
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Like the 1930's: *****USDA Declares Half Of Midwest As Agricultural Disaster Area*****

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has designated Cheyenne, Rice and Sherman counties in Kansas as primary natural disaster areas because of losses caused by high winds and hail that occurred from July 17, through September 3, 2009.

"President Obama and I understand these conditions caused severe damage to the area and serious harm to farms in Kansas and we want to help," said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. "This action will provide help to hundreds of farmers who suffered significant production losses to corn, dry beans, sorghum, soybeans, sunflowers and wheat, as well as grasses and forage."

Prepare for the Great Depression.
Survival Seeds


  1. Point in fact.

    If the breadbasket(US) goes dry...the world starves!

    Hard to move a massive Chinese army on an empty belly...History has proved that.

  2. This particular story doesn't have much impact on everything else discussed here.

  3. Not yet!

    Soon it will affect the whole world like a violent tsunami

  4. Let us rumble forth and eat the chinese.
    Let us turn china into a vast wasteland of impaled rotting corpses under the lush azure evening skies, sun shining sweetly in yellowish return to the golden days of glory!

    Cannabalism for Christ!

  5. 12:00.....never heard that before.

    I highly doubt Jesus would approve

  6. 10:25 it coincides perfectly with the 1929 Crash then the dust bowl of the 30's. Its called a DEPRESSION. Everything repeats itself and is articled perfectly HERE

  7. @ 12:45

    Yep! They are going to call it, Dust Bowl Part Deux: The Next Generation, Sounds like a movie huh ?

    Wait till the rich all over the world discover that all their gold bars and silver bars have tungsten in it. They are not going to be worth a plum nickel...

    That is going to definitely cause some well-to-do's eyes to bulge out all over the world!

    Oh No! Club Memberships will be revoked! :)

  8. I live in Kansas, in fact, in these so-called affected counties. I have seen no evidence, nor heard anything, to support these claims.

  9. I live in north TX, and we had record rain fall in October, the most ever recorded for this area. So.....

    "Where's the Drought?"

  10. @3:06 PM
    Well, may be there is no disaster. May be the powers that be are preparing us for an artificial famine. You all know that the government passed the laws that allow them to take large farms under control. At the UN they called it “food for oil program”, here it is going to be “food for firearms program”. You will surrender you firearms for a piece of bread and then they'll fu$k you in the a$$, as they usually do.
    Those who disagree they'll send to chill out in a FEMA camp. You don't really think they built these camps for boy scouts, do you?

  11. Farmers scramble to finish harvest from Hell!

  12. My family is in the farm and ranching business here in Texas and I can assure you the drought was devastating this summer. Some crops could not even be harvested. Fall rains have helped but to little to late.

  13. My mom is in Michigan and told me that many more counties have fallen under the disaster area due to unseasonable cold affecting crops.

  14. The Chinese are behind it no doubt. After messing with the weather in Beijing now thw world's bread basket.


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