
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Krugman: We will Never See Full Employment..Ever

Krugman, the key measure of economic health is the size of the output gap--which is a measure of the difference between what the economy would be producing if it kept growing at its historical pace and the actual growth (or decline) in the economy. (Incidentally, how come nobody ever talks out an inverse output gap during booms?) Krugman says that at these growth levels we're not really doing anything to close the output gap.

Krugman writes:

When the 3.5% advance number came out, I took to warning people that even if the economy continued to grow at that rate, we wouldn’t see anything like full employment until late in Sarah Palin’s second term. Given the latest number, the date at which we can expect to see a return to full employment is … never.

Actually, the situation may be even grimmer. The odds are good that growth will slow next year as the inventory bounce fades and the stimulus turns from pushing to dragging the economy. Still zombified banks may continue to trap capital and at least some of the business investment from the past year will turn out to be zero-interest rate driven malinvestment.

Hope for a Strong Economic Rebound is Fading


  1. Everybody Print MoneyNovember 25, 2009 at 12:41 AM

    I'm always fully employed 'cause I print money ;)
    Only stupid sheep work for money.

  2. Funny to watch real news on RT where you will rarely see anything like this on US TV.

    Russias were once our closest friends before the Rothschilds made good on their promise to kill off the Czars family and install their new government open to a central bank, the USSR. A entire culture put in place to support a bank.

    The Czar of Russia and our President, Abraham Lincoln, both knew their real enemies were - the Rothschild banksters.

  3. i like the other template better

  4. agreed: other template better

  5. America is the greatest country ever to help millions and set them free. Now wall street has taken us hostage and it is time to kill the banksters off in hopes of a new found freedom. Happy Thankgiving... My family was not part of the slaughter of the indians they did not come here until the 1900s. Something tells me the person who wrote about thankgiving is a european jealous he is not part of our wonderful culture. America is #1 and always will be. Once we get rid of this muslim in office trying to destroy America. We will be back in power and rule the world once again. We have helped more people than any other nation in history..... AMERICA IS #1.... JEALOUSY GETS YOU NO WHERE!!!!

  6. There was no "slaughter" of indians. There were skirmishes between colonists and indians that went back and forth for about 300 years. Europeans came out on top and that's why there is an advanced civilization on the American continent. Healthy people conquer. Weak people bow and scrape and apologize. Go commit suicide already if you hate your ancestors and glorious heritage so.


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