or has to suffer through chemo does so out of ignorance and authority worship.

    Watch G. Edward Griffin's video World Without Cancer.


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