
Monday, November 16, 2009

Millions Will have to Pay Back Obama Tax Credit

More than 15 million taxpayers could unexpectedly owe taxes when they file their federal returns next spring because the government was too generous with their new Making Work Pay tax credit.

Taxpayers are at risk if they have more than one job, are married and both spouses work, or receive Social Security benefits while also earning taxable wages, according to a report Monday by the Treasury Department's inspector general for tax administration.
The tax credit, which is supposed to pay individuals up to $400 and couples up to $800, was President Barack Obama's signature tax break in the massive stimulus package enacted in February.

Most workers started receiving the credit through small increases in their paychecks in April. The tax credit was made available through new withholding tables issued by the Internal Revenue Service.

Prepare for the Great Depression.
Survival Seeds


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  3. This is merely condtioning for when cap and trade kick in, condition the sheeple little by little, so they might bleat and baaa a little bit but not give the masters any real problems.

  4. They give with one hand and take with the other.

  5. Just wait until they take over your IRA's, 401K's and the like.

    We ain't seen noting yet folks


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