
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Police Take From Innocent to Pay Budget

Police property seizures ensnare even the innocent
Money raised by Metro Detroit agencies increases 50% in five years
George Hunter and Doug Guthrie / The Detroit News
Local law enforcement agencies are raising millions of dollars by seizing private property suspected in crimes, but often without charges being filed -- and sometimes even when authorities admit no offense was committed.
The money raised by confiscating goods in Metro Detroit soared more than 50 percent to at least $20.62 million from 2003 to 2007, according to a Detroit News analysis of records from 58 law enforcement agencies. In some communities, amounts raised went from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands -- and, in one case, into the millions.
"It's like legalized stealing," said Jacque Sutton, a 21-year-old college student from Mount Clemens whose 1989 Mustang was seized by Detroit police raiding a party. Charges against him and more than 100 others were dropped, but he still paid more than $1,000 to get the car back.

"According to the law, I did nothing wrong -- but they're allowed to take my property anyway. It doesn't make sense."

Prepare for the Great Depression.
Survival Seeds


  1. This is what I wrote for some other ocation. But it applys directly to the story.
    "But if one thinks just for a couple of seconds it becomes clear that any government is a magnet for crooks. There is a constant, unlimited supply of funds poring in (in the form of taxation) and limitless possibilities for diverting a part of this stream into private pockets. It is a perfect scenario for a crime to happen. Yeah, yeah, there are honest people in the government, but they die, retire, get re-elected, etc. and their positions are taken by crooks in nice skirts and suites. Then, from a couple of disorganized crooks the government becomes an organized crime syndicate and begin to RUN their business just like one. You are not paying extortion fees (they found a more acceptable term for it - income tax) what do they do to you? Put you in jail. You threaten to resist - they confiscate your firearms. You bring things across the border that belong to you – they collect duties. Over there in Afghanistan they call it daylight robbery. Here they call it duties". Since the police serve the elite and oligarchs and both are united in a crime syndicate, the police become an extension of their criminal power, and this incident clearly proves it.

  2. Welcome to the "POLICE STATE" in the US. This has been going on for years now in this country. Of course, if you are a dumbed down idiot addicted to your TV, you would not know anything about our Police State, in fact, you probably fully support it. Just keep watching TV, you know, all the Cop shows that tell you how good it is to have a Police State. How good it is to take our rights away. Yes, those are the shows you love.

    Meanwhile, those of us living in reality are fully aware of these police state tactics. Look up "Civil Asset Forfeiture Laws enable Police to confiscate your home, Bank accounts without trial", or read the book "They own it all including you" and see how the government can take whatever it wants whenever it wants, guilty until proven innocent. Oh, and by the way, if you are ever investigated, and the Police or Feds confiscate say, your computer, or your TV or your coin collection for evidence and they find nothing or do not press any charges, you will NEVER get any of the supposed evidence back, NEVER. That’s Freedom!

    You can also check out YouTube for Cops tasering innocent citizens. See Cops tasering a guy in a wheel chair, or a pregnant woman. It’s great living in a Police State, isn’t it?

    Welcome to FREEDOM!

  3. How long will we allow this theivery by our govenment to contiune? In California the govt. just decided to confiscate another 10% of our paycheck. But we'll get it back in April...yeah, right! Bad things are brewing in this country. Be ready for tax revolts to meet the police state head on. I've already picked my side...

  4. This makes me laugh in a way...

    Cities and States are fighting contraction, but their contraction is inevitable because if the people don't have jobs, then the local and state govts and services will have to contract...

    Simple math really. Its not rocket science.

    They can fight the bear all they want and even steal from the people but this bear has giant claws that is going to tear into them sooner or later.

    The next series of shoes to fall will be maritime shipping, commercial real estate, and "mass state and local layoffs.."

    On the plus side police depts will be limited in the orwellian crap that they can pull because that takes money and lots of it.

    So I am afraid it is going to be just a little bit of fascism.


  5. They tuk arrr jabs!!!

  6. Anon @ 10:48

    quote: - "Henry Kissinger will be made into hot dogs."

    That is going to be fun to watch... :)

  7. The government exists to steal from the common man. Anarchy (no government) is the absence of said organized theft and coercion. Don't confuse it with fascism, the polar opposite.

  8. The Empire of the City is a video currently on the Google Video homepage and explains what 1:17 said it detail. Additionally it makes it clear that the USA really isn't a country but a corporation directed by its owners the London bankers. We are all debt slaves to the corporation.

    We won the war of independence but the crown never gave up its true ownership of us.

  9. all they care about is funding their mighty pensions..

    our governments are out of control..


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