
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Out Of Money: Families Digging The Graves

HOCKINGPORT, Ohio -- Jesse Hayes' family, already overcome by grief after he died in a house fire last month, quickly had to come to grips with another unthinkable reality.

With no money for a funeral, they would have to bury him themselves.

And so the day before Hayes' graveside service Oct. 15, his cousin and a handful of volunteers gathered with their shovels at Stewart Cemetery, a quiet spot in the woods not far from the Ohio River in southern Ohio.

They spent four hours digging with the shovels before finally being forced to bring in a backhoe when they hit rock about 3 feet down.

After a brief graveside service the next day, the family went to the nearby Lions Club for a meal provided by friends while the volunteers returned to cover the casket with dirt, finishing the grim task.
She said a friend from nearby Meigs County had no money when her teenage son drowned a few years ago. After a church service, the mother, who was widowed, her daughters and their boyfriends loaded the inexpensive casket onto the back of a truck and drove to a cemetery two counties away. The teen would be buried in his mother's plot, next to his father.

They dug for hours, hit rock and had to return with a rented jackhammer.

"They finally got the casket down in there and start filling it with these big rocks. There was this big crack and (the mother) started screaming," Roberts said.

"The casket had caved in."

FAMILIES DEVASTATED By Budget Cuts and Raising Taxes
COOLVILLE, Ohio -- "Here's home," Lori Hopkins said, gesturing toward a dilapidated camper parked along a gravel road in the hills of southeastern Ohio.
"And here's where we do our business," she deadpanned, turning to the surrounding woods.



  1. Useless Sheep of America (USA)November 24, 2009 at 12:16 PM

    yay, finally usa digs its own grave
    and the world dances in sheer grace

  2. I bet the vaccine works good for what it was intended for but that's not preventing H1N1 disease.

  3. Burial = barbaric ritual anyway. Gross. OK for the family cat but not a human.

  4. @10:38 AM
    Just out of curiosity, what is not barbaric?

  5. Cremation, disposal of a corpse. Putting it in a box to rot is just disgusting and foul. Takes up valuable space and resources. Carry over from early cults that you had to be buried into the underworld to be able to transend into 'heaven.' Just foul.

    Crab or fish food would work also, turn corpses into food for animals. It is only meat.

    The fixation people have over a corpse is one of the foulest of the human rituals.

  6. @9:16 am
    Of course the entire world will be celebrating. What did you expect? Americans willingly or not all participated in the global looting that was going on for decades. Did you dance when the Berlin wall came down? What did you achieve in the Eastern European countries with your “democracy”? Destroyed industries, millions unemployed, millions in debt, governments are cutting on education and medical services. Total destruction. Well, finally your banksters looted the world and came home to loot you, because there is nothing left to loot. Oh, there is - Russia with its resources. That is why American military bases are growing like mushrooms around Russia - in Kosovo, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Now you are targeting Iran. Looting wasn’t enough, now you want WW3. And don’t tell me you have nothing to do with what’s going on. You elected the next puppet in the White House who promised to pull the troops out of Iraq. Did he? Did you go on the streets and protest? No. So, why are you complaining?

  7. Wait 'til the grave diggers union hears about this.

  8. 11:13am....You make idiots sound smart, how about we churn your mum, dad or loved one up for pet food, bet you wouldn't be to happy about that.

  9. It would probably be better for the pets than what they are currently given in dry pet food.

    But there is nothing wrong with putting someone in the ground. The dirt is just as "regenerating/ recycling of resources" as the sea. In fact, our dirt could use a LOT more fertilization. Unfortunately, the caskets and chemicals of today delay the process for some time. Yeah, who really wants to be preserved in a box next to the worms? The body is just a garment that eventually gets old and wears out.

  10. 11:21, the reason we are complaining is that gas prices have gotten uncomfortably high in the last few years. Now we aren't getting those loans quite so easily any more on those expensive houses we never could have afforded anyway, our credit card rates are going up, and the malls are starting to go out of business. What is Betty supposed to do in between dropping off the wonder twins for soccer practice and getting her facial and pedicure? she had to sell her back-up suburban for christ-sake, and little Donny had to be pulled out of tae kwon do class because he couldn't juggle martial arts, football, piano lessons, wake-boarding, and church all on sunday, which is neither here nor there, but I think sponge-bob square pants must have had a lot to do with it too.

  11. Funerals are a money rip off; cheaper caskets, no visitation, graveside services or memorial services in their church saves money; I know from experience with family members. Laura

  12. True nuff. You are going to have to spend at least 10 grand, and that is no a cheap funeral. And dont expect insurance to always take care of it.

  13. actually anon 11.21am is complaining.
    we can all smell his fear, wakaka.

  14. Everybody Print MoneyNovember 25, 2009 at 12:32 AM

    Out of money?
    Who is out of money?
    I print money and sell it at 20% off.
    Business is booming like crazy.

  15. 9:28 you may smell fear but I sense true ignorance at the front of the gates where the flood is coming and you may be among the first to be washed away.

  16. I live in the Vatican and we have no need to print money we deal in gold and keep knives stuffed up our robes. what the hell you think about that sh*t, f*cktards?


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