
Friday, November 20, 2009


This crime makes Bernie Madoff’s look like an elementary school lunch money stickup. No, I’m not talking about the hundreds of billions in the housing crisis scam cooked up by JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs that left millions homeless and investors suckered the world over, or even the $2.75 trillion oil futures market scam that has siphoned 50% of all our spending on gas and fuel.

These huge scams are just diversions from the ultimate crime.

Trillions of dollars, trillions of our money, of our tax money - the money that comes out of your paycheck every week of your working life, all the thousands upon thousands that have been taken away from you and your family and are supposed to fund our government and keep our society functioning - have been handed over to the economic elite, to the Llyod Blankfeins and Jamie Dimons of the world.

Hank Paulson and his confidant Tim Geitner, the Goldman Sachs wonder twins, have looted the US treasury. There has been an economic coup in the United States!

Trillions of our dollars have vanished! You need to understand this!


  1. Fascinating link. I agree with all it of it except trying to stop the elite at this point.

    They have already won. The American middle class and the country is done. Now is the time to prepare for the collapse on a personal level. Watch out for yourself. Get selfish.

    There is far too much apathy among the sheeple, they will never fight or stand on their own two feet. The enlightened 1% can't fight the battle. The other 99% are too busy arguing about the people and issues spoon fed to them by the elite.

    The article is correct in that the Geitners and Bernankes are looting trillions right under the sheep's noses. We will be left with an empty shell of what was once a powerful nation. We will be one giant Zimbabwe.

    That is done. Too late to stop it. They have already won.

    Now it is time for YOU to wake up. Become less dependent on the system. Evolve and change, or starve to death.

  2. We were outgunned, outsmarted, and played.

    They started their final run at glory 100 years ago and now they are about 10 years from the final finish line. That is when they will control every facet of your children's miserable little lives. They will live their lives under a big heavy steel boot. A herd of minion sheeple who question nothing, ever.

  3. What did you expect from the 1.5 QUADRILLION black hole of derivatives? Enjoy your affirmative action president! Some a-hole at work said we need another hitler and nobody disagreed with him. We're f*cked!

  4. Remember when the Pentagon 'lost' 2.6 trillion dollars and Rumsfield just laughed it off? Then the sheeple were a little PO'd but didn't really raise a stink over it.

    Those sort of things are TESTS. Trial runs to see just how far the banksters can go and what they can get away with over time.

    The American sheeple have spoken. The answer is take all you want Mr Banker we don't care. We will just be your tax slaves forever just don't take away my TV and cell phone.

  5. We don't need a bankster-backed dictator (i.e. Hitler, Augusto Pinochet) or petty despite to "restore" our country to health. Our Only Last Hope for a Free Constitutional Government: The United States Marine Corps.
    When the Marines hand over their watch to the international banksters, the enemy foreign and DOMESTIC, it's all over and no force on Earth can stop it. On the other hand, if the ENEMY WITHIN is detected and targeted by the Marines, no force on Earth can protect these poor F'n banksters. Nothing. Pray for our fighting men in uniform. Support the Troops.

  6. In some ways I need to disagree with the basic premise of this article.

    The real problem is that the 'boom' years under Bush where being facilitated by loans from the banks that are now being funded from the common purse of the taxpayer. In a sense, Americans in general where enjoying spending their future dollars and are now upset that collectively they have a huge bill to pay.

    That's what it is. All the easy money during the Clinton/Bush era must now be repaid.

  7. Sorry 8:17 GOD has absolutely NOTHING to do with an Economic Collapse. You're delusional, it is not one breed of humans but rather a group of collaborated individuals of all races that brought us down. Its called the ILLUMINATI, are they Jewish? Who knows? They probably work for the Pope.

  8. 8:17 - poor tortured 'soul'

  9. I really think this blog is lacking on quality articles sometimes. It is more a compendium of the most alarmist kinds of blog postings and news and is rather watered down being that often the same thing is being said over and over countless times a week.

    I think the basic formula goes: banker elites desotroying America>oh no, run!

    Quality over quantity.

  10. I mean we all know that trillions are missing. So what? This ponzi scheme has been going on for a while. It is hardly breaking news.

  11. 11:15 sorry that you have read all these articles before. Many don't have the time to search for Economic news pertaining to this collapse. I'm glad you have all the info. Perhaps you can send me some unwatered down articles that you have?

  12. Why is everyone so vicious here? Typical communist behavior of divide and conquer.

    And for 11:16, go somewhere else if you find it boring and useless here. That's not vicious, just common sense.

  13. I didn't say I read them all. I said some of them are repetetive and some appear more as "shock value" rather than serious hard hitting news. Other times there are good articles and I read here to try to find them or occasionally discuss the real goings on (beyond the illuminati drivel, which can be entertaining).

    It isn't that hard to use google. I do have other sites that post interesting articles. I'll tell you what, give me junior posting priviliges and I'll share a few!

  14. 11:45/46 perhaps the USAtoday or Newsmax blogs would be more to your liking!

    EA - my family LOVES to learn and we read this blog daily. Great informative articles. Much appreciated. We are prepared now about as well as we could be. A year ago we would have been sitting ducks. All our savings was in CDs etc. Now food, water, silver. Real stuff.

    You are literally a life saver.

  15. Typical communist behavior, what the hell? It's comments like yours that are both humorous and unconducive to serious discussion.

  16. NewsMax, no thanks. That is actually probably more up your alley given the right leanings here.

    I like the featured blog by David Limbaugh listed a the top: "Atheist Quinn Hypocritically Blasphemes Palin's Faith".


  17. For those who cashed in their cd's and bought stuff..retirees can't do that..they need the interest to live on, pensions and SS won't pay all the bills! therefore we are stuck in this rut forever.. This country is completely trashed, politicians are crooks so we quit voting years constituents mean nothing..Get ready for another civil war sooner than you think! Laura Ann

  18. 12:36 you have my email, send me your articles. I most likely read them as I scour the internet for hours. I mainly find articles that pertain to our financial well being. Unless of course you can open your own blog and we can all read it?

  19. Yes, I could. In fact I have one now but I don't really post to it any more. I'll let you know if I find something you will be dying to have, but chances are if I am not posting it to my blog I won't be emailing too many for you to (maybe) indirectly post to yours, but who knows. Thanks for responding.


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