Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Pending Collapse Of The U.S.A.

By Timothy V. Gatto

November 20, 2009 "Information Clearing House" -- The truth that most people realize but can’t openly talk about is that America has seen better days and that the system of capitalism has long outlived its usefulness. The last part of that sentence, that capitalism has outlived its usefulness, is thoroughly the fault of the capitalists themselves.

For many years now, transnational corporations have sent much of America’s manufacturing overseas in order to take advantage of low cost workers. About the only manufacturing this country does on a large scale is earth moving equipment (Caterpillar) and military equipment. Boeing, Northrop-Grumman, Raytheon, General Electric and firms like that are the major remnants of a once thriving industrial base that made America. Detroit is still trying to hang in there, but shortfalls in sales have left it up to the workers in these plants to take it on the chin as their pay and benefits get cut.

The Dow is trying to make a comeback but the way I see it, much of the rise of “blue-chip” stocks is really more wishful thinking than serious thought. The stocks being sold on the backs of some of these companies are being bought on speculation that the market will go higher based on the rise of the GDP. The question that I would like to ask, is how far can the GDP go when 70% of the GDP is based on consumer spending? Where is consumer spending going to come from when realistically over 16% of the people in America aren’t working?

In an essay, written by Richard Heinberg entitled “Should We Prop-up a Dying Economy” (19 October 2009), he argues that the economists and the people who follow physical science disagree sharply about where this economy is going. Peak Oil, whether it is present now or just years away, will mean that the economy will contract. The economists state that growth can happen in any environment, yet it is apparent that when oil prices spiked in 2008, the auto industry and the airline industry almost went belly-up. Shrinkage of energy means shrinkage in the economy, we have all been under the notion that we can borrow against a growing economy. The facts are that if the economy does not grow, there will be very little in the growth of capital to repay debts that are leveraged at an average of an average of 350% of debt to GDP ratio. Where will new capital come from?

Bilderberg Member is New EU President


  1. Everybody Print MoneyNovember 21, 2009 at 2:53 AM

    good one, united sheep.

    what collapse?
    what economy?
    i have printed money since a kid.
    only stupid sheep work.

  2. Everybody Print TroubleNovember 21, 2009 at 4:21 AM

    The economy will not grow, because we don't manufacture things in the US anymore. We can't pay our debts and we are in serious, serious trouble.

  3. 1:21 is correct. I have seen this giant sucking sound of mfg. leaving the U.S. for 30 plus years. I never dreamt it would come to this then. The younger generation will spit on the graves of their elders; and at 64, I resent my elders for letting it get this far; each generation gets more self centered and now the country is too far trashed to matter. Civil war is comming. Laura Ann

  4. I was in a Wal-Mart yesterday. I happened to pass through the sporting goods department and just as I expected, the ammo case was nearly empty... a couple boxes of 223's and shotgun shells, but no 12 gage.

    Remember the LA Riots of 92? Those with firearms stood in front of their stores, or on the rooftops. Their properties were not burned or looted while the unarmed merchants watched their stores burn.

  5. The only thing that will be left is Wal-Mart. Of course with all this money creation and debt outstanding to China you will still have the look and feel of Wal-Mart with the prices of Saks 5th Ave.

    In that case I say steal what you need. With prison overcrowding your not going to get locked up.

    Of course I am only suggesting theft until Camp Fema opens up then they will have PLENTY of room for everybody.

    Until then it's 5 finger discount days!

  6. There are plenty of gubbimint subsidized housing around this area. Lots of free help from Churches, DHS, and good citizens who have compassion. Not too many jobs--but the gubbimint handouts are in plenty.

    HINT: (DUHHHH) Save up enough to get the hell out of New York City, or any other fleshpot like it. Breathe clean air. You might find you like it a lot.

  7. I don't know how this one slipped through but this pap is not worthy of all the other good information you post on this site.

    The article was worthless.

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