
Monday, November 9, 2009

Ron Paul: Health Bill Will Destroy The Dollar

Monday, November 9, 2009
If the Obama administration keeps its promise in guaranteeing not to raise taxes to pay for universal health care, the only way to cover the costs will be for the Federal Reserve to print even more money out of thin air, a process that will kill the dollar and lead to lower living standards for all Americans, warns Congressman Ron Paul.
In his weekly Texas Straight Talk telephone update, Dr. Paul said that Saturday night’s passage of the health care bill in Congress will lead to a further devastation of the American economy and the greenback.
The Congressman highlights the fact that the health care reform package is already twice as expensive as originally forecast and that estimates of past health care spending programs have been off by as much as 100 per cent, “So there is no telling what the actual cost will be,” states Paul, adding that government intervention has always been expensive and historically has routinely led to waste, fraud and abuse.


  1. Poor Ron Paul. He has been schooling people since before 99% of us here knew shit.

    His reward is obscurity. His valiant efforts should nevertheless be applauded. He is a true patriot.

  2. We need the side by side comparison of medical procedure costs in India next to the same costs in the United States. We already have telephone lines in place for the Internet. All xrays, MRIs, CAT scans, PET scans could be shipped to India for reading, shipped back, for pennies on the dollar. With Davinci Surgical Systems and Intuitive Surgical Systems, surgeons in India could perform, with an MD standing by in the US.
    Once Pandora's box of globalization is opened, nothing goes back in the same way.

  3. Just look at the folks that voted and will keep voting Mr. congressman R.P. into office.


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